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引用本文:凌凤东,孔祥云,杨月鲜,赵根然. 狗心左室乳头肌的动脉[J]. 西安交通大学学报(医学版), 1981, 0(3)
作者姓名:凌凤东  孔祥云  杨月鲜  赵根然
摘    要:1.用血管造影法和腐蚀法对110例狗心左室乳头肌动脉分布进行了观察,并结合分布特点计论了冠状动脉阻塞时对乳头肌可能产生的影响。2.前、后主要乳头肌均为附着型。前乳头肌平均长1.96厘米,宽1.10厘米。后礼头肌平均长2.04厘米,宽1.2厘米。3.前乳头肌血供来源Ⅰ型(由前降支供应)最多,占71%,Ⅱ型(前降支和左旋支的分支)次之,占18%。后乳头肌血供来源Ⅰ型(左旋支的分支)最多,占91%,其中65%来自左室后支。4.乳头肌内部血供特点:(1)均来自直走型动脉支;(2)均呈节段性分布。每肌接受2—9支,5,6支最多;(3)动脉支在肌内分布有一定的对称性;(4)动脉的排列形式以混合型最多;横行型次之;(5)动脉支在乳头肌心内膜下层吻合成心内膜下丛,中上部较明显、

Abstract:Using the angiography and the corrosion methods we studied the arterial distribution of the papillary muscles of the left ventricle in llo dog hearts, according to the peculiarities of vasculature, disscused the influence of obstruction of coronary artery upon the papillary muscle.The anterior and posterior papillary muscles in dog all are tethered type. The average length and width of anterior papillary muscle are 1.96 cm. and 1.10cm, respectively, while those in the posterior papillary muscle are 2.04 cm. and 1.20 cm. respectively.The origins of arterial blood supply of anterior papillary muscle may be classiffied into 4 types, type Ⅰ, in which the arterial branehes are from the anterior descending artery, is in leading position(71%); type Ⅱ, in which branches are both from the anterior descending and left circumflex arteries, is in the next place(18%). Origins of arterial branches of posterior papillary muscle are classed under 2 types: type Ⅰ, in which all arterial branches are from the left circumflex artery, is the most, 91%, among them 65% from the posterior branch of the left ventricle.The peculiarities of arterial distribution in papillary muscles are as follows: 1. All artery branch entering the papillary muscle are of Class B. 2. All are segmental distribution in papillary muscles. Each muscle recieyes 2-9 branches, mostly 5 or 6 branches. 3. Each half of one papillary muscle recieves several branches symmetrically. 4. The arrangement of hrauches may be classiffied into several types; mixed type is the most, then comes the transverse type. 5. The branches anastomose each other to form the subendocardial plexus, which is most evident in the middle and upper third of the papillary muscle.
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