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随着现代科学信息技术迅猛发展和广泛应用,我国测绘业已基本实现由传统模拟测绘技术体系向数字化、信息化测绘技术体系的跨越.地理信息是一种以采集、贮存、管理、分析和描述整个或部分地球表面空间地理分布有关数据的空间信息,已广泛应用于交通、电力、水利、农林、国土资源、环境保护、金融、电信、地质、矿产、城市建设、教育、人口、海洋以及军事等几十个领域.  相似文献   

战前双方海军实力 鸦片战争前的清朝海军主要是旧式的水师,包含“八旗”与“绿营”两个系统:八旗水师辖黑龙江、齐齐哈尔、墨尔根、吉林、旅顺口、天津、京口、乍浦、广州、福州十个营,总兵力仅约一万人:绿营水师则辖直隶、山东、江南、浙江、福建、广东六个外海水师及内陆的江南(长江)、浙江(钱塘江)、广东(珠江)、湖南、湖北、安徽、江西、广西等八个内河水师,实力远超过八旗。各水师营都中当地的总督巡抚管辖,所以说清朝在鸦片战争前并无全国性的海军组织。  相似文献   

在信息时代,我们对信息的依赖已越来越大,可以说,没有信息的支持,我们几乎不能生存和发展。信息已成为不亚于物质、能量的一种重要资源,在一定意义上,当今国与国、企业与企业、人与人之间的竞争就是拥有信息的数量与质量间的竞争,因此,我们必须对自身拥有的信息加以妥善保护。然而,由于人员(疏忽、跳槽、破坏)、竞争对手(商业间谍、收买、盗窃、网络攻击)、设备故障、系统缺陷和灾害(爆炸、雷击、火灾、地震)等原因,信息资产可能会在瞬间被毁灭、消失、损坏、盗窃、贬值、转移,从而给我们带来致命的打击。由于计算机、通信、网络等现代信息技术的普及应用和人员流动的频繁,  相似文献   

肖素英 《船艇》2014,(1):110-115
2013年,中国杯帆船赛进入第七届。中国杯有很多种色彩,既拥有赤、澄、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫等色彩的炫烂,也饱含拼搏、欢乐、幸福、激情等情感。北京航海中心队身着明黄色的队服在海上驰骋,观鲸队(Whale Watching Sydney)老船队lan Ford率领船队以蓝色上装征服蓝色的海洋;观众们身着各色服饰为船队加油,不时发出阵阵惊呼……。船队、观众、媒体、工作人员、嘉宾和观众们以蓝色为主调,在赤、澄、黄、绿、靛、紫等色彩的配合下,分享着船队的拼搏、弄潮儿的惊艳、归航的欢乐、情侣们的幸福,以及挑战“海上珠穆朗玛”的激情。  相似文献   

肖素英 《船艇》2014,(4):76-81
自2007年以来,“游艇”、“游艇生活”等名词逐渐走进中国人的视野,沿海地区纷纷将游艇休闲和旅游列入当地的发展战略,各类与游艇有关的项目如滨海地产、游艇俱乐部、游艇工业园、游艇展等在青岛、大连、舟山、绍兴、上海、深圳、厦门、三亚、南沙、香港、澳门等沿海城市兴起,青岛、淀山湖、彭湖、金鸡湖、三亚亚龙湾、深圳大亚湾、环海南岛等地也展开千帆竞技。  相似文献   

从不同的学科和不同的角度来看,思想有不同的含义。在思想政治工作领域,思想是指影响和指导人的政治态度、工作态度、生活态度的一切精神因素和心理因素的总和,包括:感性认识和理性认识;社会意识的各个要素和层次;知、情、意等心理过程、动机、需要、兴趣、爱好、欲望、理想、信念、精神支柱等个性心理倾向的动力机制,气质、性格、能力等个性心理特征和相应的各种心理状态。  相似文献   

《集装箱化》杂志创刊于1990年,是经新闻出版总署批准、由上海海事大学主办的全彩页月刊。作为面向国内外公开发行的集装箱运输领域的专业期刊,本刊始终坚持正确的舆论导向和办刊方向,严格遵守期刊出版的政策和法规,秉承为行业服务的宗旨,凭借全面、深入、广泛、及时的媒体传播优势,为航运、物流、港口、造船、贸易、信息、咨询、机械设备和集装箱制造等企业搭建良好的交流平台,成为业内企业获取行业信息和商机的重要渠道。本刊立足集装箱运输市场,设有高层论坛、集装箱运输、港站码头、集装箱工业、多式联运、现代物流、装备技术、法规与案例、企业纵览、知识窗、市场经纬等栏目,全面涵盖集装箱运输行业的相关内容,专业特色  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级地震,山崩地陷,举国震动。宁夏、青海、甘肃、河南、山西、陕西、山东、云南、湖南、湖北、上海、重庆等省市均有震感。顷刻间,地震重灾区的交通、通信、电力、煤气等基础设施遭受重创甚至崩溃,数十万计的地震受灾区域的人民需要及时抢救。  相似文献   

