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滑坡治理过程中岩土体变形场的演绎趋势分析——以西(昌)木 (里)路新烧房滑坡为例
作者姓名:翁其能  唐红梅  陈洪凯  王凯
摘    要:以西(昌)木(里)路新烧房滑坡为例 ,运用FEM数值计算方法比较详尽地分析了处于天然,开挖及治理状态下滑坡体及邻近岩土 体变形场的演绎过程,明晰了滑坡所处岩土环境的变形演绎趋势及过程,与实际情况符.该 方法对于评价、分析滑坡的稳定性态及治理效果具有重要的参考借鉴作用.,Landslide is a kind of universal and serious geologi cal disaster, which usually has characters suchas high happening frequency、high destroy force and many kinds of destroy performs. In modern highway engineering ,because highway is wider and has the higher amount of transport,it has higher demand for the stability of highways slopes.In the paper,taking the XinShao fang landslide in the Highway from Xichang to Muli as example, applying mathemat ical method of calculation and analysis, the author analyse the developing tende ncy of the rock and land mass deformation in the course of harnessing landslid e. This method is feasible and the analyzing result is prototype to some extend, which have value to analyze the slopes stability and harnessing landslide.,

关 键 词:滑坡  天然状态  开挖状态  治理 状态  变形场  演绎,滑坡  天然状态  开挖状态  治理 状态  变形场  演绎,滑坡  天然状态  开挖状态  治理 状态  变形场  演绎
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