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供应商位于造船供应链的最前端,供应商与造船厂之间的合作关系,将在产品创新中发挥越来越重要的作用.从船舶制造商(造船厂)的角度,以产品创新的重要源泉--供应链节点企业(尤其是原材料/零配件供应商)为研究对象,用博弈的方法研究介入船舶产品创新的供应商合作团队关系问题.  相似文献   

供应链合作关系(Supply ChainPartnership, SCP)也就是供应商-制造商(Supplier-manufacturer)关系,或者称为卖主/供应商-买主(Vendor/Supplier-Buyer)关系、供应商关系(SupplierPartnership),可以定义为供应商与制造商之间,在一定时期内的共享信息、共担风险、共同获利的协议关系。通过供应链合作关系,企业可以增加产品的价值、改善营销进程、强化运作管理、增强技术力量、促进战略成长、增进组织技能和构筑财务实力。 合作伙伴的评价选择是供应链合作关系运行的基础,在交货、质量、库存控制及产品设计等方面均影响着企业的成功与否,为了实现低成本、高质量、高柔性和快速反应,企业必须理性地对供应链合作伙伴评价选  相似文献   

考虑对供应商和制造商有碳排放限制,研究供应商参与零部件回收再制造的供应商和制造商两级回收闭环供应链.比较分析了对供应商和制造商有无碳排放限制两种情况下产品的零售价格、批发价格以及制造商和供应商的利润.分析表明:制造商在有无碳排放限制两种情形下的零售价格之差与回收率有关;供应商在有无碳排放限制两种情形下的批发价格之差不仅与回收率有关,还和政府的碳排放限制政策、产品市场需求状况、回收产品无效零部件比例以及通过回收再制造产品的碳减排系数有关.最后,通过数值算例验证文中的结论.  相似文献   

为了有效地协调造船企业与其供应商产品质量的改进,研究由大型船舶建造项目主制造商和一个设备供应商组成的造船供应链的质量改进协作问题,构建了基于质量改进协作的收益共享契约模型。在提出的收益分享合同契约中考虑了大型船舶建造项目主制造商的组装能力和供应商产品质量提升这两个重要因素。可有效协调造船供应商产品质量的改进。  相似文献   

为了协调供应链中集体理性和个体理性的冲突,在考虑供应商、制造商和零售商三方同时进行创新的基础上,建立了具有一般意义的三级供应链合作利润博弈模型.分别对分散决策和集中决策情况下供应链总利润、销售量、市场零售价以及三方创新投入和各自利润作了分析.通过利润分配因子分三方同时分配和两步分配两种方法对集中决策情况下供应链的总利润...  相似文献   

全球最大的焊接及切割设备、系统和材料的制造商与供应商伊萨,于近日推出用于等离子切割和火焰切割的紧凑型自动切割机SGX。该经济型设备使小型工厂及制造商也可体验验伊萨的领先技术。  相似文献   

作为能量管理方案的主供应商Icelandic Marorka公司与挪威船舶自动化系统的制造商Kongsberg公司近期开展了合作项目推动船舶行业燃料消耗的优化。  相似文献   

此前,全球最大的阀门制造商-苏州纽威阀门股份有限公司(以下简称“纽威”)与全球知名测试、检验、认证和技术咨询服务供应商-必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas,以下简称“必维”)达成关于设备功能安全的合作协议,邀请必维帮助保证其产品在从设计到报废的整个生命周期内的功能安全。如今,必维助纽威六大类的产品全部顺利地通过了所有续证扩证的项目,并且取得了SIL3等级的功能安全认证证书。  相似文献   

领先的能源技术公司.美国超导公司和中国先进工业设备制造商.沈阳鼓风机集团有限公司(沈鼓集团)2008年11月18日签署了一份合作开发协议,在此协议推动下,沈鼓集团将成为中国市场领先的风机供应商。  相似文献   

程丹 《中国水运》2010,(1):50-52
文中首先给出了国内外供应商评价的现状,并说明了本文研究的内容,接着分析了食品供应链的现状,指出了食品供应链的含义、特征以及不足之处。同时,本文给出了国内外供应商选择的指标体系,并且指出了供应商评价应该是一个持续的过程。然后本文从食品供应商硬件水平、食品供应商软件水平和合作能力三个方面构建了食品供应商的评价体系,并且对每个模块都做了详细的论述。  相似文献   

