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作者姓名:An  Fei
摘    要:世事变迁,历史更迭,这是谁都无法改变的自然法则.在此法则下,无论你昔日有多荣光,但终有黯然离场的那一天.如果说2008年的海事界让我们见证了航运高潮,那么2009年则让我们感受了亢奋消退后的苍凉. 单壳油轮领唱"拆"字歌 有权威人士预计,在明年大概会有2000艘船舶报废.单壳油轮将是这次船舶报废的主力军,虽然现在仍有800艘左右的单壳油轮在运营,但是在2010年船舶报废的最后期限到来之前,船东们只能选择放弃它们.

Taking Curtain Call,Saying Goodbye to Shipping's Prosperous Age
An Fei.Taking Curtain Call,Saying Goodbye to Shipping's Prosperous Age[J].China Ship Survey,2009(12).
Authors:An Fei
Abstract:The maritime industry in 2008 allowed us to witness the climax in shipping,whilst in 2009,it makes us to feel gloomily as the climax comes to an end. According to incomplete statistics,ships that have been demolished since February 2009 have reached 1000 in the world.Many insiders revealed that true figures might be higher than our expectation.Though it is hard to find out the true figure,if the amount of ship being demolished stays at the present level,then by the end of this yea,1200 ships will have been demolished,and it will be more diffcult to have the statistics of order withdrawal and ship abandoning.
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