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引用本文:吴毅翔. 行车荷载对软土路基沉降的影响机理分析[J]. 公路交通技术, 2012, 2(2): 1-3,7. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-6477.2012.02.001
摘    要:工程实践和理论研究表明,高速公路软基的工后沉降主要来自于路面施工后的瞬时沉降、未完成的主固结沉降和次固结沉降.根据软基处理工程中固结变形特性,对软土地基沉降量与荷载的关系进行详细探讨,给出高速公路工前和工后荷载对软基沉降的计算式,并着重分析软基沉降预估计算误差产生的原因,得出工后主固结沉降阶段的行车荷载对沉降影响较大的结论.

关 键 词::行车荷载  软基地段  路基沉降  主固结  次固结

Analysis for Influence Mechanism of Driving Load on Soft Roadbed Settlement
WU Yixiang. Analysis for Influence Mechanism of Driving Load on Soft Roadbed Settlement[J]. Technology of Highway and Transport, 2012, 2(2): 1-3,7. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-6477.2012.02.001
Authors:WU Yixiang
Abstract:The project practices and theoretical researches show that the settlement of soft roadbed ot expressways after construction is mainly from instantaneous settlement of pavement after construction, uncompleted primary and secondary eonsolidatiou settlements. In accordance with characteristics of consolidation deformation in soft roadbed processing projects, this paper expatiates the relationship between the settlement of soft - earth roadbed and load, presents formulae of load on settlement of soft roadbed before and after construction of expressways, and puts emphasis on analyzing reasons of estimated computation error of the settlement of soft roadbed to draw a conclusion that the driving load has big influence on the settlement at the stage of primary consolidation settlement after construction.
Keywords:driving load  soft roadbed section  settlement of roadbed  primary consolidation  secondaryconsolidation
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