李静  苗东强 《中国水运》2006,6(12):183-185
供应商协同是并购企业实施整合战略的重要组成部分。本文对企业并购中的供应商整合和协同中的相关问题进行探讨,研究企业并购对供应商选择的影响以及企业相应的整合机制等,这些研究为在企业并购的实践中最大化实现协同效应提供了理论依据和实施借鉴。  相似文献   

基于SWOT 分析的重庆港发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆港位于长江和嘉陵江的交汇点,它以得天独厚的地位优势,在国家政策的支持下,肩负起建设长江上游航运中心的伟大使命。运用SWOT分析法分析重庆港存在的优势和劣势、面临的机遇与挑战,并提出相应的对策:指出重庆港应该利用其外部的机遇弥补自己的不足之处,勇敢地接受来自周边港口的挑战,增强港城合作、港企合作、港港合作,以提高重庆港的国际竞争力,深化长江上游航运中心的功能,推动长江上游地区乃至全国的经济发展。  相似文献   

Despite the many socio-economic similarities between Sweden and Norway, differences in jurisdiction, organisation, cooperation, and financing of long-distance passenger train and coach services have led to the development of four distinctively different ways of serving the markets. This paper describes how the train and coach markets have developed in the two countries, with emphasis on regulatory and industrial structure and a couple of performance variables.Looking at passenger rail, both countries separated infrastructure from operation over a decade ago. However, while Norwegian rail is characterised by an almost monopoly supplier, rail services in Sweden are partly decentralised to the responsibility of county authorities and are widely subjected to competitive tendering. The rest of the network is about to be opened up for on-the-track competition. Swedish Rail (SJ) has spent the last decades consolidating its core business (passenger rail) and sold out its other businesses. In contrast, the Norwegian state rail (NSB) has expanded its business to become a major bus operator and property owner, with extensions also into the Swedish market.The coach industry was more recently deregulated in both countries. The Swedish coach market is dominated by privately owned companies operating services to and from Stockholm. In Norway, state-owned NSB is a major coach operator on medium distance routes, and is also the largest partner of Nor-Way Bussekspress which totally dominates long-distance coach services. Further, the Norwegian coach market is characterised by cross-ownership and cooperation which has enabled an extensive route network which covers most of Norway.We find distinct differences in achievements in the two modes and in the two countries. Swedish rail services have succeeded in winning market shares and in renewing and developing both infrastructure and service levels to a greater extent than the Norwegian model. On the other hand, the Norwegian coach market seems to be more developed and efficient compared to its Swedish counterpart.The paper concludes with a discussion on the possible links between the different approaches and the performance observed, with the aim to stimulate further and more detailed research on some important issues.  相似文献   

程望同志(1916~1991)是新中国船舶工业的创业奠基人之一,是建国后第一任船舶工业局局长。生前在军工、船舶、航运等部门担负领导工作。他成功地贯彻实施了中央对船舶工业发展的战略步骤,使船舶工业为海军建设、航运、船舶出口和国家重大工程建设作出卓有成效的贡献,他在全国海事界享有很高的声誉。他诚信待人,知人善任,尤为海事界人士爱戴。从1952年起连任了六届(第二至七届)上海市造船工程学会理事长,并长期担任中国造船工程学会副理事长。程望同志为新中国造船事业呕心沥血无私奉献是一座不朽丰碑。  相似文献   

The choice of flag is one of the main strategic/critical decisions for shipowners in the initial stage of maritime enterprises. On the other hand, flagging out has a great influence on the prestige and economic benefits for traditional maritime countries. To address this issue, this paper proposes a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach using a Primarily Strategic Action Plan (PSAP) in a short-run period and a Secondary Strategic Action Plan (SSAP) for a long-term perspective. The case is demonstrated with respect to the flagging out issue in Turkish shipping fleet. It measures the decision-making tendencies of shipowners using Turkish National Shipping Registry (TNSR), Turkish International Shipping Registry (TISR), and Open Registries (ORs) as potential shipping registry alternatives. The model outcomes originally contribute to Turkish maritime policy, especially in terms of strengthening and reinforcing of TNSR procedures.  相似文献   

