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孙琪  张琪 《中国水运》2007,7(5):247-248
近年来,商业贿赂在一些行业和领域蔓延,已经成为严重影响经济社会生活的一大公害。商业贿赂最根本的要靠法律进行治理,但我国目前对商业贿赂的立法还存在很大缺陷。本文通过分析国外对商业贿赂的立法,提出了一些完善我国相关法律对策的建议。  相似文献   

5月19日,交通部治理商业贿赂领导小组组长、交通部部长李盛霖主持召开交通部治理商业贿赂领导小组第二次会议。  相似文献   

正当人们开始失去耐心的时候,旷日持久的铁矿石判断出现了石破天惊的一幕.随着力拓公司上海办事处首席代表胡士泰被国家安全部带走,一条力拓与中国买家之间的商业贿赂链条也随之浮出水面.  相似文献   

朱轩 《珠江水运》2006,(4):72-72
日前,交通部召开电视电话会议部署治理商业贿赂工作。会议要求以交通基础设施建设领域为重点,以目前在建的工程项目为切入点,按照“行业指导监督、单位分级负责”的原则开展自查自纠工作。据悉,自查自纠工作由各级交通主管部门组织参与工程项目建设的企事业单位开展。3月下旬至  相似文献   

随着市场经济的建立和发展,城市建设工程、市政基础设施建设工程等基本建设投资不断加大,近年来,商业贿赂犯罪已经渗透到城建系统内部的各个环节,必须从源头上遏制腐败,找出工程建筑招投标市场当前存在的问题,达到建章立制、杜塞漏洞、规范招投标市场的目的,最大限度地预防和减少腐败和职务犯罪现象的发生。  相似文献   

正当人们开始失去耐心的时候,旷日持久的铁矿石判断出现了石破天惊的一幕。随着力拓公司上海办事处首席代表胡士泰被国家安全部带走,一条力拓与中国买家之问的商业贿赂链条也随之浮出水面。胡土泰利用“金元”手段,来腐化与诱惑中国主要钢铁厂的中高层管理者,从而使得在与中钢协的谈判中占尽优势。有人计算,胡士泰处心积虑地“为虎作伥”,给国家带来的经济损失不下上百亿。  相似文献   

胡琳琳 《中国船检》2010,(9):29-31,111
随着全球气候变暖,北冰洋海冰加速融化,北极地区蕴藏的丰富资源和极具战略价值的航道,都从潜在利益变成了现实利益,世界各国对该地区的争夺日益升温。而在低温多冰、气候极其恶劣的北极地区进行资源勘探、开发、运输及商业航行则需要冰区船舶这一重要装备。冰区船热不断升温。  相似文献   

1经济贸易形势回顾与展望世界经济贸易形势1.1.1回顾世界各国应对国际金融危机所采取的经济刺激政策的效果在2010年集中显现,商业和消费信心逐步恢复,经济贸易呈现全面复苏态势,预计2010年世界经济增长率将达到4.8%。大多数新兴经济体已  相似文献   

受国际经济环境影响,当前全球航运市场进入寒冬期,一些欺行霸市、制假售假、商业贿赂等行为扭曲市场机制,破坏公平竞争和正常交易秩序,成为当前人民群众深恶痛绝、影响经济发展和社会稳定的“毒瘤”。安全是水上交通永恒的话题,只有长效的安全才是真正的安全。为此,广东海事局在“三打两建”专项行动中,主动“亮剑”,集中力量解决水上交通最重要的安全问题,重拳斩断“利益链”,深挖“保护伞”,大力开展“打非治违”、中小海轮、砂石船、水上水下施工作业等专项整治活动,采取10多项举措,着力构建水上交通安全监管体系和诚信体系,帮助航运企业应对困难、健康发展,为加快转型升级、建设幸福广东打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

<正>一、2010年经济、贸易发展和2011年展望1.世界经济恢复性增长,2011年经贸增速放缓世界各国应对金融危机的经济刺激政策效果在2010年集中显现,商业和消费信心得到恢复,经济和贸易呈现全面复苏态势  相似文献   

Inadequate ports are a major problem in many less developed countries (LDCS). In an era in which international trade involving developing countries is growing rapidly, decisions must be made to provide the necessary infrastructure and superstructure to facilitate the movement of cargo from ship to shore and vice versa. In LDCS, the phenonmenon of the Combined Naval-Commercial Port (CNCP) has not undergone scrutiny. This paper is concerned with describing the nature of the Latin American CNCP. The hypothesis is that commercial port interests have been adversely affected by coexistence. The results of an unquiry comprise the main body of this research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the economic literature relating to aviation safety; analyzes the safety record of commercial passenger aviation in the United States and abroad; examines aviation security as a growing dimension of aviation safety; and identifies emerging issues in airline safety and challenges for aviation safety research. Commercial airline safety has improved dramatically since the industry's birth over a century ago. Fatal accident rates for large scheduled jet airlines have fallen to the level where (along many dimensions) aviation is now the safest mode of commercial transportation. However, safety performance has not been evenly distributed across all segments of commercial aviation, nor among all countries and regions of the world. The finding that developing countries have much poorer safety records has been a persistent conclusion in aviation safety research and continues to be the case. Unfortunately, operations data are not available for many of the airlines that experience fatal accidents, so it is not possible to calculate reliable fatality rates for many segments of the worldwide aviation industry. Without more complete information, it will likely be difficult to make substantial improvements in the safety of these operations. Challenges to improving aviation security include: how much to focus on identifying the terrorists as opposed to identifying the tools they might use; determining how to respond to terrorist threats; and determining the public versus private roles in providing aviation security. The next generation of safety challenges now require development and understanding of new forms of data to improve safety in other segments of commercial aviation, and moving from a reactive, incident-based approach toward a more proactive, predictive and systems-based approach.  相似文献   

