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摘    要:萨克斯汽车零部件系统(上海)有限公司是采埃孚集团在中国成立的第一批独资企业,主营业务是开发、生产车辆减振和动力传动系统零部件及总成,从1998年成立至今,已经历了14年的发展.不过,萨克斯品牌的历史要远远超过这个数字.自19世纪末德国完成工业革命、以机器为主体的工厂遍及整个德国时这个品牌即被创立,甚至比采埃孚还要早上20年——距今已有100多年.这种工业文化的沉淀给采埃孚萨克斯带来了技术和品牌上的优势,正如上海萨克斯总经理唐景德所说,"这是一种底蕴".而且,品牌威长背景让他们得以从欧洲商用车市场的发展过程得到借鉴,从而作出最有利的决策.

关 键 词:减振器  商用车  汽车零部件  主营业务  动力传动系统  有限公司  销售额  以史为鉴  乘用车  品牌

A Hundred-Year Experience Would Benefit Greatly to China——Interview of Mr.Tang Jingde,General Manager of Sachs Automotive Components&Systems Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Abstract:As one of the first group of foreign-wholly owned enterprises in China, Sachs Automotive Components & Systems Shanghai co., Ltd enjoys not only a great legacy of one hundred years’ brand reputation and advanced technology, but also extreme fast response capability to the market demand. recently, the reporter of magazine conducted an interview of mr. tang Jingde, General manager of sachs automotive components & systems shanghai co., Ltd who explained what behind of a series of strategic and reasonable development programs since the establishment of the company.
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