雷蜜 《中国港口》2003,(12):33-34
<正> 散贸物流服务是一个集运输、仓储、装卸、分拨、营销等为一体庞大的管理系统工程,具有系统性、挑战性、创新性等诸多特点。 一、港口企业开展散货物流服务存在的问题 1.对散货物流的认识存在误区 散货物流是指煤炭、矿石、石油、粮食等大宗散货从生产、收购、储存、运输、加工到消费领域的整个流通过程以及其中的一切增值活动。它涵盖散货物资的生产布局、品种流向的确定、购销  相似文献   

《中国港湾建设》杂志是国家新闻出版署和科技部批准的公开发行的刊物。主办单位是中国交通建设股份有限公司。主要刊登港口、航道、水运、桥梁及港口机械制造等领域的应用理论,新结构、新工艺、新材料、新技术的研究与应用,报道国内外有关港湾建设方面的科技发展动态。主要栏目有:综合、科研.勘察.设计、施工技术、施工设备.港口机械、建设.管理.监理、科技动态。主要读者为:港湾建设领域及其与之相关的土木工程、结构工程、建筑材料、船机电工程、海洋及近岸工程等专业的科研设计、勘察、施工技术、工程管理人员及大专院校师生。  相似文献   

The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied spaces at local to global scales. Themes of political ecology, such as power and politics, narratives and knowledge, scale and history, environmental justice and equity, are thus salient issues to understand in ocean and coastal governance and management. This subject review examines research on these themes of political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment and reflects on how the insights gained might be applied to governance and management. Political ecology provides important insights into: the influence of power in ocean management and governance processes; the manner in which narratives, knowledge, and scale are used to legitimize and shape policies and management efforts; the effects of historical trajectories on present circumstances, options, and practices; and the nature of inequities and environmental injustices that can occur in the marine environment. Moreover, ocean and coastal researchers, practitioners, and decision makers ought to engage with the political processes and injustices occurring in the ocean. Moving from critical insights to constructive engagements will ensure that political ecology helps to plant seeds of hope in the Anthropocene ocean.  相似文献   

双鱼岛作为离岸式城市综合开发类人工岛,岛上陆域高程是一个独立的系统,陆域高程的确定关系到规划、安全、护岸、景观、土方量和造价、防洪排涝、亲水性等。对人工岛填海造地期和使用期高程确定的主要因素进行论述,并整体介绍双鱼岛高程的变化趋势,对不同部位的高程确定进行分析,同时对工程安全性与景观的平衡、高程与上部规划的关系、高程与土方量及最优造价进行研究。研究成果可供类似工程的高程确定提供思路及参考。  相似文献   

针对传统防护区运行安全管理以人工为主、信息利用低、动态评估预警缺失等问题,结合龙溪口航电枢纽防护区运行安全管理的主要问题和需求,以创新运行管理模式、强化信息互联共享、提升智能管控水平为目标,构建集数据在线辨识、涝情监控预测、安全实时诊断、风险动态评估、预警响应决策于一体的多层次系统结构,提出涝情实时监控、涝情风险评估、防洪堤安全分析与风险评估等核心功能模块的实现路径和技术要求。研究成果可为全面提升龙溪口航电枢纽防护区防灾减灾能力和安全保障水平提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A few cities in some of the larger developing countries in Latin America and Asia have made increasing use of multi-year concessions or franchises, competitively awarded to private companies, for construction and operation of urban transport infrastructure and for provision of public transport services. In view of the strong prospective growth of developing-country cities with large transport needs, and the rise in the emerging economies of potential new sources of private capital, it is important to see how effective PPP has so far been in this area. The experience is analyzed principally by thorough comparative review of what has actually happened for some of the main users to date: Bogotá, Santiago, São Paulo, Seoul, and several cities in both China and India. Despite delays and mistakes that have been made in development of most of the projects, the overall results, already delivered and in prospect, are very positive and urban public transport is benefiting substantially, with significant side effects on poorer people's access to work and to services, air pollution levels and road accident rates. The widest and most important advantage of the PPP arrangements, as compared with more conventional short-term contracting, is found to be the innovations, technical and managerial, developed, and, in particular, the mutual capacity building of the countries' private and public sectors and their more effective interaction. The experience in the six countries covered suggests that other developing-country cities may be best assisted to develop sound urban transport PPPs more rapidly through provision of help on chosen items among 7 elements that have proved particularly crucial but sometimes weak in the projects reviewed: Civic consultation systems, Land-use/Transport strategic planning, Land/property market management, Monitoring systems, Progressive policies, Economic regulation, and Public institutional framework for PPPs.  相似文献   

