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本文将从航空经济链条体系结构入手,运用投入产出法对航空货运业与各产业部门的关联性进行定量分析,构建以运输成本为主要影响因素的区位选择指标分析货运枢纽机场的产业带动机制。最后本文对目前我国航空货运业对国民经济的整体贡献进行评价,并提出通过航空货运业带动区域经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
熊宇茜  叶昕  王可 《综合运输》2022,(1):3-8+69
随着城市尺度不断扩张,由职住分离带来的长距离、长时间通勤交通问题日益严重。为研究多模式交通环境上海居民职住位置选择行为及其影响因素,基于网络问卷调查数据、上海市路网数据及房价数据,构建方式选择与目的地选择联合模型,按照选择次序,分析各出行方式的服务水平和房价等变量对居住地和工作地的选择影响。结果表明,居民倾向于选择通勤距离近、交通可达性良好、房价低和人文生活环境较好的小区工作生活,同时年长者和低收入群体对通勤距离和房价更敏感。  相似文献   
刘月  陈楠 《综合运输》2022,(1):104-107+138
新形势下,优化中国机场货运规模体系对中国民航高质量发展和民航强国建设具有重要现实意义。从总量规模、货运功能、整体优化水平的多视域角度可以对中国机场货运规模体系进行综合评价。分析表明:(1)目前,我国航空货运形成了"4+3+N"机场发展格局;(2)我国机场货运功能整体呈现"低水平、扁平化"发展态势;(3)我国机场货邮规模体系优化程度有待提高,与美国也存在一定发展差距。本文的政策涵义在于,中国机场货运规模体系优化要有系统性思维,结合当前发展新形势和新机遇,重点应在供需两侧、系统布局、改革协同三个维度进行顶层设计。  相似文献   
本文综述了湘潭湘江四大桥桩基混凝土配合比设计过程中对原材料的选择,及其在实际工程应用过程中灵活使用外加剂后掺法解决了外加剂与水泥适应性不良的问题,保证了工程的质量和施工进度。  相似文献   
In mode choice decision, travelers consider not only travel time but also reliability of its modes. In this paper, reliability was expressed in terms of standard deviation and maximum delay that were measured based on triangular distribution. In order to estimate value of time and value of reliability, the Multinomial and Nested Logit models were used. The analysis results revealed that reliability is an important factor affecting mode choice decisions. Elasticity is used to estimate the impacts of the different policies and system improvements for water transportation mode. Among these policies, decision maker can assess and select the best alternative by doing the benefit and cost analysis based on a new market share, the value of time, and the value of reliability. Finally, a set of promising policies and system improvement of the water transportation were proposed.  相似文献   
以广州地铁4号线和首都机场线引进的、国际领先水平的新型轨道结构(直线电机牵引系统)为研究对象,结合轨道工程施工实际,分析日本直线电机牵引和加拿大庞巴迪直线电机牵引城轨整体道床(尤其是道岔)铺设施工的技术特点,着重阐述首都机场线施工中的关键技术及解决方法。  相似文献   
Reform of trucking Vehicle Weights and Dimensions (VWD) regulations in Canada is now underway. The effect these reforms will have on the freight transportation industry are only recently the subject of research. This paper is part of this new research effort, aimed at understanding how regulatory reform in the trucking sector will affect the existing competitive relationship between trucks and the railways. The paper presents the results of study and research into modelling the relationship between mode choice and the service characteristics that are affected by VWD reform.Using several periods of data, a series of econometric models are developed which help to elucidate the relative relationships between the mode service characteristics for both of the principal interprovincial freight modes. A technique is developed and presented to model railway user costs in order to overcome the complex and often unrepresentable pricing activities of Canadian railways.The strength of the developed econometric models is presented, including their significance and statistical reliability. This is further reinforced by the similarities exhibited by all the models in the series. The selected model is applied to predict market service responses required of the railway industry in order to compete with the trucking sector now adapting to the new regulations.The impact of the newly implemented vehicle weight and dimension reform on the rail transportation industry is analyzed and railway industry improvements aimed at maintaining its market share are presented. The results predicted by the model show that railway user cost reductions should be moderate, and likely less than the level of inflation over the period of time when trucking converts its fleet to take advantage of the new regulations.Abbreviations AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials - CCMTA Canadian Conference of Motor Transport Administrators - EPI End products, inedible commodity classification - GVW Gross Vehicle Weight - NA 1988 VWD National Agreement - RTAC Roads and Transportation Association of Canada - VWD Vehicle Weight(s) and Dimension(s) - WA 1988 VWD Western Agreement  相似文献   
In this introduction to the special issue on habitual travel choice, we provide a brief account of the role of habit in travel behaviour, discuss more generally what habitual choice is, and briefly review the issues addressed in the solicited papers. These issues include how habitual travel behaviour should be measured, how to model the learning process that makes travel choice habitual, and how to break and replace car-use habits.  相似文献   
传统农业解决了我国人民的温饱问题.在当代,人们认为农业除了承担向社会提供特定农产品的功能外,还承担着一定的能源、文化、生态、社会功能.在经济发展日益受到限制的情况下,人们不由自主的将目光转向农业.开发农业的多种功能是农业发展的必然趋势,适应了经济社会发展对农业不断提出的新需求.多功能农业是现代农业的发展方向,有利于推进社会主义新农村建设,增加农民收入,提高农民生活水平.  相似文献   
某一因素对托运人选择行为的影响会随着空间和时间变化. 既有研究多关注特定空间或时间的托运人选择行为,较少进行横向(空间)和纵向(时间)比较. 为探索托运人选择行为差异及变化规律,采集不同时空的5 个数据集,构建多类线性或非线性效用函数的多项 Logit 模型及混合Logit 模型. 结果表明:在空间维度,某一地区托运人选择行为与其他地区显著不同;在时间维度,伴随货运业快速发展,货运方式选择模型适用年限呈缩短趋势.  相似文献   
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