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Habitual travel behaviour: Evidence from a six-week travel diary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces different methods to measure similarity of travel behaviour addressing the question of how repetitious travel behaviour actually is. It compares empirical results of the different methods based on the data from a six-week travel diary. In general, the results show that the day-to-day behaviour is more variable if measured with trip-based methods instead of methods based on time budgets. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the similarity declines if the method captures more of the complexity of the travel pattern. It is also shown that travel behaviour is neither totally repetitious nor totally variable. Even for the whole observation period, it is demonstrated that two days always have some common elements. Additionally, it is found that the different methods yield the same pattern of variability for different types of day. Travel behaviour is clearly more stable on work days. Similar results for all methods are also obtained concerning the question of how long the minimum period of observation should be. All measures show that the period should not be less than two weeks if one aims at measuring variability.  相似文献   
Travel to and from school can have social, economic, and environmental implications for students and their parents. Therefore, understanding school travel mode choice behavior is essential to find policy-oriented approaches to optimizing school travel mode share. Recent research suggests that psychological factors of parents play a significant role in school travel mode choice behavior and the Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model has been used to test the effect of psychological constructs on mode choice behavior. However, little research has used a systematic framework of behavioral theory to organize these psychological factors and investigate their internal relationships. This paper proposes an extended theory of planned behavior (ETPB) to delve into the psychological factors caused by the effects of adults’ cognition and behavioral habits and explores the factors’ relationship paradigm. A theoretical framework of travel mode choice behavior for students in China is constructed. We established the MIMIC model that accommodates latent variables from ETPB. We found that not all the psychological latent variables have significant effects on school travel mode choice behavior, but habit can play an essential role. The results provide theoretical support for demand policies for school travel.  相似文献   
In this introduction to the special issue on habitual travel choice, we provide a brief account of the role of habit in travel behaviour, discuss more generally what habitual choice is, and briefly review the issues addressed in the solicited papers. These issues include how habitual travel behaviour should be measured, how to model the learning process that makes travel choice habitual, and how to break and replace car-use habits.  相似文献   
本文采用强脉冲磁场、光学显微镜和 H.R.Pak 等提出的惯习面确定方法研究了 Fc-21Ni-4Mn 合金中磁场诱发马氏体形貌和惯习面.结果表明,Fe-21Nj-4Mn 合金冷却形成板条马氏体,而在 Ms 温度以上,磁场诱发形成多片状而少板条马氏体,且随温度升高,磁场诱发马氏体形貌为蝶状.磁场诱发马氏体惯习面与冷却形成的马氏体相同,均为(225),对于蝶状马氏体发现了一种新的对称面(110).  相似文献   
An experiment examined the effects of an intervention (combination of information and a free public transport ticket) in a changed decision context (moving to a new residence) on travel mode choice by car users. If past frequency of car use has resulted in an automatic response to goal-related cues, one should expect resistant to change of travel mode. However, the results failed to show this. Neither past behavior or a direct habit measure predicted future travel behavior. Instead, the intervention influenced attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, and consistent with Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, these were the main causes of the change of travel mode.  相似文献   
考虑了旅客出行习惯和列车晚点, 建立了铁路客运站旅客最高聚集人数计算模型。在模型中, 在出行时, 乘坐6:00~9:00出发列车的旅客一般在列车出发前5~60 min到达客运站, 乘坐21:00以后出发列车的旅客一般在19:00~21:00达到客运站; 在晚点调整时等级越高的列车具有越高的优先权, 晚点时间与运行时间成正比。计算结果表明: 考虑出行习惯后, 计算的旅客高峰时段与实际调查结果相符, 考虑列车晚点后, 旅客最高聚集人数超出未晚点时的50%, 因此, 建议客运站的最高聚集人数设计系数为1.3~1.8, 并按行车密度从小到大取值。  相似文献   
旅客在出行选择决策中存在依赖经验而不愿意进行新尝试的习惯行为倾向,研究分析旅客在选择普铁、大巴和高铁 3种城际出行方式行为中的习惯影响程度及意向形成机理. 本文在对习惯进行定义和测量的基础上,引入习惯潜变量改进计划行为理论,构建习惯与意向间关系的结构方程模型.模型标定结果显示,对于普铁、大巴和高铁3种城际出行方式,各潜变量对意向总的解释方差分别为71.9%、54.9%、62.3%,习惯对意向解释的总效应分别为0.538、0.851、0.538,其中间接效应分别为0.538、0.513、0.258.分析结果表明:城际出行方式选择中存在明显的习惯倾向,其中相对于直接影响,间接影响效应更强;3种出行方式中,大巴的选择受习惯影响最明显.  相似文献   
中国特殊的地理条件形成的中国古代封闭分散的农业经济,是人们具有保守心理的经济根源.与中国实际结合的马克思主义是克服小农经济的分散性和人们心理的保守性的精神力量.  相似文献   
This paper utilizes socio-psychometric survey data to investigate the influence of attitudes, affective appraisal and habit formation on commuting mode choice. The data-set was collected in 2009–2010 in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition to conventional socio-economic, demographic and modal attributes, the survey gathered psychological information regarding habitual behaviour, affective appraisal and personal attitudes. Different psychometric tools were used to capture psychological factors affecting mode choice. Habitual behaviour was measured using Verplanken's response-frequency questionnaire. Affective appraisal was indirectly estimated using the Osgood's semantic differential. Five-point Likert scales were used to measure attitude. The structural equation modelling (SEM) approach was used to investigate the effects of psychological factors on mode choice behaviour. SEM captures the latent nature of psychological factors and uses path diagrams to identify the directionality as well as intensity of the relationships. The investigation reveals that passengers have positive emotions towards their chosen mode. Further, evidence of the superiority of the car as a travel alternative was established in terms of strong habit towards it, such that passengers would use the car for almost every single trip.  相似文献   
通过对肇庆学院学生进行体育锻炼的思想观念、锻炼的动机、内容、时间安排、频度、锻炼习惯以及影响因素等状况进行调查与分析,结果表明,肇庆学院大多数学生是有参加体育锻炼的欲望和需求的,但有锻炼习惯的人并不多;兴趣是学生参加体育锻炼的主要动机,而兴趣和场地器材不足、缺乏组织和锻炼指导和消费能力不足是目前影响学生体育活动的主要因素。  相似文献   
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