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引用本文:吴明华. 抢占经济复苏后的产业制高点[J]. 中国远洋航务公告, 2010, 0(1): 14-15
摘    要:已经30年的中国国际海事会展依然吸引全球嘉宾,即使在全球金融危机的影响下,也没有消褪来自全球各地的航运、造船业的热情。主办方统计数据显示,第十五届中国国际海事会展面积超过了55000平方米,比上届增长了约40%,共有30个国家和地区的1200多家单位参展。而以“危机、挑战与机遇”为主题的高级海事论坛,更是一场精英云集、宏论嘉言精彩迭出的业界盛宴。

关 键 词:经济复苏  产业  国际海事  金融危机  数据显示  造船业  会展  中国

To seize the industry high ground of economic recovery
Abstract:The economic situation of China's shipping industry and shipbuilding industry is stabilizing and picking up momentum. The financial crisis is a rare opportunity for the promotion of the shipping industry restructuring and upgrading of industrial structure. Measures will be taken to further optimize the structure of the shipping industry, optimize the layout of the fleet and route structure, eliminate those low standards of vessels not suited to the development of productivity, improve management and transpo...
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