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栾法敏  王修良 《世界海运》2011,34(12):40-42
通过在亚丁湾护航时援救被海盗劫持商船的经历,介绍登临商船检查防海盗措施以及协调指挥护送商船安全通过亚丁湾海域的宝贵经验,总结军民联防反海盗的方法措施,以提高商船自我保护和获取外援的能力。实践证明,采用军民联防措施可以大大降低商船被海盗劫持的几率。  相似文献   

近期,索马里海盗活动日趋猖獗、活动范围急剧扩展、行劫战术不断变化,商船反海盗劫持面临的形势日益严峻。为此,本刊特邀请到曾在交通运输部负责护航专项值班工作,中国海军第四批护航编队525指挥舰随舰船长、厦门海事局VTS值班长许玉付,请他谈谈商船在亚丁湾反海盗劫持中的应对措施。  相似文献   

0前言2008年以来,包括我国海军护航编队在内的多国海军力量在亚丁湾为商船护航,在一定程度上打击了索马里海盗的嚣张气焰。但由于种种原因,无法阻止海盗袭击和劫持商船的企图,以及从根本上消除索马里海盗。据国际海事组织统计,海盗劫船企图及劫持人数均呈递增趋势,2010年索马里海盗共劫持船舶49艘,  相似文献   

两位船长的防抗海盗攻略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨玲 《珠江水运》2011,(6):9-13
商船如何自救抗海盗?刚刚从亚丁湾归来的护航船长郭好乐和刘景升对此可谓满腹经纶。两位船长告诉本刊记者,因海域辽阔,所有商船完全依赖军舰护航并不现实,所以,只有船舶自身做好防范和抗击海盗的准备,才能更有效地保护船舶及自身安全。两位护航船长从长  相似文献   

当前,随着各国海军军舰加大对亚丁湾海域的护航力度,反海盗工作取得了明显的成效。但从统计情况看,2009年10月至11月,亚丁湾、索马里海域共发生58起海盗袭击商船事件,15起成功,得手率仍高达25.8%。深入研究分析目前亚丁湾、索马里海域海盗袭击事件的新变化、新特点以及应采取有效的应对措施,对于进一步做好后续护航行动、提高我海军护航效率具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

亚丁湾及索马里海域海军护航具有多国海军护航、协调渠道通畅、护航区域固定、护航方式多样、参护船舶多元的特点,商船在参加海军护航时,要及时了解护航信息,落实反海盗工作制度,服从护航军舰指挥,在申请护航、组织编队、编队航渡、情况处置、解护分航五个阶段与海军护航舰艇主动配合、密切协同。  相似文献   

当今亚丁湾及索马里海域海盗活动日益猖獗,航行于该区域的船舶一旦被武装海盗劫持,海盗以船员作为人质,使各国护航海军武力解救被劫持船舶相当困难,当商船凭借己方力量不足以阻止海盗行为时,如何让船员躲进船上的"安全舱",避免被武装海盗控制作为人质,等待护航海军的武力解救,"莫斯科大学"号油轮获救是个成功案例,文中主要阐述船舶如何建立反海盗劫持的"安全舱"。  相似文献   

护航区域何处?亚丁湾海区如何做好安全防范 海盗频频得手引起了有关方的重视,现在亚丁湾“护航区域”已经划出,护航力量有军舰和直升机,有应急报告、联系渠道,虽然当前的护航力量仍然不足完全保障船舶的安全,但毕竟对商船是件利好事情,对盗寇是件威慑。安全巡逻区域在亚丁湾内的坐标如下:  相似文献   

尽管各国海军不断加大在亚丁湾、索马里海域打击海盗的力度,但海盗袭击事件仍频繁发生,商船被袭击和劫持的数量居高不下,海盗仍然很猖狂,防恐形势依然非常严峻。据介绍,针对各国海军军舰护航的局面,海盗近期也调整了袭击战略。一是袭击时间向全时域发展,只要有机可乘,白天一样发动袭击。二是袭击范围向中远海扩展。  相似文献   

据统计,自2008年索马里海盗泛滥开始,已经有超过4000名船员被扣押,27艘船舶和639名船员被当作人质。由于平均每次勒索的赎金大约都高达500万美元,因此,海盗活动的范围不断扩大,离开索马里海岸作案也变得越来越专业和暴力。6个月前海盗母船的使用,更是扩大了海盗们的目标范围。今年前4个月,印度洋上已经有30艘船被劫持,另有117次劫持未遂。海盗袭击的不断升级足以证明,单单使用军舰护航难以达到确保商船安全的效果。于是,各大航运公司在万般无奈的状况下,不得不将目光转向私人安保公司,希望通过雇佣私人武装力量提高商船安全系数。  相似文献   

本文通过20例渔船与商船碰撞事故的典型案例。分析了造成事故诸多因素中渔船方面的原因,并提出和探讨了商船的避让措施,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

Piracy is one of the most frequent maritime threats. However, despite the importance of how maritime piracy is to be reduced, it is substantially less investigated than maritime safety. Piracy off Somalia is the most investigated case of piracy, but those results are not necessarily generalizable. Piracy off West Africa has been shown to be more diverse, successful and dangerous. This study investigates and analyses piracy off West Africa with the aim to understand how different operations and security measures affect the consequences of piracy. This study has identified several different intents and shows that most attacks are relatively close to shore and correspond to areas of high ship density. Attacks with the intent of theft at night-time are generally performed close to shore, and more complicated attacks against ships under way are more common during daytime and farther from shore. Five types of measures are found to have high effectiveness if the attack is detected during approach; after boarding, only two measures have high effectiveness. Of the effective measures, it can be concluded that all but one are dependent on detecting the attack. Therefore, detecting the pirates is key but must be accompanied by a set of measures because no measure alone can protect a ship given the operational conditions off West Africa. The risks associated with piracy off West Africa are estimated to be of the same magnitude as the risks posed by Somali piracy at its peak.  相似文献   

