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引用本文:唐红梅,王昌贤,陈洪凯,叶四桥. 三峡库区陡崖形成及长期稳定性初步研究--以万州区太白岩为例[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 24(6): 104-107
作者姓名:唐红梅  王昌贤  陈洪凯  叶四桥
基金项目:交通部人才基金 , 西部交通科技建设项目 , 交通部科技计划项目 , 国家重点实验室基金
摘    要:陡崖是山丘地区常见的地貌景观,是危岩灾害孕发的起源地.以三峡库区万州区太白岩陡崖为例,笔者运用危岩发育链式机理探讨了陡崖的形成过程,指出陡崖是危岩链式发育的必然结果.得到了危岩主控结构面连通率与弹性模量及危岩体损伤度之间的相关参数,运用岩石蠕变时效本构关系建立了危岩微观链蠕变稳定时间计算式,初步建立了陡崖长期稳定性预测方法.初步得到了太白岩陡崖微观链稳定时间在891~15904年之间,在8万年内将会有危岩体逐渐发育的结论.

关 键 词:陡崖  危岩  链式机理  长期稳定性  预测方法

Preliminary research on formation and long-term stability of cliff along the bank of the Three gorges reservoir
TANG Hong-mei,WANG Chang-xian,CHEN Hong-kai,YE Si-qiao. Preliminary research on formation and long-term stability of cliff along the bank of the Three gorges reservoir[J]. Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University, 2005, 24(6): 104-107
Authors:TANG Hong-mei  WANG Chang-xian  CHEN Hong-kai  YE Si-qiao
Abstract: Cliff is common landform in mountainous area, resources of unstable rock disaster to develop too. Taking Taibaiyan cliff, locating in Wanzhou in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, as an example, authors approach formation process of cliff through bond mechanism of unstable rock in this paper, and point out that cliff is the inevitable results for unstable rock to develop. Parameters between link-ratio of control fissure of unstable rock and Young's modulus and damage degree of unstable rock are presented. Calculate method of creep stability time of micro-bond for unstable to develop is set up in aging constitute equation of rock, specially appraise method of long-term stability of cliff is provided too. The results show that stability time of micro-bond of the cliff is 891~15904 years, and unstable rock will develop gradually in next 80 thousands years.
Keywords:cliff   unstable rock   bond mechanism   long-term stability   appraise method
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