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随着长三角经济一体化的发展,区域轨道网络日趋完善,为扩大区域枢纽机场的腹地提供了良好的机遇。为了定量研究轨道交通对区域枢纽机场可达性的影响,以杭州萧山机场为例,利用ArcGIS和改进的交通成本加权平均值法,从市域和区域两个方面,对基于轨道交通的机场可达性进行分析。结果表明,基于轨道交通的机场有效服务范围能够覆盖所在城市大部分地区;加强机场与区域轨道网络的衔接,有利于提升机场的可达性,扩大辐射范围。  相似文献   

随着我国航空运输业的快速发展,作为主要枢纽节点的年旅客吞吐量达到千万级机场也在逐年增多,为了对机场的发展阶段和发展规模进行更加科学合理的判断和预测,有必要回顾千万级机场的发展历程并总结发展规律。本文依据旅客吞吐量大小对现阶段39个千万级机场进行分类,并对其在2000至2019年间的运营数据进行对比和分析。研究发现机场在发展过程中具有虹吸效应和规模效应,并提出不同规模、不同级别机场所需要的客观发展时间,最后基于研究结论对十四五期间能够突破千万级关卡的机场进行预测。  相似文献   

随着双循环发展格局的不断推进,公铁联运在优化运输结构、提高运输效率、降低运输成本等方面面临更多的机遇与挑战。公路及铁路设施的不断完善,为公铁联运集疏运一体化发展奠定良好基础,但目前仍然存在集疏运一体化设施薄弱的问题。本文以广州东部公铁联运枢纽为例,分析总结现状集疏运一体化发展存在的问题,结合枢纽功能定位及方案,开展集疏运一体化设施需求分析,最终以问题和需求为导向,从基础设施一体化、组织方案一体化、运营组织一体化等方面,提出广州东部公铁联运枢纽集疏运一体化规划方案,适应双循环发展要求,提高广州东部公铁联运枢纽的公铁联运效率,为其规划建设提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

论文在分析大型枢纽机场集疏运体系规划特点的基础上,研究集疏运公路网络的功能分类和组织模式,以北京新机场为例,进行公路集疏运网络规划示例分析。  相似文献   

铁路综合客运枢纽具有明显的协同化运营要求.本文针对面向协同化运营的铁路综合客运枢纽建设问题,分析了铁路枢纽与集疏运体系的协同关系,提出了铁路综合客运枢纽建设的问题导向、需求导向和目标导向,梳理了面向协同化运营的建设原则和推进策略,在此基础上总结提炼面向协同运营的铁路综合客运枢纽推进建议.  相似文献   

<正>为了满足快速增长的航空需求,在世界范围内出现了大规模的机场改、扩建和新建大型机场的高潮。许多大型机场与城市中心距离(30~50km)越来越远。绝大多数机场的地面集疏运交通以高速公路为主要通道,汽车是主要交通方式。与此同时,随着经济发展,城市化水平迅速提高,人口向城市集中,城市道路交通拥挤程度不断增大,这样旅客(货邮)往返机场时间相应加长,更无法保证到达进出机场时间的可靠性。对于大型枢纽机场来说,运量达到一定规模后(年旅客吞吐量1000万人次以上),单一道路交通方式将无法满足机场客货流地面运送的需求。如何改善大型枢纽机场地面交通系统,实现机场外部交通与航站楼的高效衔接己成为各国机场规划设计者普遍关注的问题。轨道交通具有运量大、速度快、费用低、占地少、污染少、舒适性好、准时可靠等优点,为提高机场地面交通服务效率提供了新选择。  相似文献   

多层次轨道交通融合发展成为都市圈一体化发展的重要载体。本文对巴黎、柏林-勃兰登堡、东京、纽约等国际都市圈的轨道交通网络进行系统介绍,总结多层次轨道融合发展经验。基于上述分析,提出对我国都市圈轨道系统在线网层次、枢纽体系、运营组织、技术标准等方面的启示和建议。  相似文献   

杨新湦  屈琮博 《综合运输》2021,(2):66-72,83
针对我国国际枢纽机场未按照设计之初功能定位发展的现状,运用AHP法构建国际枢纽机场综合评价指标体系,将国际航空运输规模指标、国际节点网络连通度指标、枢纽功能指标、综合交通指标纳入体系当中。首先对国内外大型国际枢纽机场进行评价,其次对我国机场布局规划中的10个国际枢纽机场进行评价。结果表明我国国际枢纽机场国际业务发展、航空枢纽建设与国外对标机场有一定差距,与自身战略规划有所偏差,针对薄弱指标项基于自身优势给出发展建议。最后基于一市两场与机场群的视角,分析了如何根据自身功能定位进行协同发展问题。  相似文献   

