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引用本文:李晓军,徐昊,Gokdemir Cagri,王飞,黄学文. 隧道排水诱发地下水位下降对地表植被影响的TSPAC分析方法[J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(9): 1261-1271. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.09.003
作者姓名:李晓军  徐昊  Gokdemir Cagri  王飞  黄学文
作者单位:(1. 同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系, 上海 200092;2. 安徽省交通规划设计研究总院股份有限公司, 安徽 合肥 230031;3.安徽省交通控股集团有限公司,安徽 合肥 230031)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41877246); 上海市高峰学科资助项目(土木工程)
摘    要:山岭隧道建设可能会改变周边地下水渗流场,严重时会疏干地下水,威胁地表植被生存。针对现有研究难以定量分析隧道排水对地表植被影响的问题,提出以土壤水基质势作为植被生存状态指标,建立隧道-土壤-植被-大气连续体(tunnel-soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, TSPAC)分析模型。通过Richards方程描述植被根系区的土壤水分运移,将大气、地下水渗流模型作为上下边界输入方程,计算植被根系区基质势分布,据此衡量植被凋萎过程并判断其生存状态。将该分析方法应用于大别山区明堂山隧道工程,分析隧道建设对地表植被的影响,结果表明: 1)植被根系区土壤水基质势对地下水位和大气变化的响应存在滞后性和非均匀性,植被凋萎是渐进、动态的过程; 2)大气条件在该区域对植被生存起控制性作用; 3)隧道建设引起的地下水位变化对周边地表植被影响较小,且对不同植被类型影响程度不一。TSPAC分析方法的创新性在于: 提出了物理概念明确、易于工程使用的植被生态危险状态判断指标与依据,在SPAC分析模型基础上引入隧道地下水渗流模型,将隧道排水的工程因素与环境因素相结合,分析隧道排水—地下水位下降—地表植被影响的整体过程,并在实际工程中进行应用,可为隧道建设的环境保护提供一种新思路。

TSPAC Analysis Method for Impact of GroundwaterDrawdown InducedbyTunnel Drainage on Terrestrial Vegetation
LI Xiaojun,XU Hao,GOKDEMIR Cagri,WANG Fei,HUANG Xuewen. TSPAC Analysis Method for Impact of GroundwaterDrawdown InducedbyTunnel Drainage on Terrestrial Vegetation[J]. Tunnel Construction, 2020, 40(9): 1261-1271. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.09.003
Authors:LI Xiaojun  XU Hao  GOKDEMIR Cagri  WANG Fei  HUANG Xuewen
Affiliation:(1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College ofCivil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2. Anhui Transport Consulting & Design InstituteCo., Ltd., Hefei 230031, Anhui, China;3.Anhui Transportation Holding Group Co.,Ltd., Hefei 230031,Anhui, China)
Abstract:The mountain tunnel drainage may change the ambientgroundwater seepage field and even drain groundwater resources, which threatensterrestrial vegetation. In order to quantitatively analyze the impact of tunneldrainage on terrestrial vegetation, the soil water matric potential is selectedas an indicator for plant survival state to build an analysis model of tunnel soil plant atmosphere continuum (TSPAC). In themodel, the Richards equation is utilized to describe the moisture movement inthe root zone. The atmosphere and the groundwater seepage model are input tothe Richards equation as top and bottom boundary conditions. Then, the soilmatric potential distribution of the root zone is secured by solving theRichards equation. Based on matric potential distribution within the root zone,the plant dynamic wilting process can be evaluated and its survival state canbe judged. The method is applied to Mingtangshan Tunnel in Dabieshan Mountainsto analyze its drainage impact on terrestrial vegetation. The applicableresults show that: (1) The response of matric potential in the plant root zoneto variations in groundwater levels and atmospheric conditions is lagged andnonuniform, thus the plants wilt gradually instead of withering immediatelyafter the groundwater table descends. (2) The atmospheric conditions play thedominant role in vegetation survival in this region. (3) The drainage impact ofthe tunnel on surrounding plants is relatively small and different for variousvegetation. The TSPAC analysis method innovatively introduced tunnel groundwater seepage model to traditional SPAC models. By integratingfactors that represent tunnels and environment, the approach analyzed the wholeprocess of “tunnel drainage groundwaterrecession vegetation withering”.The method integrates tunnel, soil, vegetation and atmosphere as a whole toanalyze the eco environmental impacts of tunneldrainage. The approach can provide a novel thought of facilitating tunnelengineering environmentally friendly.
Keywords:mountain tunnel   drainage   groundwater table  terrestrial vegetation   TSPAC analysis model   soil water matric potential  
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