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引用本文:胡纽,董春凯,王志强. 基于避碰声呐的远程鱼雷水下自主障碍规避算法研究[J]. 舰船科学技术, 2016, 0(5). DOI: 10.3404/j.issn.1672-7619.2016.05.025
作者姓名:胡纽  董春凯  王志强
作者单位:中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇五研究所昆明分部,云南 昆明,650118
摘    要:伴随着航程可达上千千米的远程鱼雷的出现,对鱼雷远程航渡过程中自主规避可能出现的障碍物提出新要求。本文以某型远程鱼雷为背景,基于模糊控制方法,提出一种基于避碰声呐的远程鱼雷自主避障算法,提出规避障碍物的规划,并通过计算模拟避碰声呐探测信息,在仿真平台上对该算法进验证,结果表明运用该算法远程鱼雷能利用自身携带的前视避碰声呐探测到障碍物,并通过障碍规避算法控制鱼雷航行规避障碍物时,本文提出的障碍规避算法可以引导鱼雷规避障碍物,到达设定的目标点。

关 键 词:远程鱼雷  障碍规避  算法仿真

Study on the algorithm of remote torpedo underwater autonomous obstacle avoiding using the collision avoidance sonar
Abstract:Accompanied by the appearance of the remote torpedo whose voyage can be thousands of kilometers, we need the torpedo autonomous navigations to the designed area and autonomous avoids the obstacles in the process of the voyage. This paper is under the background of a certain type of remote torpedo, and uses the fuzzy control method, and puts forward an algorithm of remote torpedo underwater autonomous obstacle avoiding using the collision avoidance sonar and the planning of avoiding obstacles, and then through numerical simulations the information of the collision avoidance sonar, and last validation the algorithm in the simulation platform. The result shows that using this algorithm the remote torpedo can detect the obstacles and avoid the obstacles and arrive at the end of the set.
Keywords:remote torpedo  obstacle avoiding  algorithm simulation
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