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作者姓名:高雪珍  金丽泉
作者单位:西安医学院第一附属医院妇产科 (高雪珍),西安医学院第一附属医院妇产科(金丽泉)
摘    要:本文报导了一例由于脐动脉破裂引起胎儿死亡的罕见病例。该产妇系足月妊娠入院,分娩前流出大量羊水并伴有血性羊水,随后胎心消失,并娩出一男性死婴,且自子宫腔内流出鲜血300ml,未见母体血压有所下降。检查胎盘发现脐轮段脐动脉破裂,故诊断为脐动脉破裂引起胎死失血过多,为胎儿死亡原因。

Foetal Death Caused by Rupture of the Umbilical Arteria(Report of a case)
Abstract:This paper describes a rare case of foetal death caused by the umbilical arterial rupture. There was about 300ml. blood discharged from the uter-ine cavity of the patient during labour, but the blood pressure was 150/90mmHg and not descended. When the placenta was examinted aftet delivery,it was found that the blood streamed out of the rupture of the umbilrcalarterial base. Therefore, we consider that blood loss is the cause of thefetal death.
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