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摘    要:轨道质量指数TQI为左高低、右高低、左轨向、右轨向、轨距、水平、三角坑各单项标准差的和。各单项项目的标准差直接体现了此项几何不平顺的输入能量,表现为此项几何不平顺的离散程度,当它的值越大时,表明轨道状态较差,对车辆的激励能量大。针对目前分段标准差计算方式不能完全反映轨道质量状态最差的区段、评判结果存在离散性等缺点,提出利用滑动标准差计算方式对轨道区段状态进行评价的方法。通过研究确定合适的计算长度200 m和移动步长20 m,并利用京沪线9~10月份检测数据进行试用,结果表明:滑动标准差不仅能够找到轨道质量状态最差的区段,还能找出更多超出管理值标准的区段,且在识别不良区段的起止位置(长度)和评判结果一致性方面,也明显好于目前的分段标准差计算方式。

关 键 词:轨道几何  状态评价  滑动标准差  移动步长  评判结果

Application of Slip Standard Deviation in the Evaluation of Track Geometry
Affiliation:,Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences
Abstract:The track quality index TQI is the sum of the standard deviation of left height,right height,left track alignment,right track alignment,gauge,horizontal level and twist. The standard deviation of each item directly reflects the input energy of the geometric irregularity,showing the degree of dispersion of geometric irregularity. The bigger the input,the poorer the track state,and the larger the excitation energy. In view of the shortcomings of the current standard deviation calculation method,which can not fully reflect the worst state of the track quality,and the dispersion of the evaluation results,a method for evaluating the state of track using the slip standard deviation calculation method is put forward. Research suggests that the suitable calculation length is 200 m and the moving step length is 20 m,which are applied for trial with test data of 9 ~ 10 month from Beijing ~ Shanghai railway line. The results show that the slip standard deviation can not only find the worst section of track quality state,but also find more sections exceeding standard management limit and it is also better than the current standard deviation calculation in identifying the start and stop position( length) and in consisting with the evaluation results,
Keywords:Track geometry  State evaluation  Slip standard deviation  Moving step length  Evaluation result
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