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乘用车燃油经济性是评价车辆性能的重要指标,通常以在一定循环行驶试验工况下,行驶100km所消耗燃油升数(单位为L/100km)作为评价指标。影响乘用车燃油经济性的因素很多,文章以公司某在研SUV为例,通过仿真及转鼓油耗测试手段,在保证车辆驾驶体验体验前提下,研究如何降低整车燃油经济性。  相似文献   
任平  王波 《汽车科技》2014,(2):18-23
发动机能量利用率是一种分析和评价燃油经济性匹配水平的方法。首先计算出NEDC工况试验时为克服行驶阻力所做的功,再通过NEDC工况试验得出实际油耗,并将油耗转化为完全燃烧所释放的能量。将克服行驶阻力所做功除以完全燃烧释放的能量便是该车型NEDC工况试验时的能量利用率。能量利用率可用于判断开发车型与竞争车型经济性匹配水平的优劣,也可用于判断不同级别车型经济性匹配水平的优劣。  相似文献   
Discrepancies between real-world use of vehicles and certification cycles are a known issue. This paper presents an analysis of vehicle fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of the European certification cycle (NEDC) and the proposed worldwide harmonized light vehicles test procedure (WLTP) Class 3 cycle using data collected on-road. Sixteen light duty vehicles equipped with different propulsion technologies (spark-ignition engine, compression-ignition engine, parallel hybrid and full hybrid) were monitored using a portable emission measurement system under real-world driving conditions. The on-road data obtained, combined with the Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) methodology, was used to recreate the dynamic conditions of the NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle. Individual vehicle certification values of fuel consumption, CO2, HC and NOx emissions were compared with test cycle estimates based on road measurements. The fuel consumption calculated from on-road data is, on average, 23.9% and 16.3% higher than certification values for the recreated NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle, respectively. Estimated HC emissions are lower in gasoline and hybrid vehicles than certification values. Diesel vehicles present higher estimated NOx emissions compared to current certification values (322% and 326% higher for NOx and 244% and 247% higher for HC + NOx for NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle, respectively).  相似文献   
为解决传统电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)换挡过程中的动力中断问题,同时提高整车动力性与经济性,提出一种将行星机构安装在AMT输入端构成的新型自动变速器(N-AMT),并对N-AMT基本结构进行详细介绍,同时就驻车、起步和换挡过程中行星机构工作模式进行详细分析。首先根据最大、最小传动比、挡位数和相邻速比的设计要求对N-AMT进行速比初步设计,然后结合AMT换挡和双离合(DCT)换挡各自特点,以动力性为约束,NEDC工况最佳燃油经济性为目标进行遗传算法速比优化设计。利用速比优化设计方法进行不同挡位N-AMT方案设计,并根据动力学关系建立整车模型,对N-AMT进行动力性与经济性分析。综合考虑不同挡位数方案的分析结果和变速器结构成本等因素,确定8挡N-AMT为最终设计方案。最后对8挡N-AMT进行台架、起步和顺序换挡试验。研究结果表明:8挡N-AMT的NEDC循环工况油耗为6.38 L·(100 km)-1,较5挡AMT原型车工况油耗6.95 L·(100 km)-1减少了8.86%;N-AMT可以有效消除部分挡位间动力中断的问题,在30%加速踏板开度下,8挡N-AMT的起步时间为1.55 s,较5挡AMT起步时间1.61 s减少了3.7%,整车动力性得到提高;N-AMT换挡时间保持在1.05 s以内,且换挡平顺性较好。  相似文献   
In recent years, particle number emissions rather than particulate mass emissions in automotive engines have become the subject with controversial discussions. Recent results from studies of health effects imply that it is possible that particulate mass does not properly correlate with the variety of health effects attributed to engine exhaust. The concern is now focusing on nano-sized particles emitted from I. C. engines. In this study, particulate mass and particle number concentration emitted from light-duty vehicles were investigated for a better understanding of the characteristics of the engine PM from different types of fuels, such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Engine nano-particle mass and size distributions of four test vehicles were measured by a condensation particle counter system, which is recommended by the particle measurement program in Europe (PMP), at the end of a dilution tunnel along a NEDC test mode on a chassis dynamometer. We found that particle number concentrations of diesel passenger vehicles with DPF system are lower than gasoline passenger vehicles, but PM mass has some similar values. However, in diesel vehicles with DPF system, PM mass and particle number concentrations were greatly influenced by PM regeneration. Particle emissions in light-duty vehicles emitted about 90% at the ECE15 cycle in NEDC test mode, regardless of vehicle fuel type. Particle emissions at the early cold condition of engine were highly emitted in the test mode.  相似文献   
