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摘    要:<正> 随着我国社会主义建设的发展,人民生活和卫生保健水平日益提高,婴儿感染性疾病的发病率和死亡率下降,尤其是当前我国大力提倡计划生育、一对夫妇只生一个子女,为保证下一代身心健康成长,小儿时期的精神保健问题遂逐渐引起我国儿科工作者的重视。智能检查是测量小儿智能发育的重要方法,为儿童保健和幼儿教育工作所必需,同时也是小儿神经、内分泌、代谢和遗传性病的诊断和评价疗效的重要工具。

A trial of Denver developmental screening test on Xian children
Abstract:The items in the Denver developmental screening test have been restandardised on a random sample of 1, 090 Xian children below six years ofage. The developmental scale for Xian children has been made. Some dif-erences were found between the ages at which the Xian and Denver or Xianand Shanghai children achieved certain test items. Xian children werefester advanced on several items than Denver and Shanghai children, butwere consistently lower on some items, e. g. recognizing 3 colors androll-over. The causes of these differences and the implications of the fin-dings for the use of DDST in Xian children are discussed.
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