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摘    要:古代中国是世界上帆船最多的国家,16世纪以后在中国南方常见的渔用与商用junk为了防备海盗袭击,都装备了许多奇形怪状的武器,大都是列强侵略中国时遗留下的旧武器经过改良而成的。重装备的Junk(16世纪以后,外国人对中国船的称呼,尤指帆船)不笨拙很灵巧,具有很强的操作性和适航性,同时船上水手具有高超的控帆技术,在遭遇袭击时,显现了战斗力。

关 键 词:海盗  junk船  武器装备

Pirate-Fighters of the South China Sea
Authors:AmericaRobert Cardwell translated by Huang Lingxiao
Abstract:Ancient China had the biggest number of junks in the world.To protect form pirate attacks,after the 16th century the fishing and trading junks were eqippped with some strange weapons,most of which were rebuit from weapons left behind by the Western powers that invaded Chin.Far from being clumpsy and awkward,these vessels with such heavy equipments were amazingly effective and seaworthy,and the sailors had excellent skill of sailing.They fought well when attacked by pirates.
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