为制定最优的能量分配策略,对某款插电式混合动力汽车在不同运行工况下的能量流进行分析。通过试验测试了低SOC状态下整车部件能量传递的相关参数,包括:温度、压力、转矩、转速和流量等,之后计算和分析整车的能量分布,并对比了NEDC和WLTC工况下整车能量流向和能量回收率。结果表明,在电池处于低SOC时,WLTC工况下的发动机平均油耗是NEDC工况平均油耗的1.6倍左右;且两种工况下车辆行驶所消耗的能量绝大部分来自于发动机;另外,WLTC工况行驶能量低于NEDC工况,其差值不足1%,但WLTC工况的能量回收率低于NEDC工况,其差值达2.31%。  相似文献   
用理论与试验相结合的方法对整车降低怠速转速后的节油效果进行了研究,结果表明怠速转速降低50r/min,怠速油耗降低6%左右。在城市道路行驶怠速工况较多,降低怠速转速后整车节油效果较好,但是NEDC测试循环怠速工况时间短且怠速油耗量小,加之测试与设备误差等原因,很难直接测试出降低怠速的节油效果,为此提出了采用NEDC工况拆解法来计算降低怠速转速后的油耗与节油效果。  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that the type-approval data is not representative for real-world usage. Consequently, the emissions and fuel consumption of the vehicles are underestimated. Aiming at a more dynamic and worldwide harmonised test cycle, the new Worldwide Light-duty Test Cycle is being developed. To analyse the new cycle, we have studied emission results of a test programme of six vehicles on the test cycles WLTC (Worldwide Light-duty Test Cycle), NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) and CADC (Common Artemis Driving Cycle). This paper presents the results of that analysis using two different approaches. The analysis shows that the new driving cycle needs to exhibit realistic warm-up procedures to demonstrate that aftertreatment systems will operate effectively in real service; the first trip of the test cycle could have an important contribution to the total emissions depending on the length of the trip; and that there are some areas in the acceleration vs. vehicle speed map of the new WLTC that are not completely filled, especially between 70 and 110 km/h. For certain vehicles, this has a significant effect on total emissions when comparing this to the CADC.  相似文献   
Vehicles are considered to be an important source of ammonia (NH3) and isocyanic acid (HNCO). HNCO and NH3 have been shown to be toxic compounds. Moreover, NH3 is also a precursor in the formation of atmospheric secondary aerosols. For that reason, real-time vehicular emissions from a series of Euro 5 and Euro 6 light-duty vehicles, including spark ignition (gasoline and flex-fuel), compression ignition (diesel) and a plug-in electric hybrid, were investigated at 23 and −7 °C over the new World harmonized Light-duty vehicle Test Cycle (WLTC) in the Vehicle Emission Laboratory at the European Commission Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy. The median HNCO emissions obtained for the studied fleet over the WLTC were 1.4 mg km−1 at 23 °C and 6 mg km−1 at −7 °C. The fleet median NH3 emission factors were 10 mg km−1 and 21 mg km−1 at 23 and −7 °C, respectively. The obtained results show that even though three-way catalyst (TWC), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and NOx storage catalyst (NSC) are effective systems to reduce NOx vehicular emissions, they also lead to considerable emissions of the byproducts NH3 and/or HNCO. It is also shown that diesel light-duty vehicles equipped with SCR can present NH3 emission factors as high as gasoline light-duty vehicles at both, 23 and −7 °C over the WLTC. Therefore, with the introduction in the market of this DeNOx technology, vehicular NH3 emissions will increase further.  相似文献   
环境温度对缸内直喷汽油车颗粒物排放特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用电子低压冲击仪(ELPI)对一台满足国Ⅴ排放标准的缸内直喷汽油车进行了颗粒物排放特性研究。试验按照NEDC测试循环在转鼓试验台上进行,分别测量车辆在-15℃,-7℃和25℃下的颗粒物排放。通过对试验结果的研究表明:3个温度下,颗粒物的数量浓度随温度的下降大幅上升,粒径分布范围逐渐变大,均在相同粒径下出现峰值;颗粒物体积浓度随粒径的增大而增大;数量浓度对表面积浓度的影响大于体积浓度,尤其在-15℃下,这种影响更加显著。通过对颗粒物的瞬态排放结果的分析发现:3个温度下,颗粒物的排放主要集中在NEDC循环前200s,数量浓度随车辆的加速而上升,随减速而下降;在-15℃下,在整个NEDC循环的加速工况均出现表面积浓度的排放峰值,且峰值之间较为接近。  相似文献   
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