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引用本文:江泽浩,汪涛,杨晓光. 信控交叉口多绿尾相位切换模式下驾驶行为的对比研究[J]. 交通信息与安全, 2018, 36(2): 54-60. DOI: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2018.02.008
作者姓名:江泽浩  汪涛  杨晓光
作者单位:同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室 上海200092
摘    要:针对中国城市道路交叉口控制实践中,绿灯信号相位多种切换方式同时存在而未有详细优劣对比的现状开展研究.设计1组驾驶模拟器实验,对绿灯闪烁(GSF)与绿灯倒计时(GSC)2种典型的相位切换模式下的驾驶行为进行对比观测和分析,建立驾驶员在2种切换模式下的"通过/停止"决策行为模型.研究结果表明,驾驶员在不同模式相位切换期间的驾驶行为具有一定复杂性,与驾驶环境(如车速、黄灯启亮时与停车线的距离)和个体特征(如性别、年龄、驾龄)等密切相关.驾驶环境方面,GSC模式对驾驶员有较为强烈的催促作用,驾驶员在GSC模式下的平均通过率提高了10% ~20%,且陷入两难区的概率比GSF模式下提高了7.2%.黄灯通过率和黄灯启亮时车辆与停车线的距离呈负相关关系,且与黄灯启亮时的车速在不同相位切换模式下表现出相反的趋势:在GSC模式下呈现正相关关系,而在GSF模式下呈现负相关关系.驾驶员个体特征方面,男性、20~30岁、3~4年驾龄的驾驶员通过率明显高于其它分组. 

关 键 词:交通工程   交通行为   驾驶模拟器   信号相位切换模式   二项Logit回归模型   交通因素

A Comparative Study of Driving Behaviors under Different Green-Yellow-Phase-switching Modes in Signalized Intersections
Abstract:This study is intended to investigate influences of different phase-switching modes at the end of green light on traffic control at signalized intersections in China.Driving simulations are designed to compare and analyze driving behaviors under two typical phase-switching modes-green signal flash(GSF)and green signal countdown(GSC).Moreo-ver,decision behaviors of"passing/stopping"under two modes are developed.The results show that,driving behaviors during phase-switching interval of different modes have complexities,which are closely related to traffic parameters(i.e. driving speed,distance between the vehicle and stop line at the onset of amber light)and personal data of drivers(i.e. sex,age,and driving experience).In terms of traffic parameters,the GSC mode has a strong urging effect on drivers, under which the average passing rate is 10% ~20% higher,and the probability of being caught into dilemma zone is 7. 2% higher than that under the GSF mode.The passing rate is negatively correlated to the distance between the vehicle and stop line at the onset of amber light.The relationship between the passing rate and driving speed at the onset of am-ber light shows opposite trends under different phase-switching modes:positively correlated under the GSC mode,while negatively correlated under the GSF mode.In terms of personal data of drivers,the passing rate of male drivers who are 20~30 years old,and have 3~4 years driving experience is significantly higher than other groups. 
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