Marine invasive species are currently recognized as one of the most significant threats to global biodiversity. Marine bioinvasions are more likely in the Mediterranean Sea because of its wide temperature range, degraded habitats, historical and high volume of shipping traffic, and high occurrence of aquaculture. One of the main vectors of marine introductions globally and Mediterranean-wide is commercial shipping. Of the 3,000–4,000 species transferred around the world via commercial vessels, approximately 30% of these species may have been redistributed in the Mediterranean. Ships and marine invasive species arriving in the Mediterranean are mainly from temperate to cold-water regions. Standardized research and management approaches between countries are required to address the threat of ballast water borne marine invasives on a global scale. Regionally, a Mediterranean program involving the different states is currently needed to develop a common line of research and management operations.  相似文献   


Officer of the watch (OOW) is an important part of the maritime labor market. For many years, countries have been improving their development of OOWs for the maritime market, in terms of both quantity and quality. As the supply of qualified OOWs for maritime transportation is such an important issue, shipping companies recruit multinational OOWs for both economic and socio-cultural reasons. This study aims to identify the qualifications of an ideal officer that holds office on commercial ships, and to make a comparison among Filipino, Chinese, Indian, Eastern European and Turkish OOWs. The research takes into account expert opinions of a number of shipping companies that employ multinational seafarers. A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) technique is applied in this study to assist in the comparison of officers. A number of main and sub-criteria are outlined to determine both positive and negative aspects of OOWs from the selected countries for decision making purposes. This study allows maritime countries to evaluate their maritime education and training policies for selection and assessment of OOWs.  相似文献   

国外消声瓦的研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文毓 《船舶》2010,21(6):1-4
消声瓦技术在潜艇隐身方面所起的重要作用已为世界各国认同,因此各国均投入大量的人力、物力进行消声瓦技术的机理研究和工程应用工作。本文对各国消声瓦技术的研究和应用情况作了较为系统的介绍,并对消声瓦技术的发展趋势进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

为了表彰在海上搜救中体现出来的人道主义精神以及长期为海上搜救志愿服务的行为,激励更多的人加入到海上搜救志愿服务队伍中来,同时也使海上安全文化得到大力宣传,各沿海国家大都对海上搜救设置了各种各样的奖励。文中重点对美国、加拿大、爱尔兰以及我国等不同国家奖励设置进行总结,为改善我国的海上搜救激励机制提供参考。  相似文献   

在国际上超短波跳频通信最先进的技术当属美国国防军事通信技术,超短波跳频电台在各国军用领域使用广泛,该类电台目前也开始广泛用于商业、特别是在用于各财团或跨国公司,以保证信息的安全。该文阐述了跳频通信基本原理,围绕超短波跳频电台系统的需求、方案设计等问题做了相应的分析,并给出电台的工程实现方案。  相似文献   

The introduction of the tonnage tax for shipping companies has been a response to the declining fleets in many European countries. There are strategic and commercial reasons why a maritime presence is desirable, not least of which is to maintain an important skill base. Although regimes have differed they all offer some form of preferential rates of tax for those ships on the register. In certain cases this tax subsidy has been linked to a requirement to train seafarers, notably in the UK. This article analyses the impact of the tonnage tax system and its success in achieving its objectives of fleet expansion and employment with particular reference to the UK.  相似文献   

The introduction of the tonnage tax for shipping companies has been a response to the declining fleets in many European countries. There are strategic and commercial reasons why a maritime presence is desirable, not least of which is to maintain an important skill base. Although regimes have differed they all offer some form of preferential rates of tax for those ships on the register. In certain cases this tax subsidy has been linked to a requirement to train seafarers, notably in the UK. This article analyses the impact of the tonnage tax system and its success in achieving its objectives of fleet expansion and employment with particular reference to the UK.  相似文献   

Whilst the emphasis of European Union rail legislation to date has been on freight, measures such as separation of infrastructure from operations, infrastructure charging regimes and regulation have major implications for the passenger sector. But implementation of these measures in many countries has been inadequate. Crucial to overcoming these problems is the establishment of strong independent regulators in all member states. There is currently no requirement for competition in the passenger sector except for international services, but there is experience both of open access for commercial services and of competitive franchising. However, even where permitted open access competition has been very limited and there is evidence that undesirable cream skimming may be a problem. Experience of franchising has generally been positive, but in some cases it has failed to drive down costs. It is concluded that a combination of more sensible risk sharing, a determination not to renegotiate, longer franchises and limited open access competition where justified by benefits is likely to be the best way forward.  相似文献   

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