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为提高海上钻孔桩的施工效率和工程质量,结合跨海大桥钻孔桩的施工经验及海上施工特点,从钻进规程、循环系统、清孔及孔内事故的预防措施等方面研究了影响冲击钻钻进效率的各种原因,总结了冲击钻海上施工的一整套工艺。工程实例中的统计数据表明,该工艺在跨海大桥桩基施工中取得了良好的效果,充分发挥了冲击钻在海上施工的优越性,解决了常规工艺下的各种难题,适用于海上各种地质条件下的钻孔桩。  相似文献   

1船型简介 4 800HP/6000 HP平台供应、油田守护船共有3种船型,其中包括4 800HP平台供应船、6000 HP油田守护船、6 000HP平台供应船.本系列船型是为适应我国海上石油、天然气体勘探和开采工程的迅猛发展,由我院开发研究设计的又一系列海洋工程辅助船舶. 本系列船能航行于无限航区/近海航区,能低速巡航于海上石油平台附近,随时随地听候平台的召唤,是一艘为海上石油和天然气勘探、开采工程和建筑设施等提供多种服务的多功能海洋工程辅助船舶.其主要作业功能有:  相似文献   

浅析CDM法加固海上软土地基的钻孔取样工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从CDM法加固海上软土地基钻孔取样的设备、具体操作及取样中应注意的一些问题出发,论述了在这种比较特殊的地基中钻孔取样的方法,这既是对我国海域CDM法加固地基钻孔取样的以经验总结,同时也是对“CDM法加固海上软上土地基”课题在钻孔取样方面的有益探讨。  相似文献   

使用海上平台进行海上土工勘探试验是一种现代土工勘深方法,已被国外广泛采用。此文对欧病历第上工程所使用的一些海上工程勘探方法作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

汪生杰  胡殿才 《水运工程》2012,(12):194-199
近年来冀东油田为满足滩海油藏勘探开发需要,成功建造了一系列海上人工岛.工程海域属粉砂质海岸,浅滩、深槽、沙脊交错分布,海域地形条件复杂.工程处于外海且无掩护,风浪流较大,冬季受冰冻影响且冰荷载大.滩海油藏勘探开发用人工岛,安全环保要求苛刻.这对人工岛的设计提出了较高的要求.对冀东油田人工岛设计关键技术进行总结分析,包括人工岛功能、选址、平面布置、建设标准、保滩护底措施、围堤结构、岛域吹填及地基处理、对外交通码头等人工岛设计所涉及的主要方面,可供同类工程参考.  相似文献   

针对某港口工程海域松散砂层钻探成孔中,多次出现的塌孔和涌砂致使取土困难不能进行原位测试的问题,在实际操作中经过反复试验,采用加重泥浆护壁和投放粘土球等办法,增加钻孔孔底的压力和孔壁的泥皮厚度,使层压水不易向钻孔内渗流,并通过适当控制钻进速度最终解决了钻探成孔问题,保证了工程地质勘察资料的准确性、真实性.  相似文献   

8月9日,中国交通建设股份有限公司(以下简称中交股份)成功收购世界著名海上钻进平台设计公司Friede Goldman United,Ltd.(简称“F&G”)。9月16日,F&G公司召开第一次董事会议。在此期间,中交股份总经济师、董事会秘书刘文生接受了采访,就中交股份海上重工发展战略、收购过程、F&G运营等问题作了回答。  相似文献   

2月17日凌晨,首次进内河港口修理的半潜式海上石油勘探平台“勘探三号”在南通中远船务提前完成所有修理项目,顺利开航。这标志着南通中远船务首次承接修理海洋工程获得圆满成功。 中石化上海海上石油局所属的“勘探三号”是我国于1984年自行研制的第一艘半潜式海上石油勘探平台,此次也是该平台有史以来工程量最大的一次修理。除了  相似文献   

设计研发了可在吹填泥塘中勘探取样、监测作业的疏浚勘测平台,包括一系列取样、制样、真空预压模型试验等装置。采取勘察取样、沉降监测、室内土工试验、模型试验等一系列手段,结合吹填土的物性指标法、分层总和法、一维有限应变法等计算方法,原位土沉降计算方法及软件计算系统,形成了吹填区吹填高程预测的软件和硬件系统。将吹填高程预测系统应用于滨州港海港港区6#~8#泊位后方吹填区的吹填高程预测,结果表明,当采用真空预压法处理吹填土地基时,要达到3.5 m的交地高程,场地的吹填高程不应小于8.55 m。  相似文献   

李丹丹 《船舶》2007,(2):39-41,46
多用途工作船作为一种为海上工程提供服务的工程船舶,已经成为海上石油和天然气勘探和开采工程中不可缺少的一个组成部分.文章以4 000 hp全回转多用途工作船为例,简要介绍其主要作业功能、基本性能以及结构设计的主要特点.  相似文献   

The fatigue assessment of a well conductor is a critical design task during offshore exploration and development of hydrocarbons. In recent years, major progress has been made towards the modelling of soil-conductor interaction. Upgraded soil-conductor interaction springs (i.e., p-y curves) and damping models are developed and are gaining acceptance by the industry. However, there is a general lack of simplified procedures to incorporate the soil damping into the time-domain structural analysis of a wellhead system. Thus, the motivation of this paper is to close this gap by proposing a simplified procedure for incorporating the soil damping in the well conductor time domain analysis. The procedure is generic and allows for convenient adoption of alterative p-y spring and damping models. Design charts for equivalent soil system damping ratio versus the lateral deflection of the conductor are developed through parametric analyses based on representative wellhead configurations with typical soil strength profiles in the Gulf of Mexico to facilitate practical design.  相似文献   

