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杨扬 《集装箱化》2009,20(10):2-4
针对我国沿海内贸集装箱运输市场的特点以及沿海内贸集装箱运输港、线、船、货的现状,充分考虑影响我国沿海内贸集装箱运输市场和船型选择的因素,建立沿海内贸集装箱运输最佳船型的选择模型,运用非线性规划的方法,以单箱最大利润为目标函数,求得最佳船型。以天津——广州(南沙)航线为例对模型进行验证,得出我国沿海内贸集装箱运输的最佳船型为载箱量6000TEU及船速22kn的结论。  相似文献   

沿海内贸集装箱运输市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1内贸水路集装箱运输市场概况我国内贸集装箱运输市场是一个较为独立的国内市场 ,起步比较晚 ,但发展很快 ,尤其是近几年一直保持超高速发展态势。目前全国主要港口内贸集装箱吞吐量已占到集装箱总吞吐量的10 %左右 ,国内沿海货运集装箱化率也由1998年的4.2 % ,上升到10 %。经营沿海内贸集装箱运输的船公司已有11家 ,投入船舶从1999年的40多艘增加到目前的70多艘、40多万载重吨 ,总箱位5万TEU左右。各公司共开辟沿海内贸集装箱班轮航线30多条 ,每月航班多达580班。1.1内贸水路集装箱市场发展沿革上世纪90年代中期已经开始有2t、5t和10t的…  相似文献   

1 中远集运内贸集装箱运输概况 1.1中远集运内贸运输的起点 近年来,在国内沿海内贸集装箱运输发展迅速、市场进入了快速发展时期的形势下,中远集运于1998年8月开始经营沿海内贸集装箱航线,初期由于外部市场环境问题和投入不足等多方面的原因,内贸航线一直处于亏损状态.无论从市场占有率和经营效果来看,与同行业相比都存在差距.  相似文献   

5月侣日,中远集装箱运输有限公司的全资子公司,上海泛亚航运有限公司成立。泛亚航运作为“中集”原中日贸易区和沿海贸易区的组合体,拥有注册资金6.8亿人民币,自营船舶24艘,租用船舶9艘,总运力达30400TEU,经营中日航线、内贸航线和公共内支线。泛亚航运是中远集运为优化经营,凸现品质品  相似文献   

我国沿海船舶活动频繁且通航密度大、航线设计交汇叠加、会遇局面频繁发生、船舶交通事故及险情多发,在这样的航路上,规划和设立分道是目前最有效的方式。文中就沿海关键水域设定分道通航进行了探讨,以期优化我国沿岸航行船舶航路,努力减少我国沿海的航行风险。  相似文献   

航线规划结果优劣直接影响船舶航行的安全以及成本,而当前船舶航线规划算法存在难以获得最优规划方案的缺陷。以获得理想的船舶航线规划方案为目标,提出一种人工智能算法的船舶航线规划方法。首先分析船舶航线规划研究的进展,设计船舶航线规划的约束条件,并建立船舶航线规划的数学模型,然后采用人工智能算法中的遗传算法模拟适者生存机制对船舶航线规划的数学模型进行求解,最后进行了船舶航线规划仿真实验。结果表明,人工智能算法能够在短时间内搜索到最优的船舶航线规划方案,相同条件下,相对于其他算法,不仅可以提高找到最优船舶航线规划方案的成功率,而且搜索到的船舶航线规划方案具有十分显著的优越性。  相似文献   

1-7月,以内贸"天天班"为标志的中远集装箱运输有限公司和中日航线共完成自引、自靠、自离码头的"三自"操作3035艘次,其中内贸"天天班"更以100%的安全准班率领先各家班轮公司,独占沿海内贸内支线市场的鳌头。在"三自"提升船舶安全准班率的同时,降本创效成果凸显,上半年共节约拖轮1249艘次,节约引水费和拖轮费2210万元。  相似文献   

2008年3月18日,中海集运在福州新港开辟福州-漳州-营口的内贸精品集装箱班轮航线,该航线是中海集运在福州新港的固定集装箱周班轮。相对一般内贸航线而言,中海集运对精品航线实行精细化、品牌化管理,其运营班期时间准确固定,船舶大型化、班次多,覆盖面扩大。  相似文献   

