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摘    要:针对现代有轨电车运行环境和运营特点,采用GPS定位为主,航位推算为辅的车辆定位方案,确保现代有轨电车在运营线路上定位信息的连续性和完整性。采用卡尔曼滤波等数据处理方法,减少传感器采集数据的零偏漂移和随机漂移,降低航位推算的累积误差,提高定位信息的精确性。由理论分析和跑车试验可以看出,组合定位方案和数据处理方法可以有效实现现代有轨电车在全部运行线路上的跟踪和定位。

关 键 词:有轨电车  车辆定位  航位推算  GPS  卡尔曼滤波

Research on Modern Tram Positioning Method Based on GPS/DR
Affiliation:,China Academy of Railway Sciences
Abstract:According to the running environment and operation characteristics of modern tram,the vehicle positioning scheme consisting primary GPS and supplementary dead reckoning is adopted to ensure the continuity and integrity of positioning information on the operation line of modern tram. Data processing method such as Kalman filtering is employed to reduce the bias drift and random drift of the sensors' output,decrease the accumulative error,and improve the accuracy of positioning information.Theory analysis and car experiment show that the integrated positioning scheme and the data processing method proposed by this paper can fulfill effectively the tracking and positioning of modern tram on the whole line.
Keywords:Tram  Vehicle positioning  Dead reckoning  GPS  Kalman filtering
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