随着"轨道网络"时代的到来,轨道交通正深刻影响着城市的空间布局,并改变着人在站城空间中的活动轨迹。以轨道交通枢纽地区为研究对象,详细论述了轨道交通枢纽地区站城一体化的基本构成;重点研究了站城一体化的建筑设计要点。结合上海轨道交通龙阳路枢纽,为新时代轨道交通枢纽地区一体化建筑设计提供思路。  相似文献   

孙杨  宋瑞  何世伟 《综合运输》2009,(12):53-56
发展轨道交通已经成为解决大城市交通拥挤问题的必要手段,但仅依靠轨道交通并不能服务整个城市,要通过整合接运公交构成轨道-接运公交系统以满足居民的出行需求。本文在阐述轨道-接运公交系统的发展以及内在关系的基础上,论述了轨道-接运公交系统的网络设计与时刻表的整合协调优化,并说明了城市交通枢纽对轨道-接运公交系统的正面作用。  相似文献   

轨道固定系统是起重机平稳安全运行的基础,文章从轨道的受力分析出发,比较说明有缝轨道鱼尾板硬式固定系统和无缝轨道柔性固定系统的优缺点。  相似文献   

This article explores possible signs on learning in organizations following two major railway accidents in Norway, the Tretten accident in 1975 and the Åsta accident in 2000. These are the most serious railway accidents to have occurred in the past decades and both involved collisions on a single track system. The two events have been analyzed and compared in order to investigate possible learning effects and possible differences in learning given the 25-year span between them. The study is based on the analysis of selected documents related to the accidents in general and the narrative components in the documentation related to learning in particular.Our findings indicate that learning from these events was not expressed as an explicit goal in the aftermath. Learning in these cases seems to be linked for a large part to a change in measures, technical, operational and organizational, but we have not observed any managed confirmation or comprehension processes. The Tretten accident report suggests that the possibility of human error should be mitigated through the implementation of technological barriers, while it omits all other elaborations and risk reducing measures. The Åsta accident report recommended that the work to introduce modern safety management principles that had already been initiated before the accident should be continued. Neither of the accidents yielded any new insights and the knowledge brought forward was merely perceived as confirmation of already-agreed changes.  相似文献   

Despite the growing development of tools that can integrate land use and transport, the desired integration is still illusive in daily practice. To address this gap, the current study uses spatial metrics, a set of methods traditionally used for studying changes in the spatial structure of landscapes, which are translated into the domain of transport planning. It examines how spatial metrics can be integrated into “Land Use Transport” strategy-making, and how useful they are according to the practitioners’ perceptions. A Light Rail Transit corridor in Granada (Spain) provides the empirical focus of this research. Land use characteristics such as: land use mixing, land use diversity and green areas connectivity were successfully studied using spatial metrics, and they were used to map three “Land Use Transport” strategies: (i) proximity dynamics and non-motorised modes; (ii) modal shift from cars to Light Rail Transit system; (iii) shared spaces between motorised and non-motorised modes. Practitioners perceived that spatial metrics could improve the “Land Use Transport” strategy-making process in comparison with traditional methods used in practice. However, certain shortcomings related to the usability of spatial metrics are also highlighted and discussed. This study concludes with a reflection on research challenges for adapting spatial metrics to transport practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors influencing and inducing leisure travel; to convey the sensitivity of rail travel receipts to the performance of the economy and more particularly family and personal disposable incomes; to examine the potential for further market research; and finally, to determine ways and means of attracting marginal revenue in the sustainable recreation/tourism sphere to a major public sector asset.

The paper focuses on leisure marketing by Britain's national railway corporation, British Rail (BR), and the relevant activities of its three passenger business sectors: Network SouthEast (NSE), which operates regional and local services in London and the South East (though not the London ‘tube’ system); Regional Railways, which operates regional and local services elsewhere in Great Britain; and InterCity, which operates the long distance express services.

