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The need for improved public transport (PT) ticketing in ever-growing deregulated PT markets has made well-designed integrated ticketing systems a priority area of intervention for PT service providers around the world. Yet, very little practical evidence of its impacts are reported in Sweden and in the world at large. The focus of this study was the impacts of the Movingo integrated ticketing scheme in terms of PT patronage, user satisfaction and the perceived quality of the ticketing set-up. Three travel surveys were conducted along the Stockholm-Uppsala route. Methods including logistic regression and correlated t-tests were used to analyse the samples. The findings suggest that the scheme made rail commuting more attractive resulting in an overall increase of about 24% in ticket sales with 3% – 15% car commuters reporting that they patronised PT services after the project. The scheme also resulted in increased rail commuter satisfaction. The overall perceived quality of the ticketing set-up did not however improve due to interoperability challenges. Service providers’ uncertainty about equitable distribution of revenue among the participating service providers, interoperability challenges and the lack of interest among most of the participating service providers to sell Movingo tickets are some issues to be addressed.  相似文献   
针对铁路规划项目功能定位定性分析为主的客观性不足问题,以宝鸡至汉中铁路为研究对象,选取节点间旅客交流时间或节点间运输距离为权重,运用Space L构造法建立区域铁路客、货运输网络拓扑结构模型;采用复杂网络分析方法,基于"有无对比"思想及等级化线路技术标准,结合应用Pajek软件与R软件,测算区域铁路运输网络直径、平均距离、边介数、网络效率等加权特征参数,以及非加权特征参数集聚系数进行网络测度分析,并进行网络最小生成树分析;以网络分析结果为基础,从路网、通道、客运、货运四个方面对铁路规划项目功能进行定量化综合定位,宝汉铁路为宁陕及陇东地区与川渝地区间南北纵向新通道的骨架干线,是一条以货为主、客货共线的区域路网干线铁路。  相似文献   
民航运输是云南省在进行综合交通运输建设的重点之一,也是该省在未来"十四五"(2021-2025年)和"十五五"(2026-2030年)规划期间的研究热点。本文以云南省为研究范围,以省内民航客运为研究对象,选取省内主要的社会经济因素为影响因子,运用主成分分析法(PCA)、反向传播神经网络算法(BP神经网络算法)和回归分析法,构建了省内民航客运的预测模型,得出省内各主要机场在"十四五"末和"十五五"末的预计旅客吞吐量,对省政府在进行机场改扩建上有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
为有效解决深水半潜式支持平台靠泊海洋生产平台过程中存在的碰撞问题,从碰撞事故发生原因入手,借鉴挪威船级社(Det Norske Veritas,DNV)DNV-RP-107规范中的船与海洋平台碰撞概率模型和美国公路与运输协会(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,AASHTO)《美国公路桥梁防船撞设计指南》中的船桥碰撞概率模型,将支持平台发生向前的过分偏移引起的碰撞场景分为漂移碰撞和动力碰撞2种,建立事件树,得到支持平台靠泊海洋生产平台碰撞概率模型。在此基础上,估算支持平台靠泊碰撞海洋生产平台的概率,由此评估碰撞风险,为半潜式支持平台靠泊碰撞海洋生产平台场景下的相关规范制定提供参考。  相似文献   
研究目的:通过分析西南路网现状和存在问题,对四川出川通道进行规划展望,提出四川南向通道建设的必要性和迫切性,进一步探讨建设川南通道的方案和通道引入相关枢纽及地区的改扩建方案。 研究方法:采用系统工程方法,从西南片区铁路路网的特点分析,逐一分析出川通道的规划和发展;采用技术经济比较法对南向通道方案进行比较论证。 研究结果:在西南片区形成沟通广东广西地区的一条新路网,有利于西南路网布局及发展;带动相关地区社会经济发展;为相关枢纽总图布置特别是成都枢纽客运站布局提供合理的发展前景。 研究结论:四川南向通道宜采用沿成昆通道至峨眉,修建峨眉经宜宾、叙永至贵阳的双线大能力通道,经黔桂铁路至柳州,分别经湘桂线南下广西地区,经柳肇线可达广州及东南沿海地区;成都枢纽成都南站可作为川南通道客车的始发终到站;贵阳枢纽结合川南通道引入需新建枢纽内第二客运站。  相似文献   
Organic carbon budget for the Gulf of Bothnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We calculated input of organic carbon to the unproductive, brackish water basin of the Gulf of Bothnia from rivers, point sources and the atmosphere. We also calculated the net exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the adjacent marine system, the Baltic Proper. We compared the input with sinks for organic carbon; permanent incorporation in sediments and mineralization and subsequent evasion of CO2 to the atmosphere. The major fluxes were riverine input (1500 Gg C year− 1), exchange with the Baltic Proper (depending on which of several possible DOC concentration differences between the basins that was used in the calculation, the flux varied between an outflow of 466 and an input of 950 Gg C year 1), sediment burial (1100 Gg C year− 1) and evasion to the atmosphere (3610 Gg C year− 1). The largest single net flux was the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly caused by bacterial mineralization of organic carbon. Input and output did not match in our budget which we ascribe uncertainties in the calculation of the exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Proper, and the fact that CO2 emission, which in our calculation represented 1 year (2002) may have been overestimated in comparison with long-term means. We conclude that net heterotrophy of the Gulf of Bothnia was due to input of organic carbon from both the catchment and from the Baltic Proper and that the future degree of net heterotrophy will be sensible to both catchment export of organic carbon and to the ongoing eutrophication of the Baltic Proper.  相似文献   
Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, which constitutes a major industrial reduction fishery in the USA, spawn across the northern Gulf of Mexico with a focus of spawning about the Mississippi Delta. This species is estuarine dependent; adults spawn over the continental shelf and their larvae are transported, by mechanisms that are presently not well understood, to estuarine nursery areas. Larval gulf menhaden, along with some other surface oriented larval fishes, appear to aggregate along the Mississippi River plume front, while evidence of the ecological consequences of this aggregation in terms of the feeding, growth, and survival of larvae is ambiguous. On an annual scale, Mississippi River discharge is negatively associated with numbers of half year old recruits. Discharge of the Mississippi River and the population recruitment of gulf menhaden may be plausibly linked through the action of the river's plume and its front on the shoreward transport of larvae. Greater river discharge results in an expansive plume that might project larvae farther offshore and prolong the shoreward transport of larvae. An indirect, decadal scale, positive response of recruitment and river discharge is possible, but not certain. Recruitment became elevated after 1975 when river discharge increased and became highly variable. This response might owe to enhanced primary and secondary production driven by nutrient influx from the Mississippi River.  相似文献   
本文对船舶常用尾管密封装置构造了“失效树”,应用FAT方法对影响密封失效的因素进行了定性分析,着重讨论了轴系振动的影响。  相似文献   
Over the past decade, the escalating roadway congestion and environmental deterioration due to heavy use of private vehicles have provoked the Taiwan government to realize the importance of public transport systems. Under the “carrot-and-stick” rationales, the government has formulated public transport policies and exercised a series of related initiatives by providing sufficient and higher quality of public transport services so as to attract more private vehicle users. In this paper, the planning philosophy and policy formulation of Taiwan’s public transport development are highlighted. The most important initiatives, including the Five-year Enhancement of Mass Transportation Program and the upgrading public transport schemes in the National Development Plan are examined. Based on previous experience and lessons, we point out the most challenging issues that the government will encounter. Suggestions for the future of public transport planning are also addressed.  相似文献   
For the purpose of estimating Engel elasticity, one needs to find the best functional form among various alternatives. In this paper, a new function, which is called the double semi-log Engel function turns out to be the best functional form for the transport and communication items in Australia on the basis of the distance function (D2) criterion, and the non-nested hypothesis testing procedure. This function is then used to estimate total expenditure elasticity, and the percentage change in consumer demand due to changes in total expenditure and total expenditure inequalities; using the 1975–76 Household Expenditure Survey data. The results of the analyses demonstrate that transport and communication is a necessary item in Australia on the basis of two criteria, viz., its elasticity is not significantly greater than unity, and the percentage change in demand increases with a decrease of the total expenditure inequality [emphasised by Iyengar (I960)]. Policy implication of the analyses has also been discussed.  相似文献   
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