护岸工程具有岸线距离长、工程分区多、护坡类型复杂、岸坡变幅大等特点,并存在工程量计算不精确、施工交底繁冗等问题。针对以上问题,基于BIM理念,以马鞍山河段护岸整治工程为例,采用Civil 3D、部件编辑器和InfraWorks等软件,协同完成地形曲面创建和编辑、护坡三维模型、工程量计算、土石方量计算和BIM+GIS的应用,形成BIM技术在护岸整治过程中的一套应用流程。研究成果可为类似项目建设提供参考。  相似文献   

闫伟  缑海健  陆苗 《水运工程》2019,(S1):12-15
港口系统设备一般外型尺寸和质量较大,多采用截面积较大的起重机钢轨作为行走轨道。根据港口系统设备使用特点和工程施工现场条件,结合码头和堆场结构,借鉴轻轨和重轨的无缝连接技术,对各种焊接工艺进行比较,分析钢轨的材料组成和焊接过程内部组织变化,推荐一种保证设备使用安全和操作人员舒适度、连接质量稳定、便于维护、操作简便、满足港口系统设备钢轨安装现场要求的连接方法和工艺,有助于实现工期目标,可推广应用于矿山、港口、电厂、码头及堆场等大质量机车或起重设备的钢轨连接。  相似文献   

以海军综合电子信息系统、大型舰艇及编队信息系统为代表的新一代海军军事信息系统的研制、试验、作战、训练等全生命过程对作战与仿真提出了“一体化”的迫切要求。该文综述了面向服务的海军作战与仿真一体化的概念、研究现状及构建思路,分析其重要意义及最新研究进展,展望了发展趋势及其对C^4ISR发展的意义。  相似文献   

Associated with the rapid increase in the production of cultured marine shrimp has been large‐scale conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds. Production in many regions has proved to be unsustainable, largely due to inappropriate construction methods, poor environmental conditions, overstocking, and disease. A number of shrimp ponds consequently are unproductive and lie idle. Accurate assessments of pond disuse are difficult to obtain; however, unofficial estimates have suggested that as many as 70% of ponds may be disused after a period in production. Pond construction, shrimp culture, and pond disuse lead to alterations to the physical and chemical properties of soil, hydrological conditions, and the flora and fauna composition of the pond area. The case for restoration, or rehabilitation to a sustainable use, is strong. Consideration must be given to the causes of production failure, the environmental conditions remaining following disuse, the needs and preferences of pond owners and coastal managers, and technical constraints.  相似文献   

Towards a seascape typology. I. Zipf versus Pareto laws   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two data analysis methods, referred to as the Zipf and Pareto methods, initially introduced in economics and linguistics two centuries ago and subsequently used in a wide range of fields (word frequency in languages and literature, human demographics, finance, city formation, genomics and physics), are described and proposed here as a potential tool to classify space–time patterns in marine ecology. The aim of this paper is, first, to present the theoretical bases of Zipf and Pareto laws, and to demonstrate that they are strictly equivalent. In that way, we provide a one-to-one correspondence between their characteristic exponents and argue that the choice of technique is a matter of convenience. Second, we argue that the appeal of this technique is that it is assumption-free for the distribution of the data and regularity of sampling interval, as well as being extremely easy to implement. Finally, in order to allow marine ecologists to identify and classify any structure in their data sets, we provide a step by step overview of the characteristic shapes expected for Zipf's law for the cases of randomness, power law behavior, power law behavior contaminated by internal and external noise, and competing power laws illustrated on the basis of typical ecological situations such as mixing processes involving non-interacting and interacting species, phytoplankton growth processes and differential grazing by zooplankton.  相似文献   

为了加强对非洲西海岸硬土水理特性的规律性认识,提高硬土勘察设计准确性,以喀麦隆西海岸的地质调查、钻探、现场测试和室内试验成果为基础,重点研究硬土的胀缩性、崩解性和软化性等水理性质。结果表明,研究区硬土呈现无胀缩性、弱崩解-无崩解性,多面卸荷及临水状态下软化程度高,顶面卸荷及临水状态下无软化,可直接作为重力式码头基础持力层。经过研究,初步确立了非洲西海岸硬土的水理性质指标特征,提供了硬土工程设计的参考性基础资料。  相似文献   

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