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随着我国国民经济的发展、市场经济的不断完善和汽车保有量的不断增加,二手车市场越来越大,每年需要鉴定评估的二手车数量也越来越多,涉及面也越来越广。二手车的定义直接关系到所涉及车辆的范围,在某种程度上也关系到二手车评估体系的科学性和市场交易的规范性。2005年10月1日,由商务部、公安部、工商总局、税务总局联合发布的"二手车流通管理法"正式实施,此办法总则的第二条,对二手车定义为:二手车是指办理完注册登记手续到达国家制度报废标准之前进行交易并转移所有权的汽车(包括三轮汽车、低速载货车,即原农用车)、挂车和摩托车。  相似文献   

根据业内人士一般预测,汽车平均置换周期为5至6年。2002、2003年井喷行情时期市场销售的近800万辆新车已进入更新期。随着汽车保有量的巨量积累,以及消费者换车观念的形成,二手车市场迎来发展春天。目前,各大厂家、经销商以及二手车经纪公司开始二手车市场上大做  相似文献   

日前,中国汽车流通协会和精真估联合发布了《2021年5月中国汽车保值率研究报告》.报告显示,在经历了前一个月短暂停顿之后,5月份线上二手车源恢复环比正增长,与去年同期相比,车源量小幅增长. 5月份,供需变化导致了二手车价格回升.  相似文献   

分析了当前机械设备折旧费的计提方法,提出一套较为合理的设备动态折旧办法.以设备的经济寿命为依据,根据机械类型的不同而采取不同的折旧方法,使设备的净值与设备的折旧程度同步,在保证利润不断增长的前提下,使机械设备更新能够跟上科技发展的步伐.  相似文献   

由于汽车行业超长的产业链,任何汽车工业的转型,都会对整个工业系统产生蝴蝶效应.国务院关于商务领域促进汽车消费工作指导意见和一些地方经验做法的通知,要求各地商务部门积极推进新车购置补贴、促进二手车便利交易等措施的出台,积极推进优化汽车限购措施,稳定和扩大汽车消费.  相似文献   

本文在国内外营销模式的基础上,分析和对比了我国与国外不同营销模式的优缺点,并在营销模式的选择方面,针对我国的实情,提出在已有4s专卖店基础上,在一级及以下城市建立分销机构,各厂家联合限制建店距离,发展汽车租赁、二手车置换、O2O网络营销等模式,促使我国汽车营销模式健康有利发展。  相似文献   

本文对设备折旧方法进行了分析,并探讨了采用不同折旧方法对企业的发展及影响。  相似文献   

2009年3月5日,国务院总理温家宝在十一届全国人大二次会议开幕式上做政府工作报告表示,要积极扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,增强内需对经济增长的拉动作用,其具体措施之一就是要“完善汽车消费政策,加快发展二手车市场和汽车租赁市场,引导和促进汽车合理消费。”  相似文献   

自2004年10月1日施行的《汽车贷款管理办法》第二十二条规定.贷款人发放自用车贷款的金额不得超过借款人所购汽车价格的80%:发放商用车贷款的金额不得超过借款人所购汽车价格的70%;发放二手车贷款的金额不得超过借款人所购汽车价格的50%。  相似文献   

2021年4月18日,以"智行千里"为主题的2021别克品牌日活动在上海世博中心隆重举行,别克品牌发布了面向2025年的发展新规划,并接连抛出重磅"干货":别克品牌战略车型——全新别克昂科威Plus艾维亚,全新别克威朗Pro 及威朗 Pro GS 全球首发;同时,别克宣布推出全新"别克官方认证二手车"品牌, iBuick超级APP也再获升级.在2021上海国际车展开幕前夕,别克以融汇新车型、新技术、新服务、新规划的"全席盛宴",展现了品牌在新征途上的领跑实力.  相似文献   

On the Depreciation of Automobiles: An International Comparison   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Storchmann  Karl 《Transportation》2004,31(4):371-408
Since older automobiles are less efficient and technologically obsolete, over-aged capital stocks are associated with higher environmental burden. Given the rapid growth of over-aged car stocks in many poor countries, the knowledge of depreciation data, depreciation patterns, and their determinants in developing countries becomes increasingly important for effective environmental policies. This paper refers to used automobile prices and generates depreciation data for a sample of 54 car models from 30 countries. We found the following results:(1) Overall, geometric depreciation appears to be a good approximation to real depreciation rates. (2) Depreciation rates are significantly lower in developing countries than in industrialized countries. (3) When using corrected prices the depreciation rates increase substantially. The average depreciation in OECD countries is 31%, whereas in non-OECD countries it is about 15%. Besides prices for new cars, the economic life of automobiles is particularly dependent on real income. In the long-run, an income increase by $1000 is likely to increase the annual depreciation rate by 2.7% in OECD countries and 3.6% in non-OECD countries.  相似文献   

本文主要利用学院校企深度合作优势,采用分品牌、分区域、企业同参与的分工模式,通过现场走访调研、网络问卷调查相接合的方式对国内部分汽车维修企业开展调研工作。系统分析了当前我国汽车维修行业从业人员现状和行业人才需求存在的问题,并提出了相应提高汽车维修从业人员技术和素质的措施。  相似文献   

