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摘    要:从传统意义上讲,医学应用中的体外诊断是一项艰苦的劳动高度密集型任务。血液与其它体液或组织样品被送往实验室进行分析,根据所采用的方法,分析有的需要几个小时,而有的则需要几天,甚至几个星期。现有技术往往花费昂贵,同时需要很长的等待时间,样品有可能发生变质,另外,如果取样小的话,它们常常会产生错误的结果。通过多种方法获得数据很难被整合,而且很难对采样进行标准化。

关 键 词:诊断 现有技术 密集型 实验室 标准化 样品

The future of diagnosis
Abstract:Today, medical diagnosis is still a laborious and highly labour intensive task. Blood and other body fluids or tissue samples are sent to a laboratory for an analysis, which can take hours, days or weeks, depending on the method used. Existing techniques are often costly with long waiting times; samples can deteriorate and if they are small they can often yield inaccurate results. Data obtained from a wide variety of methods can be difficult to integrate and sample collection is hard to standardise.
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