中国正在制定现代物流业规划纲要;福建省最大的仓储物流中心在漳建成并投入使用;烟台——京唐港货运航线开通;东渡新辟厦门——日照内贸集装箱新航线  相似文献   

为保障船舶在海上安全航行,提出人工智能在船舶航行数学建模中的应用。使用Maklink图论方法描述海上作业点分布,建立作业点Maklink连接图,生成船舶在作业水域内可航行网络图。建立船舶在海上作业区域航线规划数学模型,并设置约束条件;利用Dijkstra算法求解船舶在海上作业危险区域航线规划模型,得到船舶航行初始航线;利用人工智能算法内的蚁群优化算法对船舶航行初始航线实时优化处理,得到船舶航行最终航线,为船舶穿越海上作业区域实时导航。实验结果表明,该方法可有效生成船舶在作业水域航行网络图,得到初始航线并对初始航线优化处理,应用效果较佳。  相似文献   

我国水上高速客运航线的船型与高速船市场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国高速船航运事业发展十分迅猛。长江、珠江、黑龙江水系及渤海湾约七十多条高速船航线共200多艘高速船投入航行。本文介绍了高速船船型的分类及船型特点.并对国内航线上使用的各型高速船作了专门的剖析。结合我国国情.对高速船的初投资、营运成本、适航任能进行分析比较,同时对进口高速船与国产高速船进行综合评估。文章回顾了我国高速船和航线发展的历史.对高速船市场作了论述。随着我国经济的发展.高速船市场前景诱人。国内高速船如何抢占这个市场.作者进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Price discrimination is practiced by oligopolistic coastal shipping companies in the ‘unregulated’ Greece–Italy routes in the year 2002. Investigation has been carried out ‘per route’—in a doctoral thesis—instead of ‘per market’ which was the so-far erroneous approach of shipping economists. This is so for a host of differentiating factors play a considerable and non-negligible role (like geography, distance, demand, seasonality and others). Service—and price-discrimination—in coastal shipping is affected also by the predetermined ship design which thus is a special feature—but not exclusively—in coastal shipping. Companies in the Adriatic Sea try to extract the greater possible value of the user's willingness to pay, peak and off-peak, group and ungrouped, for social groups (clubs, families and students). Marketing and economics interfere in a complicated—far from the nice world of theory—situation, where maximization of revenue and profit, capacity utilization, intense seasonality and high fixed cost (common and joint costs as well) are a few of the factors that interplay. This paper can be considered as a case study for applied pricing. Excess capacity is also a strategic factor affecting pricing. It is our opinion that the analysis here gives for the first time a complete theoretical and practical account—based on the price lists of the companies—of the pricing policy of the ferry boats running in the Adriatic Sea belonging to coastal shipping companies connecting Italy with Greece and Greece with the European Union (EU). We believe this work to be useful for maritime Europe.  相似文献   

Price discrimination is practiced by oligopolistic coastal shipping companies in the 'unregulated' Greece-Italy routes in the year 2002. Investigation has been carried out 'per route'—in a doctoral thesis—instead of 'per market' which was the so-far erroneous approach of shipping economists. This is so for a host of differentiating factors play a considerable and non-negligible role (like geography, distance, demand, seasonality and others). Service—and price-discrimination—in coastal shipping is affected also by the predetermined ship design which thus is a special feature—but not exclusively—in coastal shipping. Companies in the Adriatic Sea try to extract the greater possible value of the user's willingness to pay, peak and off-peak, group and ungrouped, for social groups (clubs, families and students). Marketing and economics interfere in a complicated—far from the nice world of theory—situation, where maximization of revenue and profit, capacity utilization, intense seasonality and high fixed cost (common and joint costs as well) are a few of the factors that interplay. This paper can be considered as a case study for applied pricing. Excess capacity is also a strategic factor affecting pricing. It is our opinion that the analysis here gives for the first time a complete theoretical and practical account—based on the price lists of the companies—of the pricing policy of the ferry boats running in the Adriatic Sea belonging to coastal shipping companies connecting Italy with Greece and Greece with the European Union (EU). We believe this work to be useful for maritime Europe.  相似文献   

随着环日本海地区贸易往来的频繁,优化该地区航运网络结构,提升海运通达性,成为推动该地区经济发展的重要手段.因此,提出一个以航运企业利润最大为目标的航线网络优化模型.该模型综合考虑航线、船型与需求间的关系,以船舶的载重量为约束,优化航运企业的资源配置,设计航线及选择适宜船型.利用实际数据对该模型进行检验,结果显示,优化的航线网络以及确定船型在不同经济条件下有所差别,可为环日本海航线的开辟与运营提供借鉴.  相似文献   