New offshore oil and gas exploration has placed renewed emphasis on developing structures in relatively complex geological conditions. Due to the damaging nature of impact driving, traditional steel piles used to support jacket structures, are not ideally suited to specific soil types, such as carbonate sands. Drilled and grouted piles are commonly used to support structures in these soil conditions. This paper describes a novel drilled pile, which has been developed specifically to provide a cost effective installation process while maintaining the benefits of grouted piles. The installation process negates the need for temporary casing in weak soils and minimizes the number of offshore operations. In this paper, the installation methodology and post-installation performance of a large scale onshore field trial is described. The installation process was successfully demonstrated with a 1.9 m diameter test pile installed in fine sand to 17.7 m depth in under 3 h. The performance of the pile, as measured in a tension static load test, was shown to compare favorably with existing pile design methods.  相似文献   

通过将带有测倾斜度、测孔压功能的静力触探技术应用于跨海大桥地基勘察的工程实例,阐述了海上静探施工的操作重点和多功能静力触探测试成果的应用,并与普通探头测试深度数据、钻探分层和桩基载荷试验成果进行了对比、验证。发现依靠带测倾斜度和孔压的探头对地基土分层和深度的校正均起到很大作用,同时通过将静力触探技术应用于海域勘察,可以更直观地估算桩基承载力,判断地基土的工程地质性质。  相似文献   

A risk-based design framework should involve both risk assessment and risk management. This article introduces and describes a number of procedures for the quantitative assessment and management of fire and gas explosion risks in offshore installations. These procedures were developed in a joint industry project on the explosion and fire engineering of floating, production, storage and off-loading units (the EFEF JIP), which was led by the authors. The present article reports partial results, focussing on defining the frequency of fires and explosions in offshore installations. Examples of the aforementioned procedures’ application to a hypothetical floating, production, storage, and off-loading unit (FPSO) are presented. A framework for the quantitative risk assessment of fires and explosions requires the definition of both the frequency and consequences of such events. These procedures can be efficiently applied in offshore development projects, and the application includes the assessment of design explosion and fire loads as well as the quantification of effects of risk control options (RCO) such as platform layout, location and number of gas detectors, isolation of ignition sources etc.  相似文献   

公路线形安全性评价系统开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论基于《公路项目安全性评价指南(JTG/T B05-2004)》理论与评价方法,利用Visual Studio.NET 2002和Object ARX二次开发技术对公路线形安全评价系统进行了设计与实现,通过本系统在具体工程项目设计中的应用,验证了本系统的实用性和可靠性。  相似文献   

为了满足国家"提高船舶自主创新能力","发展远洋渔业和海上贮藏加工技术与设备","重点研究开发大型远洋渔业船舶"的发展规划,完成国家863项目目标,根据金枪鱼的习性特点,借鉴国际上已有的金枪鱼围网船,开发出符合中国国情、具有自主知识产权的大型金枪鱼围网渔船。同时完成了捕捞设备的研究与应用,填补了国内在此领域的空白。本文详细介绍了围网作业流程,围网设备及系统的形式、布置、性能参数、控制方式及在围网作业中的作用。  相似文献   

港池坞门的制造方案及合拢工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章阐述了坞门制造的多种方案,充分合理使用船台的优质资源,提高生产效率,有效保证工程质量精度。浮船坞内的"一次进坞,落差坐墩"大合拢,更是一种新工艺的探索,为类似工程积累经验。  相似文献   

海洋工程装备项目物资仓储管控具有物资种类繁多、仓储点众多、仓储环境复杂、物资调度任务交错进行等特点。为提高海洋工程装备项目的物资仓储管控效率,减少手工操作工作量,本文分析了仓储活动流程,构建了基于MAS (Multi-agent System,多智能体系统)的海工装备项目物资仓储管控系统框架,并进一步针对库位分配问题提出了具体的协商模型和决策算法,最终采用B/S架构开发了基于MAS的海工装备项目物资仓储管控系统原型。实例验证表明,应用多智能体技术可有效辅助海工装备企业进行智能化物资仓储管控。  相似文献   

Fatigue assessment is a critical design aspect for many offshore structures. Soil-foundation interaction has a direct impact on the system dynamic response of these structures. While the stiffness of the soil-foundation interaction influences the system's natural frequency, the damping influences the amplification of the structural response to environmental excitations. This paper presents a simplified model for estimating the soil damping due to nonlinear soil response for pile foundations, which have wide applications in the offshore industry, such as for supporting jacket platforms, wind turbines and wellhead facilities. The proposed model is fundamentally linked to the damping response of the soil measured at element level therefore it offers design engineers an efficient and accurate way to estimate soil-pile interaction damping based on site-specific soil data. Approaches to include the suggested model for structural analysis are also proposed.  相似文献   

海洋工程是国家新兴战略型产业,目前,高端海洋工程装备关键技术几乎掌握在欧洲与美洲发达国家、新加坡、日本、韩国手中,为快速提升中国在高端海洋工程装备技术领域的实力,需要找到创新型方法和途径。确定性设计方法在兼容并蓄海内外设计经验的同时,有利于国内研究院所和各海洋工程承包商迅速掌握海洋工程装备核心技术,突破国外技术枷锁,迅速积累高端海洋工程装备设计经验,为进一步开拓海洋工程装备市场奠定基础。  相似文献   

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