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Assessment of wheel loader vibration on the riding comfort according to ISO standards
Abstract:Vibration accelerations were measured on a compact wheel loader during 11 operations with two drivers and with/without the activated boom suspension system (BSS). Two standards, ISO 2631-1 (1985) and ISO 2631-1 (1997), were used to assess the effect of wheel loader vibration on comfort. The assessment results of ISO 2631-1 (1985) showed that vibration in the frequency range from 4 to 20 Hz in the vertical direction and in the frequency range from 1.6 to 3.15 Hz in the vertical and driving directions plays an important role in comfort assessment. The overall total values of vibration measured on the wheel loader in all operations exceeded the ‘uncomfortable’ boundary specified in ISO 2631-1 (1997). The speed had a larger influence on the vibration intensity than the bucket load, the BSS or the driver biodynamic response during driving. During driving and V-cycle, the difference of vibration intensity with two drivers in the z-direction is larger than that in the x- and y-direction.
Keywords:whole-body vibration  wheel loader  mobile machine  riding comfort  ISO 2631-1 (1985)  ISO 2631-1 (1997)
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