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摘    要:《大跨度拱桥设计与施工技术研究》项目成果实现了拱桥从有支架到无支架施工的历史性转变,使无法搭设支架的地方修建拱桥成为可能。该技术成果核心内容达国际领先水平,先后荣获国家及省级科技进步奖5项,"中国建筑工程鲁班奖"、"土木工程詹天佑大奖"各一项,国家工法3项,2008年获广西科学技术特殊贡献奖。该科研成果项目具有创新性和实用价值,并具有显著的经济效益及良好的推广应用前景。本篇对该技术成果进行介绍,以进一步推广使用。

关 键 词:无支架施工  拱桥设计  技术成果  大跨度  中国建筑工程鲁班奖  国际领先水平  科技进步奖  施工技术

Achievements of Designing and Construction Techniques of Long Spam Arch Bridges
Abstract:The notes from the editor: Project〈 Research on the design and construction tech - niques of long spam arch bridges〉, one of its achievements is to construct without frames, which made bridge construction possible at special geographical condi- tions.The core technique of this achievement ranks top class internationally and it has won national and provincial scientific progression awards 5 times, National construction Lu Ban Awards, Civil Engineering Zan Tian-you Awards and National Gong Fa 3 times and Guangxi Scientific technology contribution awards. This achievement is very creative and applicable.It contains great economical profitability and market promoting ability, this section will introduce this technique for further popularization.
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