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本文以泰州港靖江港区新港作业区公用码头工程(四期)为例,对码头的综合能耗进行了计算,并与预测的能耗指标及行业标准进行了比较,结果表明,本工程单位增加值能耗低于2015年靖江市能耗指标预测值,装卸生产设计可比能源综合单耗符合国家要求;同时也对码头的节能措施进行了评估,并根据评估结果提出了相关的建议;本研究可以为一般码头工程节能设计及评估提供参考。  相似文献   

以"粤工驳30"船为试点,在船上安装"风能、光能互补供电系统",为船舶的日常生活用电及小型设备用电提供电力,文章阐述了"风能、光能互补供电系统"的节能原理、技术内容,验证了其具有较好的节能效益和经济效益。并提出"风能、光能互补供电系统"推广运用需要解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国海军对现有船舶流体动力节能技术在海军舰船上的应用进行的研究。美国泰勒研究中心(DTRC)对包括尾板、格列姆叶轮、船后体线形,球首、伴流均匀导管等节能技术进行大量的模型试验。研究结果表明,“AE-36”号运输船采用椭球状球首和隧道尾线形配合较大直径,螺旋桨可节能5.6%。“Copeland”号护卫舰安装尾板,在航速12kn以上燃油节约5%~9%。“T-AGS39”号运输船安装格列姆叶轮节能9.4%。  相似文献   

汉堡船模试验水池(HSVA)项目经理希尔马·克勒格(Hilmar Klug)和汉堡船模试验水池主任(退休)弗里德里克·缪易斯(Friedrich Mewis)一道探讨了目前水动力学的发展趋势和汉堡水池船模试验所取得的典型的试验结果,同时,对于大型集装箱船的船体线型优化,重点从舵的设计、旋涡发生鳍(VGF)和船舶营运等方面介绍了节能措施的有关建议。  相似文献   

基于沥青路面寿命周期评估建立了评价指标体系,通过调查获取施工过程中能源消耗量,测算分析了典型沥青路面施工过程及再生技术关键环节的能耗及排放。在基础数据建立的基础上,开发了养护技术节能减排评估软件。研究结果表明,普通热拌沥青路面施工过程中,拌和过程能耗占比最大,而摊铺碾压环节较小,厂拌热再生拌和能耗与RAP料掺量有关,冷再生技术节能减排效果显著,沥青路面养护设计节能减排评估软件可精确评估节能减排效果,为方案决策提供参考。  相似文献   

本刊讯 5月14日,“车、船、路、港”千家企业低碳交通运输专项行动在武汉启动,被聘为该专项行动形象大使的交通运输系统先进模范王静、王新全、陈刚毅和孔祥瑞向全社会发出倡议:节能减排,低碳交通——我们共同的责任。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了当今汽车的节能意义与节能的相关途径。其重点从改变发动机设计、汽车轻量化技术和汽车驾驶技术三个方面探讨了汽车节能的新途径。  相似文献   

节能评价是公路建设工程可行性研究工作中的重要内容。公路建设方案应能体现公路建设和交通运输过程中节约能源的途径和措施,这对公路建设项目节能评价的科学性和合理性提出了较高的要求。原交通部于1988年颁布的《公路建设项目可行性研究报告编制办法》中,仅要求对公路建成后车辆燃油节约总量和单位成本燃油节约量等指标进行分析,不能体现当前节能减排的具体要求。因此,文中在对公路建设项目节能评价问题进行详细研究的基础上,对江苏省229省道(江阴段)建设工程节能评价进行实例研究,指出评价过程中存在的难点及解决办法,为其他公路建设项目的节能评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文为促进公路隧道运营通风节能研究成果的推广应用,梳理了国内关于公路隧道运营通风节能的主要研究成果及工程应用情况,主要包括多种能量综合利用、通风设备参数及结构优化、通风新理论新方法、通风控制系统和节能控制算法等。总结了当前公路隧道运营通风节能的不足,对隧道运营通风节能的数字化、网联化、智能化发展提出展望。  相似文献   

