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随着软交换技术的不断发展和日渐成熟,建立基于软交换技术的公务电话系统在技术发展和组网灵活性方面具有更大的优势。就软交换技术的概念、特点及其在轨道交通专网中的应用条件进行了分析,论述了软交换是轨道交通公务电话系统的技术发展方向。  相似文献   
铁路保价运输是运输售后服务的重要内容,对保障货主权益、展示铁路形象具有重要意义。介绍铁路保价运输的重要作用,分析了上海铁路局保价运输在营销理念、营销手段、人员素质和激励政策等方面面临的形势,提出了拓展保价运输市场、改善保价理赔、强化激励机制等促进保价可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   
在阐述铁水联运集疏运系统的构成和建立条件的基础上,分析了铁路参与无水港建设的可行性和模式。铁路应通过全面参与无水港建设,加快融入综合运输体系的步伐,可采取改造现有场站设备与设施和新建物流中心两种方式参与无水港建设,同时应注意以下4个问题:采取多种途径解决资金问题;重视信息管理系统建设;提供优质运输服务;注重开发主业副产品。  相似文献   
针对铁路既有线改造施工、日常养护对运输效率和运输能力的影响,分析既有线施工对车务系统安全风险管理的要求,探讨施工现场车务系统的安全卡控措施,即强化车务系统管理人员的安全责任制和施工安全风险关键点的卡控措施,探索既有线施工安全风险管理的新方法、新途径,逐步形成安全风险管理的长效机制。  相似文献   
城市公交客车发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从未来十年城市社会经济和文化发展的角度分析了公交客车发展的趋势:即动力设计环保化、形体设计大型化、技术配置多样化、性能选择人本化、信息沟通智能化、外观设计艺术化、操作系统自动化、应急设置可靠化、总成寿命同步缩短化、车身结构轻型化。  相似文献   
目前,对高速公路断面交通流量的采集主要依靠人工方式或交通流量检测设备,没有充分利用已有的OD数据资源.针对非拥挤的交通状态,根据现有的高速公路OD数据,综合考虑高速公路不同路段对于不同车型车辆的限速要求及车辆在白天或夜间的运行状况等因素,在空间和时间上同时对OD数据进行分析处理,提出了1种高速公路断面交通流量推算方法,得到高速公路指定时间段内的断面交通流量及车型,采用趋势图描述断面交通流量的分布规律,对比分析基于OD数据得到的断面交通流量与车检器检测得到断面交通流量,并通过实例验证该算法的可靠性与实用性.  相似文献   
Transportation research relies heavily on a variety of data. From sensors to surveys, data supports day-to-day operations as well as long-term planning and decision-making. The challenges that arise due to the volume and variety of data that are found in transportation research can be effectively addressed by ontologies. This opportunity has already been recognized – there are a number of existing transportation ontologies, however the relationship between them is unclear. The goal of this work is to provide an overview of the opportunities for ontologies in transportation research and operation, and to present a survey of existing transportation ontologies to serve two purposes: (1) to provide a resource for the transportation research community to aid in understanding (and potentially selecting between) existing transportation ontologies; and (2) to identify future work for the development of transportation ontologies, by identifying areas that may be lacking.  相似文献   
This study describes an adaptable planning tool that examines potential change in vehicle miles travelled (VMT) growth and corresponding traffic safety outcomes in two urbanized areas, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, based on built environment, economic and demographic variables. This model is employed to demonstrate one aspect of the potential benefits of growth management policy implementation aimed at curbing VMT growth, and to establish targets with which to measure the effectiveness of those policies through a forecasting approach. The primary objective of this research is to demonstrate the need to break with current trends in order to achieve future goals, and to identify specific policy targets for fuel prices, population density, and transit service within the two study regions. Models indicate based on medium growth scenarios, Baton Rouge will experience a 9 percent increase in VMTs and New Orleans will experience 10 percent growth. This translates to corresponding increases in crashes, injuries and fatalities. The paper provides forecasts for planners and engineers to consider an alternative future, based on desired goals to reduce VMTs and therefore improve safety outcomes. A constrained-forecast model shows a cap on VMTs and crash rates is achievable through policy that increases fuel prices, population density and annual transit passenger miles per capita at reasonable levels through a growth management approach.  相似文献   
Highways and freeways are the main infrastructure channel used to transport cargo in Brazil. This cargo often includes dangerous chemical products which can, in the event of an accident, negatively impact the environment. The development and implementation of tools for the rapid diagnosis of environmental vulnerability in the transportation of dangerous goods has been studied. However, for highways and freeways there is a lack of studies based on environmental attributes, and not just based on statistical data which demands a specific period for collection and analysis and only after that the implementation of preventive measures. Thus, evaluation grounded on multiple criteria embedded in Geographic Information System (GIS) has significant potential for the practical implementation of risk management of road transportation of dangerous goods. This study has determined the environmental vulnerability of route BR 050, specifically the segment between the cities of Uberlândia and Uberaba in the state of Minas Gerais, where multi criteria analysis has been efficient in determining the most vulnerable areas. The main attributes analyzed were the drainage density, soil type and geology, determining that in case of an accident with dangerous substances the regional environment would be immediately affected, and so endorsing the use of this tool in many segments involved in environmental management of highway enterprises.  相似文献   
Among the natural hazards that threaten transportation infrastructure, flooding represents a major hazard to highways as it challenges their design, operation, efficiency and safety. In extreme cases, it may lead to massive obstruction of traffic and direct damages to the road structures themselves and indirect damages to the economic activity and development of the region. To enable the prevention of such consequences, and the proposition of adaptive measures for existing infrastructure, this paper presents an integrated framework to identify the most vulnerable points to flooding along a highway. This is done through the combination of remote sensing information (e.g. LiDAR based Digital Elevation Model, satellite imagery), a high-quality dataset, and a quasi-2D hydrodynamic model. The forcing condition is defined using a hyetograph associated to a storm with duration of 1 day and return period of 100 years. The selected highway is located in the Mexican state of Tabasco, where extreme precipitation events and floods are frequent. Results demonstrate the ability of the methodology to identify critical water levels along the road (h > 1.50 m) at those locations where flooding has been experienced, as well as points of inspection for the highway drainage. These locations were visited in the field and maintenance problems were detected that do increase its level of exposure. We show that this framework is useful for the generation of a flood management strategy to the analyzed highway, which includes an optimum location of adaptive measures to an anticipated more intense future climate.  相似文献   
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