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引用本文:孔淑真. 孙思邈在营养学上的卓越成就[J]. 西安交通大学学报(医学版), 1982, 0(1)
摘    要:<正> 唐初是我国封建社会高度发展的时期,国家统一,政治安定,经济文化空前繁荣。唐代医学在这些良好条件的推动下迅速发展,取得了显著成就,而居于世界前列。我国伟大的医学家孙思邈就是这一时代的医学代表人物。孙思邈,陕西耀县人,生于公元581—682年。他的主要著作有《千金要方》和《千金翼方》各三十卷。内容丰富,包括了预防、临床、药物、针灸等医学各科,显示了唐代医

Sun Si Miao's Excellent Achievement to Nutriology
Abstract:In this paper the author demonstrates from the point of medical history,the scientific ideas and outstanding results in both undernourishment and die-tetic treatment of Sun Si Miao who was an outstanding scientist in traditionalChinese medicine in Tang Dynesty; and also demonstrates the importantcontributions in theory and pracice of medical science to the developmentof modern nutriology. His successes in medicine are bound to encourage ournational self-confidence and patriotism, arouse us to explore the rationalparts of traditional Chinese medicine and make the past serve the present.
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