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作者姓名:张文  段凤仙
作者单位:西安医学院马列主义教研室 (张文),西安医学院党委宣传部(段凤仙)
摘    要:本文分析了孙思邈关于医德的论述。孙思邈在处理病人和医生的关系上,把病人放在第一位,在治疗中全面考虑病情,病人的经济情况和心理状况。孙思邈从医生的职业特点出发,要求医生敢于承担风险,善于学习,主张普及卫生知识,反对医术保秘。从孙思邈关于医德的论述,看出医德的一些特点是:医德的核心问题是正确处理医生与病人的关系问题;医生要关心病人的思想状况和心理变化;要高度重视动机与效果的一致性;由于医生是劳动者,医德是一种职业道德,它与一般道德相比,具有更明显的继承性。

Discussion on Some Characteristics of Medical Morality from Dr.Sun Simiao's Exposition
Abstract:According to Dr. Sun Simiao's exposition. this article has analysedsome characteristics of medical morality. The key problem of medicalmorality is to corretly deal with the relationship between the doctor andthe patient. During treatment, the doctor should put the patient in thefirst place and pay attention to his economic status, ideological trend andpsychological changes. In addition, greater attention must be paid to theunity of motive and effect. Since the doctor is a laborer, medical morality is an occupationalmorality. Obviously, medical morality is of evident inheritance, as com
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