Since its advent, the liner shipping industry has been characterized by fierce competition and cooperation amongst the member carriers. In recent years, almost all the liners have sought extensive cooperation with others, as reflected mainly by the formation of strategic shipping alliances. Despite this, there are still some liners who prefer the 'go-it-alone' policy and have achieved relative success. It seems that cooperation is not always necessary for a liner company's success. It follows that a study that aims to find the rationale behind liner cooperation (or non-cooperation) is of great significance. Over many years of development, game theory has proved to be a useful tool in the study of economics. It is analytically applicable in this market. With these arguments in mind, this paper aims to apply cooperative game theory to analyse co-operation among members of liner shipping strategic alliances. This will involve: (i) presenting a detailed and systematic analysis of liner shipping strategic alliances: (ii) a concise overview of the development of game theory with specific focus on cooperative game theory, and (iii) deducing a conceptual framework through the application of cooperative game theory to liner shipping strategic alliances. The accomplishment of the aforementioned objectives will enhance understanding of inter-organizational relationships and decision-making behaviour in the liner shipping sector.  相似文献   

Since its advent, the liner shipping industry has been characterized by fierce competition and cooperation amongst the member carriers. In recent years, almost all the liners have sought extensive cooperation with others, as reflected mainly by the formation of strategic shipping alliances. Despite this, there are still some liners who prefer the ‘go-it-alone’ policy and have achieved relative success. It seems that cooperation is not always necessary for a liner company's success. It follows that a study that aims to find the rationale behind liner cooperation (or non-cooperation) is of great significance. Over many years of development, game theory has proved to be a useful tool in the study of economics. It is analytically applicable in this market. With these arguments in mind, this paper aims to apply cooperative game theory to analyse co-operation among members of liner shipping strategic alliances. This will involve: (i) presenting a detailed and systematic analysis of liner shipping strategic alliances: (ii) a concise overview of the development of game theory with specific focus on cooperative game theory, and (iii) deducing a conceptual framework through the application of cooperative game theory to liner shipping strategic alliances. The accomplishment of the aforementioned objectives will enhance understanding of inter-organizational relationships and decision-making behaviour in the liner shipping sector.  相似文献   

何玮娜 《世界海运》2010,33(3):40-41
经过4年的运作,洋山保税港区成功解决了上海国际航运中心发展缺乏深水港码头的瓶颈;同时,作为长三角地区跨省市合作的全国首家保税港区,"三区合一"的特殊监管区政策更为中国扩大对外开放、探索发展国际转口贸易、航运物流现代服务与国际惯例接轨提供了重要经验。在三港三区联动发展的带动下,深入拓展功能,积极推动相关航运金融政策的落地,提高区域发展水平和辐射能级将是今后发展的重点。  相似文献   

港口码头重复建设的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伟 《水运工程》2004,(4):40-42
通过建立两个码头之间的完全信息静态博弈模型和完全信息动态博弈模型分析了港口码头的重复建设现象。认为重复建设的根本原因在于各个港口对经济腹地的预测值偏高,港口之间缺乏协调合作,以致于在竞争中产生一种类似“囚徒困境”的心理。本文给出了解决港口码头重复建设问题的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare vertical and horizontal cooperation among freight forwarders. The paper analyses three freight forwarders (‘players’) with two different means of transportation. The first two players are truck-operating freight forwarders. The third player is a freight forwarder with its own ship. For the purposes of analysis, the paper applied a two-stage game. The results revealed that the best form of cooperation is the one in which the large truck-operating company would establish a coalition with the ship-operating company; that is, vertical cooperation. This cooperation would generate better payoffs in the form of profit, not only to the members of this coalition, but also to the player that has not joined the coalition. However, user surplus is negative in all coalitions, which shows that the establishment of these kinds of cooperation is not beneficial (in terms of prices) for the users of these service providers.  相似文献   

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