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摘    要:为了使城市轨道交通列车运行曲线能更好地为司机提供驾驶指导,进一步保证列车高效运行,在前人研究的基础上,建立包含巡航模式的列车运行过程优化模型。在建模过程中综合考虑列车运行过程的时间、能耗、乘坐舒适度、精确停车等多个性能指标,并使用差分进化算法对建立的模型进行求解。由于传统的差分进化算法存在许多不足,采用一种具有自适应参数调整策略的改进差分进化算法。通过调整算法的变异因子和交叉因子,增加了种群的多样性、扩大了全局搜索区域,避免了局部最优解,同时在后期也加快了收敛速度。通过对所选线路的仿真优化,使各优化性能指标达到了整体相对最优,验证了模型与算法的有效性。

关 键 词:列车运行过程  非线性  多目标优化  自适应  差分进化  城市轨道交通

Multi-objective Optimization of Train Operation Process of Urban Rail Transit
Affiliation:,School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Abstract:In order to allow the train operation curve of urban rail transit to provide more effectiveguidance to the driver and further improve train operation efficiency, an optimization model with cruisemode is established to optimize train operation process on the basis of previous researches. In themodeling process, such performance indicators of train operation process as running time, energyconsumption, ride comfort, precise parking are taken into consideration, and the differential evolutionalgorithm is used to solve the model. To address the disadvantages of the traditional differential evolutionalgorithm, this paper uses an improved differential evolution algorithm with adaptive parameter adjustmentstrategy. By adjusting the variation factor and the cross factor of the algorithm, population diversity isincreased, global search area is expanded, local optimal solution is avoided, and convergence speed isaccelerated in later period. Through simulation and optimization of the selected lines, the performanceindexes of each optimization are overall optimized, which verifies the validity of the model and thealgorithm.
Keywords:Train operation process  Non-linear  Multi-objective optimization  Self-adaptation  Differential evolution  Urban rail transit
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