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摘    要:改革开放以来.中国民营经济.特别是高科技民营经济实体以前所未有的速度快速发展起来。据最新资料表明,民营经济对我国GDP的贡献已经超过了60%.在沿海一些地方甚至更高。从某种意义上讲,在中国全面推进小康建设的进程中.民营经济会以更加迅猛的速度飞速发展,成为国民经济的支柱。 伴随着中国经济的发展.中国轨道交通事业也进入了一个难得的发展机遇期,正在由计划经济向市场经济全面转变,在这样一个特殊而重要的历史时期,中国轨道交通领域的各级领导者和决策者,特别是占据重要基础地位的众多中、基层领导者、面临着诸多的困难和问题,为此,本刊从现在开始,将陆续刊登国际知名经济学家、企业管理者及中国优秀民营企业家的文章,“他山之石,可以攻玉”,旨在为轨道交通各级领导者和决策者提供一个思考与借鉴的窗口,以尽快提高管理决策的水平和能力.编者按]

关 键 词:企业家  社会发展  中国经济  民营经济  精神  轨道交通  企业管理者  领导者  经济实体  改革开放

Entrepreneurial Spirit is the Great Driving Force of Development and Progress
Authors:Ji Shiying
Abstract:The world is from war and revolution to the development and construction penod, entrepreneurs nave become tne main force in the promotion of social development. Enterprise is the most important call, entrepreneurs is nucleolus, entrepreneurship is life genes. Only a truly entrepreneurial spirit entrepreneurs armed with a successful business enterprise, it is the date of each employee. Only by molding a strong entrepreneurial spirit groups and entrepreneurs groups, our country can have hope. China has a lot of wise politicians, social activists, theorists, scientists, but are urgently short of the high-quality entrepreneurs, the most important thing is Entrepreneurial Spirit.
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