自 1999年 2月 1日起 ,GMDSS在全球范围内将全面实施 ,由于我国岸台设置的具体情况以及国内航线的具体特点等诸多因素的影响 ,国内海船将难以全面按 GMDSS的要求配备无线电通信设备。考虑到这种情况 ,笔者根据其在编写《法规》时的调研结果 ,以 GMDSS的思路为基础 ,综合考虑了安全、值班、遇险和搜救通信等方面的协调要求 ,提出了适合我国国情及航线特点的无线电通信设备的配备方案  相似文献   

By virtue of its coastal and insular character, Greece undoubtedly holds a leading position in Europe with regard to domestic passenger shipping. In the quest to improve economic competitiveness and curb carbon emissions in Greece, the energy efficiency and carbon footprint assessment of domestic passenger shipping has so far attracted little attention in comparison to other energy consumers, including other modes of transport. In the current work, energy and carbon efficiency of domestic passenger shipping in Greece during the decade 2001–10 is expressed and estimated through the associated intensity terms, i.e. the consumed energy and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of transport work performed. The energy and carbon efficiency assessment is facilitated through comparisons with relevant shipping operations in Europe and other regions of the world. Furthermore, the influence of the market’s seasonal and spatial characteristics is also examined. Finally, the analysis of energy efficiency provides the means for assessing the influence of fuel expenditure upon the overall cost of the supplied services.  相似文献   

The street-turn option represents a major strategy for the profitability of shipping companies supplying container-based transportation. This option consists in the distribution of trucks delivering loaded containers to import customers, the subsequent allocation of empty containers to export customers and the final dispatch of loaded containers to departure ports. However, the determination of truck routes is a time-consuming activity for shipping companies, because available information can suddenly change while they are making their decisions. In this paper we aim to propose a decision support tool to quickly determine truck routes and implement the street-turn strategy. This tool is based on an optimization model determining the allocation of empty containers between customers and defining truck routes in a post-optimization phase. We compare routes resulting from the proposed model to the decisions of a real shipping company. Early results indicate that this approach represents a promising support for shipping companies in dealing with street-turns. It can significantly reduce distances travelled by trucks and times requested to determine routes.  相似文献   

Government recently introduced the Transport Law Reform Bill, which if passed by Parliament, will allow foreign vessels to uplift and discharge cargoes and passengers along the coast of New Zealand. Coastal shipping is part of the domestic transport industry, which has benefitted from deregulation and considerable restructuring over the last decade. This paper provides a brief review of the coastal shipping industry in New Zealand and an overview of international cabotage laws. An alternative open coast shipping policy proposed by the New Zealand Shipping Federation, which is based on ‘level playing fields’ principles, is presented. The scope of cost benefit analysis is outlined and the potential costs and the potential costs and benefits of the Government's open coast shipping policy are summarized. Despite the potential costs to New Zealand of an open coast policy appearing to be considerably greater than the potential benefits. Government officials have not undertaken an empirical cost benefit analysis. The paperr concludes that hte clauses of the Transport Law Reform Bill relating to an open coast policy should be withdrawn and a full empirical cost benefit analysis should be undertaken to determine the best coastal shipping policy for New Zealand.  相似文献   

中国海事航海图书资料发行网站(www.chart.gov.cn),作为向国内航运业免费提供官方沿海电子海图、内河水域的电子航行示意图以及电子海图更新信息的服务平台,网站的可用性至关重要,文章从网站运维管理的角度,讲述了如何选择合适的手段,防范和抵御各种风险,确保网站的正常运行。  相似文献   

A strategy to revitalize coastal shipping within Great Britain is investigated. An examination of the regulatory environment shows government, at both the EU and British levels, aware of the environmental benefits of coastal shipping compared to road freight transport, if only mildly supportive in tangible terms. The geography of Great Britain and the modern preference for just-in-time deliveries have severely restricted the ability of coastal shipping to compete effectively with road freight transport. The primary objective of the paper is to investigate whether coastal shipping could be integrated into a multimodal door-to-door supply chain, where it is currently hampered by high costs of transhipment, slow transport speeds, and the incongruity of load sizes between land and sea modes. Integration requires the co-operation of all organizations within the multi-modal supply chain. However, coastal shipping companies have been known to be individualistic and mistrusting of alliances. Therefore, a Delphi study is undertaken to investigate the standpoint of leading managers in such companies towards multimodal integration. The results of the Delphi study indicate that managers are in favour of multimodal developments, in particular cooperation between coastal shipping and road haulage. However, there was agreement that the business is highly competitive, and this may prevent the forms of collaboration required for multimodal systems. The secretive nature of the coastal shipping sector could impede joint marketing to promote a mode of transport that is often 'invisible' to shippers. There was little consensus on the relationship that should exist between coastal shipping and ports, a topic worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

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