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作者姓名:徐慧文  魏润民  王学良  岐天茂  王德彬  朱正龙  鹿明成  李秀如  陈化新
摘    要:<正> 流行性出血热(以下简称出血热)可引起实验室感染。1960年苏联首次发生113例实验室感染出血热爆发,以后在南朝鲜、芬兰及国内均有一些报导。以上均为进行出血热研究的实验室工作人员,由于接触疫鼠—黑线姬鼠、棕背(鼠平)或红背(鼠平)而发生。此类事例已为从事出血热研究人员所熟知,但对其传播机理尚不甚明了,有待进一步研究。另一类实验室感染为普通实验室由于接触实验动物大白鼠而发病。1975年和1978年在日本仙台首次发病,病人

Infection with Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever(EHF)in an Laboratory
Abstract:From November 1981 to June 1982, 3 out of five individuals who were working in a laboratory of ⅩⅩ collage in Xi'an where rats were used as expreimental aminals developed a clinically apparent infection with EHF. AII three patients were reexamined with the indirect immunofluorescent assay in November 1982 to detect the antibodies agaist EHF virus. EHF antibody was seropositive only in one case, the titres being 1:5120, while the other two cases showed a negative result. AII three patients had a history of the bite by rats2—4 weeks before the onset of clinical symptoms. Lung samples from 120 rats were tested by the indirect immunofluorescent assay for EHF antigen, the positive rate being 9.2%(11/120). Fifteen persons working in the animal rooms were in contact with rats daily, and none of them had antibodies agaisnt EHF virus in their serum. There were ten research departments in the college where rats were used, but in only one department EHF patients (3/5) were found. Of 101 persons in contact with rats, 3 were affected (3.0%). Epidemiological studies suggest that laboratory rats were the source of infection. Many problems need further studies in this field.
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