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三千里滚滚西江水,源云贵,横亘两广,直达港澳。西江,这条占广西90%的内河运量,流域面积占全区总面积80%的母亲河,是上天赐予八桂人民独一无二的宝贵财富。2008年10月,广西壮族自治区党委、政府立足广西发展大局,通观区域经济发展形势,作出了"打造西江黄金水道,推动区域经济协调发展"的战略决策。2009年8月21日,广西专门成立了广西壮族自治区西江黄金水道建设领导小组办公室(以下简称"西江黄金水道办"),西江黄金水道建设开始向"一盘棋"方向发展,掀起了西江黄金水道建设新高潮。  相似文献   

随着国家西部大开发、与东盟开放合作和广西北部湾经济区发展规划战略的深入实施,广西水运事业迎来了加速发展的新春天——北部湾港万吨级以上泊位达到46个,港口综合通过能力达到1.15亿;内河正在加紧构建“一线三通道”(西江航运干线和南、北、中航运通道)的水路运输网络,《广西西江黄金水道建设规划》通过广西壮族自治区政府批准实施,到2012年西江亿吨黄金水道初步形成。  相似文献   

孙炜 《综合运输》2009,(11):44-45
西江在我国内河中仅次于长江,是西南水运出海大通道的重要组成部分。梧州市地处西江核心区,充分发挥梧州市交通区位优势,建设区域型物流枢纽城市,能够为沿江特别是广西区发展区域经济、促进珠三角区域产业转移、吸引投资,提供良好的物流环境。  相似文献   

覃迪 《西部交通科技》2016,(4):104-106,109
为了推动广西西江黄金水道更好地服务于区域经济建设,文章分析了广西西江黄金水道通航建筑物建设运营管理体制现状以及存在的问题,提出了符合广西特色的通航建筑物建设、运营、管理的模式,阐述了通航建筑物运营管理体制改革创新发展的思路。  相似文献   

西江长洲水利枢纽三线四线船闸工程是打造西江亿吨黄金水道,解决广西内河运输瓶颈的一个关键项目,是世界上最大的内河船闸。2013年,长洲三线四线船闸主体进入攻坚阶段,主体工程已全面进入建设高潮,预示着该工程为达到广西壮族自治区政府提出的"力争2014年底实现通航"的总体目标迈出了关键的一步。  相似文献   

西江长洲水利枢纽三线四线船闸工程是打造西江亿吨黄金水道,解决广西内河运输瓶颈的一个关键项目,是世界上最大的内河船闸。2013年,长洲三线四线船闸主体进入攻坚阶段,主体工程已全面进入建设高潮,预示着该工程为达到广西壮族自治区政府提出的“力争2014年底实现通航”的总体目标迈出了关键的一步。  相似文献   

4月27日,广西壮族自治区西江黄金水道建设领导小组办公室、交通运输厅、发改委联合举行《广西西江黄金水道建设规划》新闻发布会暨“西江黄金水道”网站开通仪式。《规划》明确,到2012年,新增内河港口吞吐能力超过7700万吨,总吞吐能力达到1亿吨以上,基本建成贵港至梧州2000吨级航道、右江1000吨级航道、柳黔江500吨级航道、红水河500吨级航道和桂平二线船闸;  相似文献   

2009年8月4日,西江黄金水道建设规划专家咨询会在南宁召开,与会专家本着严谨、科学的精神,对进一步完善《西江黄金水道建设规划》(以下简称《规划》),打造西江亿吨级黄金水道,建设西江经济带,提出了诸多中肯的意见。加快西江亿吨黄金水道建设不仅是广西的发展战略,也是国家的发展战略。即将出台的《国务院关于进一步促进广西经济社会发展的若干意见》文件,已经明确把西江黄金水道建设的一些概念、发展原则和要求等写进其中,把西江经济带提升到广西区域发展的总体布局。  相似文献   

秋收时节,正是西江航运最繁忙季节。全国交通运输系统先进集体——梧州航道管理局,在黄金水道复兴时期抢抓机遇,勇当“西江航运发展的桥头堡和排头兵”,有效管理广西内河航道网中技术等级最高、科技含量最高、通航密度最大的航道——贵港至梧州Ⅱ级航道,为沿江经济的快速发展提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

<正>显著成绩基础设施步伐加快在全国首创"航电结合、以电养航、滚动发展"的模式中,西江航运干线结合自身特点,解决了内河水运基础设施建设资金不足的问题,使得主要航道等级、港口通过能力得到了较大提高。  相似文献   

文章介绍了干扰观测法、电导增量法、恒定电压跟踪法等3种太阳能电池最大功率点跟踪控制算法的基本原理,阐述了基于干扰观测理论的智能航标光伏发电系统最大功率点跟踪控制电路及其系统软件的设计程序。  相似文献   

