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Fatigue Damage Modeling for Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams under Repeated Loadings with Variable Amplitude
引用本文:冯秀峰 宋玉普 朱美春. Fatigue Damage Modeling for Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams under Repeated Loadings with Variable Amplitude[J]. 西南交通大学学报(英文版), 2006, 14(3): 258-264
作者姓名:冯秀峰 宋玉普 朱美春
作者单位:[1]School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China [2]Bureau of land Resiyrces and Housing Administration of Qingdao, Qingdao 266002, China [3]School of Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qubgdao 266071, China
基金项目:Specialized Research Fund fef the Doctoral Prognun of Higher Education (No. 2002141026)
摘    要:
Introduction Prestressedconcretestructuresfrequentlysub jectedtovariable amplituderepeatedloadingsare widelyusedinbridges,cranebeamsandoffshore structures.Repeatedloadingsmaycausetheprogres siveinternalstructuraldamagedegradingthereliabili tyofstructuresd…

关 键 词:疲劳损伤 模型 混凝土 变量

Fatigue Damage Modeling for Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams under Repeated Loadings with Variable Amplitude
Feng Xiufeng,Song Yupu,Zhu Meichun. Fatigue Damage Modeling for Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams under Repeated Loadings with Variable Amplitude[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2006, 14(3): 258-264
Authors:Feng Xiufeng  Song Yupu  Zhu Meichun
A full-range nonlinear analysis method for fatigue damage in prestressed concrete beams is presented. New damage accumulation models are proposed to describe the fatigue damage evolution in concrete and reinforcement respectively. Based on the stress analysis for cross section, the stress redistrbution in the fatigue damage process, due to the different damage mechanisms of concrete and reinforcement, is considered. The nonlinear damage analysis is achieved by means of piecewise linearity, and it is applicable on the condition of repeated loadings with variable amplitude. Fatigue damage modeling of a beam is implemented to illustrate that the proposed method can preferably fit the experimental results.
Keywords:Prestressed concrete beam   Fatigue   Damage   Nonlinear analysis   Stress redistribution
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