Piracy off the coast of Nigeria portends grave danger to the economic, security, and sociopolitical development of the country. It also threatens both international and regional trade as well as the stability of the West African sub-region. Despite Nigerian government’s attempts to curb piracy caused by poverty, unemployment, including corrupt and weak maritime regulatory and security institutions, attacks by pirates have continued to occur off the country’s coast. Consequent upon the adverse effects of piratical attacks on their day to day activities, seafarers can facilitate the suppression of piracy off the Nigerian coast. This paper uses statistics, provisions of international instruments and domestic legislations, the United Nations Security Council resolutions, soft laws, and opinions of researchers to examine the nature, causes, and effects of piracy on seafarers in Nigeria. The author argues that seafarers are necessary partners to curb piracy off the coast of Nigeria through enforcing maritime security conventions and other related instruments as well as testifying against pirates during trials. In conclusion, this paper contends that acts of piracy adversely affect crew members’ life, health, family, job, and finance thereby providing an overwhelming motivation for seafarers to play a role in suppressing piracy off the Nigerian coast.  相似文献   

The term 'Piracy' tends to be used in a loose, popular sense to refer to various acts of violence or lawlessness at sea which are not, strictly speaking, acts of piracy in law. In this article, the author examines the concept of piracy under international law and related notions such as hijacking and mutiny. In this context, he shows that the 'malpractices' of robber bands in such places as the inshore waters of Nigeria and The Philippines are not acts of piracy jure gentium.  相似文献   

The term ‘Piracy’ tends to be used in a loose, popular sense to refer to various acts of violence or lawlessness at sea which are not, strictly speaking, acts of piracy in law. In this article, the author examines the concept of piracy under international law and related notions such as hijacking and mutiny. In this context, he shows that the ‘malpractices’ of robber bands in such places as the inshore waters of Nigeria and The Philippines are not acts of piracy jure gentium.  相似文献   

李桢 《中国海事》2010,(6):41-42
尽管索马里海盗问题得到了国际社会的高度重视,并出台了一系列的预防和惩治措施,但由于这些措施并未从根本上解决海盗问题,海盗活动仍然层出不穷。文中主要分析了海盗问题对我国航运界的实际影响,并给出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

A prominent feature of modern day piracy is the ransom that is demanded for the safe release of the ship, cargo and crew. The recent upsurge of this type of piracy, in areas of the world that are of strategic importance to the shipping industry, has created many challenges for shipowners, underwriters and the law relating to marine insurance. The aim of this paper is to examine how the marine insurance market is being affected by the threat of modern day piracy, and seeks to identify the options that are available for the recovery of a ransom payment by the shipowner. Moreover, this study aims to identify the legal issues that might prevent a shipowner from recovering a ransom payment under an insurance policy or from the other interests in a common adventure. The study establishes that a reasonably made ransom payment by the shipowner will amount to an extraordinary expense that is taken to minimise or avert a loss. Such an act can generally be recovered under the insurance policy as a sue and labour expense or from other interests in the common adventure as a general average expense. However, illegality, unseaworthiness and exemption clauses in a marine policy are identified as being legal issues that may prevent a shipowner from recovering the ransom payment. Some of these problems may be overcome if clauses are carefully drafted to specifically cater for modern day piracy in a marine insurance policy. Several inconsistencies may also be resolved by transferring the piracy peril to war risks cover. The shipowner’s duty is to respond to the changing circumstances, by ensuring that his vessel is sufficiently equipped and the crew is properly trained to resist a hijacking.  相似文献   

Whereas the Marine Insurance Act 1906 provides substantial detail about total losses, very little is provided in relation to piracy in the said statute. The recent judgments in Masefield v Amlin by Steel J ([2010] 1Lloyd's Rep. IR 345) and then by the English Court of Appeal ([2011] EWCA Civ 24) have highlighted the difficulties associated with determining whether a seizure of the subject-matter of insurance, in this case cargo, by pirates, demanding a ransom, can give rise to a claim for a total loss. This is a very important matter which also raises issues of legality and public policy. This article examines the implications of this judgment against the backdrop of the English marine insurance definition of piracy and the intricacies of the law relating to constructive and actual total losses. The article concludes with the suggestion that possibly the marine insurance definition of piracy should tally with that in the domain of public international law, and further, that legislative intervention should be considered for the purpose of ascertaining the point in time whether and when seizure by pirates can constitute a total loss.  相似文献   

张辰  王敏宁 《世界海运》2010,33(8):20-22
从生命、财产、环境、通航安全等方面阐述海盗活动对航运业的危害,并针对我国防范海盗工作中存在的问题,提出健全和完善惩治海盗的立法、积极参与国际或区域合作、加强信息搜集与预警能力等建议。  相似文献   

This "rutter for piracy" begins with a brief update on contemporary piratical incidents and a short review of books and collections of articles dedicated to the topic of piracy, before presenting the ground-breaking group of scholarly essays which make up WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs' special issue on piracy at sea.  相似文献   

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