文章根据大连湾老铁山水道的情况,考虑变吃水的运输方式,以船长、船宽、吃水及航速作为变量来进行船型方案的组合。选用净现值、内部收益率、投资回收期、必要运费率和综合经济指标作为衡量船型方案的标准,通过分析计算得出最佳的船型方案,为小型渔货船型选择提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以广西大化电站船闸下游河道整治工程Ⅲ、Ⅳ爆破作业区为例,介绍复杂环境下爆破作业安全施工的优化方案,提出了爆破安全防护相关措施,为类似的爆破作业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文通过对古雷港区东山湾水域夜间航行各项致险因素的研究,提出了规范船舶交通流方面、完善助航标志配布方面、夜间灯光环境方面、港池通航条件方面等各项通航条件的优化措施,并以此为依据提出有序开展夜航和全面开通船舶夜航的建议:对夜间船舶通航风险采取分级分类管控,对夜间重载进出港船舶应采取比空载船舶更加严格的管理和要求,同时,建议东山湾水域夜间污染防治能力和人员救助能力应能够适应全面放开夜航后的需要。  相似文献   

文章针对广西内河助航标现状,提出加大技术创新,对航标进行技改的思路。并对应用现有技术建设广西内河航标自动遥测系统进行探讨,为提高航标维护管理质量提供参考。  相似文献   

On-road vehicles have been considered as one of the major contributors to energy consumption and air pollutant emissions. In order to quantify the corresponding environmental impacts, great efforts have been dedicated to the microscopic and macroscopic modeling for vehicle energy consumption and emissions. However, the mesoscopic modeling research that is focused on estimating trip-based energy consumption and is critical to some ITS applications (e.g., environmentally-friendly navigation), is relatively deficient. This study aims to investigate the effects of different data segregation methods on the mesoscopic modeling for vehicle energy consumption. A variety of novel methods, including the so-called conditional operating mode based method, have been proposed and evaluated using field data. Based on real-world data, statistical analyses have demonstrated the superior performance of enhanced models (i.e., conditional operating mode/VSP based models) in estimating vehicle energy consumption on a trip basis, compared to the other four models (velocity binning, time snipping, distance snipping and VSP based models) tested in this study.  相似文献   

航标维护正常率是考核评定航标维护管理工作的重要技术指标之一。文章分析了广西内河航标失常的特点与原因,探讨了提高航标维护正常率的有效途径,提出采用多手段监控管理模式是提高航道航标管理工作质量的有效途径和科学方法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了电缆防盗的“人防、土防、技防、联防”四种方法,重点研究了当前的电缆防盗的技术原理和报警模式,并结合高速公路现有机电系统特点和实际需求,提出了集电缆防盗、电力设备监控,电力载波、高速公路通信专网等诸多技术于一体的综合防盗技术系统方案。  相似文献   

Collision avoidance support systems (CASS) are nowadays one of the main fields of interest in the area of road transportation. Among the different approaches, those systems based on vehicle cooperation to avoid collisions present the most promising perspectives. Works available in the current literature have in common that the performance of such solutions strongly relies on the operation of two on-board subsystems: navigation and communications. However, the performance of these two subsystems is usually underestimated when the whole solution is evaluated. Collision avoidance support applications can be considered among the most critical vehicular services, and this is the reason why this paper focuses on the performance issues of these two subsystems. Main issues regarding navigation and communication performance are discussed along the paper, and a study of the literature in the field is completed with the evaluation of different system prototypes. Communication and navigation tests in real environments yield further conclusions discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to compare the usage of a traditional paper map and electronic route maps during driving, and to consider the effects of congestion information and map scale sizes on driving performance, workload and subjective feelings. Experiments were conducted in desktop virtual driving environments with a 17-in. color monitor simulating driving environments and a 14-in. color monitor showing different kinds of navigation systems. A total of 20 undergraduate students of National Tsing Hua University were paid to participate in the Experiment I. The criteria for driving performance were trip duration, driving speed and number of navigation errors. Heart rate was measured as an index for workload. The 5-point Likert-type questionnaire was used to reflect the perceived nervousness, fatigue and task difficulty. Results indicated that the performance difference between a paper map and electronic route maps depended on the design characteristics of electronic route maps. Comparisons among four electronic maps revealed two significant main effects of congestion information and scale sizes on trip duration. Besides, it seemed that the availability of congestion information was useful for reducing navigation errors. Neither statistically significant main effects nor interaction was found on subjective feelings and driving speed. Another 18 subjects were used in the Experiment II to determine the optimum map scale size. Finally, the implications of the findings may provide suggestions on designing safer and more efficient in-vehicle navigation systems.  相似文献   

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