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引用本文:白秦生,李随勤,李胜利. 中强白噪声对豚鼠内耳的损害——动物试验研究之一[J]. 西安交通大学学报(医学版), 1983, 0(3)
作者姓名:白秦生  李随勤  李胜利
摘    要:<正> 噪声是国际重大公害,到处存在,多方危害于人,唯听觉器官首当其冲,常酿成耳聋。噪声耳聋的根本问题在预防,防护之本在降低其强度;欲达到此目的需耗费巨额资金,至今世界各国均难完全办到,故不得不辅以个人防护;个人防护办法不少,可惜迄今尚乏真正方便,舒适而有效者,究其原因,实与其发病机制,及病理改变尚未被彻底探明有关。为此我们设计了一组试验拟观察在中强噪声间断作用下豚鼠内耳感觉装置的损害规律,现将其部分结果总结报告如下。

Inner Ear Damage due to White Noise of Moderate Intensity in Guinea—pigs
Abstract:The present inevstigation reports the results obtained using surface preperation technique to study the histopathological changes of noise-induced deafness. The sum of the outer hair cells (OHC) of the cochlea in the normal guinea-pigs is in the range of 6888±196, from which the mean number of OHC of hook-turn (cochlear hook) are excluded, the range of the totol number of OHC in the cochlea of the guinea-pigs is 5924±364. The rate of natural Ioss of OHC is 4.9% in normal animals; the Ieast loss is found in the Ist turn; the more upper, the loss becomes greater. After a 36-hour intermittent stimulation by 115db (A) wide band white noise, the sum of the OHC loss in the first group is 316±101.3, in the second group 1100±604. The most loss occurs in the 3rd turn, the less in the 2nd and 4th turn, the least in the Ist turn. When the rates of the OHC Ioss in the three rows of the cochlea were compared, we found that the loss of the-OHC of the outer two rows was greater than that of the inner row.
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