The paper reviews BR's fares promotions of recent years and in particular draws on some examples taken from Regional Railways. This sector is now the only business of British Rail which in principle is subject to a significant public grant, to meet the obligation of a minimum level of service on social grounds. Of the other two passenger businesses, Network SouthEast receives a grant but the current intention is that it should operate on a breakeven basis from the 1992/93 financial year; InterCity runs on a purely commercial basis.  相似文献   

文章通过对广州市地铁接运公交专线现状的调研,分析了我国大城市轨道交通接运公交的现状特性及影响其运营性能的各种因素,探讨了提高运营性能的方法,为类似城市轨道交通接运公交专线的规划提供参考。  相似文献   

当前国内轨道交通工程风险评估工作中常用的WBS-RBS风险辨识方法存在不少问题,文章结合工程实践进行了相关研究,明确了工程结构分解法(WBS)的具体分解方法及准则,制定了各分解模块的命名规则.该准则从工程整体上把握风险,遵从风险事件发生特征,避免了传统分类方法存在的重复、不全面等不足;从具体操作流程和分析实例来看,达到了当前风险辨识的目的和风险管控的要求.  相似文献   

A well-designed service plan efficiently utilizes its infrastructure and ensures an acceptable level of service stability with consideration of potential incidents that disturb or disrupt the rail transit services. To perform service evaluation, an integrated process combining capacity, resource usage, and system reliability is required to quantify service efficiency and stability in a consistent way. This study adopts capacity-based indices, “capacity utilization” and “expected recovery time”, as the attributes for service efficiency and stability, and develops a comprehensive evaluation framework with three corresponding modules to incorporate capacity, service plan, and system reliability and maintainability simultaneously. The capacity analysis module computes the rail transit capacities under normal and degraded operations. The reliability module classifies and fits the proper reliability and maintainability distributions to the historical interruption data. The service efficiency and stability module analyzes the results of the previous two modules and evaluates the service efficiency and stability of rail transit service plans. Empirical results show that the established evaluation framework can not only evaluate the service efficiency and stability but also identify critical sections and time slots. This tool can help rail transit operators rapidly assess their operational changes and investment strategies related to efficiency and stability so as to provide efficient and stable services to their customers.  相似文献   

Most major cities across the world today are facing an intractable challenge of financing public transport. In Kuala Lumpur for example, public transport services are somewhat poor in part because of the failure of major operators to secure ample funding. Previous funding programs implemented in the city have failed to produce a replicable model for financing public transport. Due to numerous financial problems and the dismal performance of privately owned transport firms, the State has in the recent past emerged as a key source of funding for the public transport sector in Kuala Lumpur. This article argues that, despite the insuperable challenges, prospects for the future funding of public transport in Kuala Lumpur appears to be good. The article also draws lessons from both Tokyo and Hong Kong. In order to address the funding deficit facing the public transport industry in the city it is crucial that more viable strategies and policies such as value capture and public–private sector partnerships are adopted by the urban authorities.
Amin T. KiggunduEmail:

Determining the required capacity upgrades to accommodate future demand is a critical process in assisting public and private financing of capacity investments. Conventional railway systems usually operate multiple types of trains on the same track. These different types of trains can exert substantially different capacity impact, and can cause serious operational conflicts. In the past, rail line capacity is commonly defined as the maximum number of trains that can be operated on a section of track within a given time period. However, a specific unit (trains/hr or trains/day) does not reflect the heterogeneity of train types. According to the concept of base train equivalents (BTE) and base train unit (BTU), this study developed headway-based models to determine BTE for transforming different train types into a standard unit (i.e., BTU). An approximate method for lines with three and more types of trains was also proposed to compute BTEs for non-base trains. Results from the case studies demonstrate that this method enables the standardization of rail capacity unit, facilitates assessment of the impact from heterogeneous trains, and allows comparison and evaluation of the capacity measurements from different lines and systems.  相似文献   

China has built the world’s largest High Speed Rail (HSR) network. Its environmental impacts have been examined by the means of life cycle assessment (LCA) which describes the whole picture of the HSR system instead of single stages, with a case study for the high-speed railway that links Beijing and Shanghai. The research employs the China-specific life cycle inventory database Chinese Core Life Cycle Database (CLCD). Vehicle operation dominates most impact categories, while vehicle manufacturing/maintenance/disposal and infrastructure construction contribute mostly to mineral consumption (43% and 38%) and organic compounds in water (54% for infrastructure construction). Several scenarios are developed to explore effects of changes in HSR development, utilization, electricity mix, and infrastructure planning and construction. Suggestions are provided for improving the life cycle environmental performance of China’s HSR systems.  相似文献   

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