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Converting mixed pedestrian flows into equivalent commuters using standard pedestrian equivalent factors
Authors:Ronald John Galiza  Luis Ferreira
Affiliation:1. School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australiar.galiza@uq.edu.au;3. School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Abstract:This paper develops the concept of standard pedestrian equivalent (SPE) factors for converting a mixed pedestrian flow into an equivalent commuter flow. After a comprehensive review of passenger car equivalent (PCE) methodologies, the equal total travel time method is utilised for SPE estimation. A micro-simulation approach is employed for the formulation of the total travel time–flow relationship. Field data collected on walking speed distributions for commuters and older adults in Australia are used as model inputs. An independent samples t-test confirms the significant difference between walking speeds of commuters and older adults. For this paper, a unidirectional flow on flat walkways is initially considered and evaluated across proportions of older people, different flows and different walkway widths. The introduction of older adults significantly increases total travel time especially under congested conditions. Results of this investigation can be used for evaluation or design of pedestrian facilities experiencing similar flow conditions.
Keywords:mixed pedestrian  equivalency factors  micro-simulation  commuters  older adults
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