As a response to growing concerns regarding the call for clean energy and its impact on future automobile sales, this study uses a classical factor model and the Peña-Box model to examine the contemporary and time-varying relationships of different brands/models of cars in Taiwan between 2003 and 2007. In this paper, we demonstrate the complementary characteristics of these two analytical and forecasting methods. The results confirm that these two models can derive equally important but different information from the same time series data. Furthermore, the models are a useful marketing tool for discovering the current preferences of car purchasers, as well as their preference changes over time.  相似文献   

In an effort to conserve fuel, Congress required that automobile manufacturers increase the average fuel efficiency of the vehicles which they sell. The extent to which this policy is successful in conserving fuel depends on how consumers respond to the more fuel-efficient vehicles. The present paper reviews previous economic research on automobile demand and examines what this research can tell us about how consumers will respond to fuel-efficient vehicles. Three categories of research are reviewed, namely aggregate econometric studies, disaggregate econometric studies, and hedonic price analyses. It is shown that insufficient variation and too large covariation among automobile characteristics (such as price, weight and length) are problems which hinder the usefulness of each type of analysis. Two methods to alleviate these problems are proposed for future research.  相似文献   

The change in consumers' surplus resulting from the alteration of automobile characteristics to achieve greater fuel economy is estimated. Measures of surplus change based on random utility models of consumer choice are calculated using data on the characteristics of makes and models from 1978 to 1985. Random utility models with constant and random coefficients are used. Though highly dependent on assumed attribute values, the results suggest that consumer surplus gains have been roughly equal in magnitude to the increased retail price of more efficient cars.  相似文献   

文章综述了欧洲关于汽车轮胎滚动阻力及噪声的测量方法,剖析了轮胎滚动阻力及噪声的测试设备、测试条件、测试过程以及测试计算方法和评价,为优化和改进我国的汽车轮胎滚动阻力和噪声测试提供参考。  相似文献   

The determinants of public opinion toward public transit is a little-researched topic, though a better understanding of what makes consumers willing to support transit may reveal which attributes of transit consumers value most. One determinant of people’s willingness to support investments in mass transit may be the price of fuel for transit’s principal competition, the private automobile. In this paper, I examine the relationship between the cost of gasoline and stated willingness to invest public money in mass transit improvements. I hypothesize that fuel price volatility—in addition to price itself—is a determinant of support for more mass transit funding, controlling for other factors. As the price of gasoline becomes more uncertain, the public should, all else equal, support investment in mass transportation, a form of transportation that may provide some measure of protection from the price of fuel. Results suggest a strong effect of price volatility on consumers’ willingness to support transit expenditures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation model of the American automobile market. The simulation model combines a disaggregate model of household automobile number and type choice with an econometric model of used vehicle scrappage and simple models of new car supply. For fixed vehicle designs, consumer and producer interactions determine new car sales, used car scrappage and consumer vehicle holdings. The model allows automobiles to be highly differentiated and consumers to be heterogeneous. Short-run equilibrium is defined as supply equal to demand for every vehicle type during each market period. The automobile stock then evolves slowly as new vehicles are added and old vehicles are removed during each period. An empirical application of the simulation model with 12 consumer groups and 131 vehicle types is used to forecast automobile holdings. A base case scenario is run for 1978–1984 and compared with the observed market behavior during this period. Several other simulations are then run comparing different gasoline price scenarios with the base case for 1984–1990.  相似文献   

China is the world biggest market of electric vehicles (EVs) in terms of production and sales. Existing studies on consumer preferences for EVs in China have generally focused on first-tier cities, while little attention has been paid to the lower tier cities. This exploratory study investigates consumer preferences for EVs in lower tier cities of China, by collecting stated preference (SP) data in two second-tier cities and three third-tier cities in the south Jiangsu region of China. The discrete choice modeling analysis shows that Chinese consumers in lower-tier cities are generally sensitive to monetary attributes, charging service and driving range of EVs. They also perceive Chinese vehicle brands to be disadvantaged compared with European brands. When comparing the differences in second-tier versus third-tier cities, we find that consumers in third-tier cities are more sensitive to purchase price, subsidy of purchase, and coverage of charging stations than their second-tier counterparts. This study also highlights the role of different psychological effects, such as symbols of car ownership, normative-face influence, and risk aversion, in shaping consumer preferences for EVs in lower-tier cities of China. Our results provide important implications for contextualizing government policies and marketing strategies in line with the different sizes and characteristics of the cities in China.  相似文献   

Recently, management of parking rates has been proposed as an effective policy option to ameliorate the adverse impacts of excessive commuter automobile use in urban areas. Parking price strategies have the potential for significantly altering travel behavior in favor of high occupancy vehicles, as well as reducing congestion, energy consumption and pollution. Unfortunately, however, a paucity of empirical evidence exists regarding the impacts of parking pricing policies on travel patterns. The recent attempt aimed at eliminating federal employee parking subsidies provided a unique opportunity to take a careful look at the impacts of commuter parking price increases.In November 1979, federal employees at many government facilities in Washington, DC, and other major cities began to pay one-half of nearby commercial parking rates for government-controlled parking spaces. This paper presents the impacts of the parking price increases on commuting behavior at a sample of 15 worksites in metropolitan Washington, DC, and discusses their short term planning and policy implications. A before and after with control group survey design monitored the effects on modal shifts, automobile occupancy, and parking behavior. The results showed that removing free parking and raising parking rates (from $10 to $32 per month) influenced some significant shifts to higher-occupancy modes, but that the shifts were not uniform in direction or magnitude across the sites. In addition, the study examined how locational, travel, and employee factors influenced the modal shifts.  相似文献   

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