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内燃机连杆设计计算的若干理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对多种连杆大量计算的基础上,总结了连杆设计的经验,指出连杆大端对称于中心线的两侧刚度分布均匀,是保证其应力分布均匀的前提,是连杆合理设计的一个重要原则.文中提出,为了保证精度,连杆计算应采用多体接触模型,并对影响计算精度的各种因素做了分析。讨论了螺栓位置和预紧力应如何选取以及齿形制造误差对强度的影响。  相似文献   
全面推进农村经济的发展,首先要切实加强对农村公路发展工作的管理,促使公路建设管理水平再上新台阶。  相似文献   
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段主要工程地质问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段穿越藏东横断山区和藏东南高山峡谷,走行于印度板块与欧亚板块挤压形成的南迦巴瓦东构造结附近,地形环境极其艰险、地质构造极其活跃、不良地质极其发育。分析拟建铁路沿线的工程地质环境特征,提出了影响铁路建设的主要工程地质问题。研究表明:拟建铁路具有"九极"工程地质环境特征,极为复杂的宏观地质环境孕育了岩爆和软岩大变形、高地温、深大活动断裂带、高位滑坡崩塌、泥石流、溜砂坡(岩屑坡)、雪崩、冰害、生长期高陡卸荷岸坡、放射性、有害气体等工程地质问题,针对不同的工程地质问题,因地制宜地提出防治措施。针对上述工程地质问题,在拟建铁路的勘察设计过程中,本着以科学研究为先导原则,探索复杂艰险山区勘察方法手段的革新,利用新技术、新方法、新设备,研究重大地质灾害和问题的评估技术。  相似文献   
以杭甬客运专线CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道水泥乳化沥青砂浆施工实践经验为基础,着重分析了水泥乳化沥青砂浆施工过程中出现的质量通病,并结合现场工程应用情况,从施工质量控制的角度合理提出了相关预防措施,为我国无砟轨道水泥乳化沥青砂浆的施工质量控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
根据西部黄土高原区生态环境特征和西部交通建设的特点,提出公路交通建设中面临的主要生态问题,重点对西部交通建设中主要的生态环境问题进行了分析,在此基础上,建议在公路工程建设中应采取的生态环境保护措施。  相似文献   
大广高速公路河北段路线长,地质条件十分复杂,在工程前期设计中通过对路线的优化,很好地解决了地基处理问题和环境保护问题,值得同行借鉴。  相似文献   
With the transfer of rural population to cities, the municipal engineering construction is becoming more and more rapid, in which the investment in the urban roads convenient for citizens to travel and transport is increasing year by year. With the increasing frequency of the use of municipal roads, the signings and markings playing the role of warning and indication expose some problems that need to be solved urgently, which seriously affect the function and comfort of municipal roads. Based on a detailed analysis of the existing problems and impacts of the signings and markings of municipal road engineering in China, the targeted improvement measures are proposed to ensure the perfection of the functions of signings and markings and improve the efficiency of vehicle traffic, which escort the safety, convenience and comfort of municipal road engineering.  相似文献   
When assessing the statistical variability of fatigue loads acting throughout the life of a vehicle, the question of the variability of road roughness naturally arises, as both quantities are strongly related. For car manufacturers, gathering information on the environment in which vehicles evolve is a long and costly but necessary process to adapt their products to durability requirements. In the present paper, a data processing algorithm is proposed in order to estimate the road profiles covered by a given vehicle, from the dynamic responses measured on this vehicle. The algorithm based on Kalman filtering theory aims at solving a so-called inverse problem, in a stochastic framework. It is validated using experimental data obtained from simulations and real measurements. The proposed method is subsequently applied to extract valuable statistical information on road roughness from an existing load characterisation campaign carried out by Renault within one of its markets.  相似文献   
通过调研发现:当前高职生顶岗实习存在实习协议难以全面签订、部分学生频繁流动、教学目标偏离异化、轮岗实习较难实现、学校实习管理不够精细、学生权益保障不力等问题。为了解决这些问题,同时提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   
在日常船舶安全检查中,发现应急训练与演习存在一些问题,这些问题影响了船员应急反应能力的提升,带来了船舶安全隐患。根据国内航行货船应急训练与演习的要求,提出改进建议,旨在提高船员对应急训练与演习的认识,加强日常训练与演习,不断提升应急反应能力,以保障船舶和船员生命安全。  相似文献   
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