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The influence of upwelling and entrainment on the algal bloom in the Baltic Sea
Authors:Peeter Ennet   Harri Kuosa  Rein Tamsalu  
Abstract:Hydrodynamic processes control many geochemical and ecological processes in the sea. In this paper, the influence of up- and downwelling and entrainment on the ecosystem components are studied. The ecohydrodynamic model was initially used to simulate the whole Baltic Sea to get the boundary conditions for the Gulf of Riga. Then, to study the influence of different hydrodynamic conditions on the algal bloom, three simulations were made for the Gulf of Riga using different boundary and entrainment conditions. It appears that upwelling in the gulf was strongly dependent on open boundary conditions between the Baltic Proper and the gulf. The vertical transport in the Gulf of Riga was many times more intensive in the calculation system Baltic Proper and Gulf of Riga, than in the case where only the Gulf of Riga was simulated. The blue–green algal bloom was influenced by the vertical transport due to different nutrients' limitation mechanism.
Keywords:ecological modelling   blue–  green algae   Baltic Sea   nutrients   algal blooms   food web
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