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旅客列车发车时间域优化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在大量问卷调查的基础上,根据旅客对不同到发时间域选择的偏好,确定了各发车时间域旅客出行的方便系数。利用目标规划原理,以旅客出行方便程度最大为目标,构造了三级控制策略。在考虑客运站到发线能力,以及旅客列车必须在合理的时间域发车等约束条件下,建立旅客列车发车时间域的目标规划模型。利用该目标规划模型,可根据旅客列车实际运行的需要,通过变化控制策略和赋予各目标的优先因子,实现对列车发车时间域的优化。根据模型约束目标正负偏差变量,计算了各级控制策略实现程度系数。最后,以太原站始发旅客列车为实例,利用变换方案对该目标规划模型的运用进行了分析,并将目标规划优化结果和传统确定发车时间域的结果以及指派模型优化结果进行比较分析。  相似文献   
针对舰用蒸汽动力装置的特点,根据热工动态原理,建立锅炉-汽轮机动态数学模型,应用多变量控制理论中的单向解耦法和多变量频域解耦设计法,将多变 量控制系统化解为为量控制系统,进行协调控制方案研究,给出协调控制系统设计的方法,并用参数优化方法获得了协调控制器参数,仿真运行结果表明,协调控制系统优于常规的PID控制系统。  相似文献   
为研究地铁列车提速对减振垫浮置板轨道的振动特征的影响,对比分析地铁列车行车速度为80 km/h和120 km/h工况下减振垫浮置板轨道时域和频域的实测结果。分析结果表明:行车速度对减振垫浮置板轨道结构垂向位移的影响不大;行车速度为120 km/h的工况下钢轨、浮置板、隧道的振动加速度1/3倍频程的峰值较行车速度为80 km/h的工况下的峰值分别有6.2、2.8、0.5 dB的增大;分频段分析各测点振动加速度综合振级,结果显示:在0~20 Hz与20~80 Hz频段内,只有钢轨的振动加速度综合振级增长超过5%,浮置板与隧道振级变化均小于2.5%,在80~120 km/h速度范围内,行车速度的提高对减振垫浮置板轨道隧道振动的影响并不明显。  相似文献   
利用一种时频混合格式计算桥梁在紊流风激励下的抖振时程响应。针对动力风荷载既有时域内定义的抖振激励力,又有用频域内的颤振导数来定义的与结构自身运动有关的气弹自激力,存在时频混合项的特点,引入时频混合格式的AFT方法来计算桥梁抖振时程响应;在保持频域计算高效性的同时,又通过拟力概念在时域计算结构非线性不平衡力和气弹力造成的振型耦合,通过迭代使其收敛。通过算例验证了该格式是一种可行的计算桥梁抖振响应的方法。  相似文献   
以一主跨278 m,桥面宽4 m的钢桁架加劲梁窄桥面悬索桥--新疆赛吾迭格尔大桥为工程背景,对窄桥面悬索桥的风致抖振响应进行有限元仿真模拟分析,并对可能影响抖振分析结果的非线性因素进行了分析.分析结果表明:对于该类型悬索桥,结构的大变形效应对抖振响应影响为负,计算动力响应可以偏保守不考虑结构的大变形,各因素对主梁各方向抖振响应的影响各不相同,抖振对横向位移的影响比较大,应该重点考虑.  相似文献   
An effective modeling method of domain level constraints in the constraint network for concurrent engineering (CE) was developed. The domain level constraints were analyzed and the framework of modeling of domain level constraints based on simulation and approximate technology was given. An intelligent response surface methodology (IRSM) was proposed, in which artificial intelligence technologies are introduced into the optimization process. The design of crank and connecting rod in the V6 engine as example was given to show the validity of the modeling method.  相似文献   
Introduction Block-based discrete cosine transform(BDCT) is considered to be a basic tool in bothstill and moving image compression standards,such as JPEG, H.261/263, and MPEG, owing toits near-optimal energy compaction property andmoderate hardware complexity. However, sinceeach N×N block is coded independently, the re-constructed images would exhibit annoying discon-tinuities along block boundaries at low bit rate,which are often referred to as the“blocking arti-facts”in the transfo…  相似文献   
The fluid-structure interaction of oblique irregular waves with a pontoon-type very large floating structure (VLFS) edged with dual horizontal/inclined perforated plates has been investigated in the context of the direct time domain modal expansion theory. For the hydroelastic analysis, the boundary element method (BEM) based on time domain Kelvin sources is implemented to establish water wave model including the viscous effect of the perforated plates through the Darcy’s law, and the finite element method (FEM) is adopted for solving the deflections of the VLFS modeled as an equivalent Mindlin thick plate. In order to enhance the computing efficiency, the interpolation-tabulation scheme is applied to assess rapidly and accurately the free-surface Green function and its partial derivatives in finite water depth, and the boundary integral equation of a half or quarter VLFS model is further established taking advantage of symmetry of flow field and structure. Also, the numerical solutions are validated against a series of experimental tests. In the comparison, the empirical relationship between the actual porosity and porous parameter is successfully applied. Numerical solutions and model tests are executed to determine the hydroelastic response characteristics of VLFS with an attached anti-motion device. This study examines the effects of porosity, submerged depth, inclined angle and gap distance of such dual perforated anti-motion plates on the hydroelastic response to provide information regarding the optimal design. The effects of oblique wave angle on the performance of anti-motion and hydroelastic behavior of VLFS are also emphatically examined.  相似文献   
运用AQWA软件,针对双浮箱-双水平板浮式防波堤,建立不规则波作用下浮体锚链的耦合模型,研究时域情况下,改变水平板与浮箱的垂直间距,分析浮体运动响应以及锚链受力情况;并深入探讨了不同波浪周期和波高情况下水平板长度对浮体运动响应以及锚链受力的影响.结果表明,增加水平板与浮箱的垂直间距和水平板长度,可以有效减小浮体运动响应和锚链受力.波高和波浪周期是浮体重要的水动力因素,波高越大,波浪周期越长,浮体运动响应越剧烈;当浮体水平板长度达到21米左右时,整个防波堤达到最佳锚泊状态.  相似文献   
对海上风机支撑结构进行动力响应分析,求出结构危险节点的载荷谱和功率谱密度函数,结合疲劳损伤模型和Dirlik概率模型,分别在时域和频域内对支撑结构进行疲劳寿命分析.由于时域法计算疲劳寿命需进行应力循环计数,这一过程需处理的数据庞大,耗时长.频域法省去应力循环计数,代之以概率密度函数,可相对准确、快速地计算结构的疲劳寿命.分析结果表明,采用Dirlik概率模型的频域分析法能较准确地反映海上风机支撑结构在随机载荷作用下的疲劳损伤情况,计算结果误差在可接受范围内.  相似文献   
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