一个固定资产仅200多万、自称是第三点五方的“轻资产”物流企业,正借助信息化强力,避开传统运输业激烈的红海之战,在供应链解决方案、节能减排中凸显特色。在金融危机寒潮的背景下,该公司的利润比2008年同期提高4倍,2009年上半年营业收入达4000多万。  相似文献   

为获得城市内不同交通方式的单位能耗水平,利用交通运输能耗统计监测平台抽样统计相关数据,设计算法分析单位生产任务能耗水平。在分析城市交通方式能耗统计障碍基础上,设计抽样方案、划分分类方法;设计数据分析算法分析已获数据,利用实验对统计数据进行修正,获得私家车、出租车、公交车等交通方式单位生产任务能耗水平。结果表明,由于道路客货运生产和管理现状,基于多源能耗影响因素的统计难以实现,导致生产能耗水平没有基准。依据行业分类方法,结合前期数据调研下的当量换算,可以确定可信度较高的单位生产能耗阈限,为行业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Household decisions on the energy consumption behavior are with regard to the situations that multiple end-uses (e.g., domestic appliances and vehicles) are simultaneously hold and consumed. To deal with this issue, the multiple discrete–continuous models are the best choices from the behavioral perspective. This study compared two types of utility theory-based multiple discrete–continuous models, which are widely applied in the literature: multiple discrete–continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model and the improved resource allocation model based on the multi-linear function (RAM-MLF). A household energy consumption survey was carried out in Beijing in 2010, and the comparative analysis on the performance of these two models is carried out based on the survey data. Results show that the overall performance of RAM-MLF is slightly superior to the MDCEV model due to the incorporation of the inter-end-use interaction and the relative importance of end uses. Moreover, the utility structure by using the satiation parameters to represent the diminishing marginal utility with the increasing consumption shows better fitness than the structure only using the logarithmic function. These findings can be contributed to understand the household energy consumption behavior, while suggest the potential improvement of the model structure, which is mainly focused on the utility form and the decision making mechanism.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of traffic pricing policies on energy consumption, this study shows a microeconomic quantitative analysis scheme to simulate individual consumption behaviors from a microeconomic viewpoint. Energy consumption is estimated based on individual demand of non‐mobility goods and mobility goods under nine policy scenarios based on strategies of gasoline tax adding and mass transit fare reduction independently or combined. Results show that gasoline tax adding has strong effects on consumption behaviors. Energy consumption reduces mostly because of less consumption of non‐mobility goods and car trips. However, policy of mass transit fare reduction has limited impact on energy saving because consumption of non‐mobility goods and mass transit trips increases, but the number of car trips decline by only a small percentage. Comparing with single‐type policy, policies that combined gasoline tax adding and mass transit fare reduction show less energy consumption. Findings suggest that policies that increase cost of car trips, such as gasoline tax adding, are very helpful to reduce the consumption of non‐mobility goods and car trips, which contribute to less energy consumption. However, reducing cost of mass transit trips suggests limited effect on energy saving. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为降低西部原油管道管输能耗,通过计算管道在不同季节、不同流量下的摩阻损耗,结合管道参数和输油泵特性曲线,分析得出影响输油生产单位能耗的因素包括管输流量和输油温度。进一步计算得出了不同流量和不同季节对应的输油生产单耗。结果表明,流量对输油生产单耗影响较大,西部原油管道管输流量在1 000~1 400 m~3/h区间时生产单耗相对较低;流量大于1 600 m3/h时,生产单耗随流量上升接近线性增长。而输油温度对生产单耗的影响较小,同一流量下冬季生产单耗略高于夏季生产单耗。  相似文献   

在我国交通运输行业节能减排的背景下,本文以交通运输行业能耗特点与统计监测方法为基础,建立涵盖了公路客运、公路货运、城市公交、城市出租、水路运输、港口生产等行业的能耗碳排统计监测系统,分析了省级交通运输能耗与排放特点,明确了能耗数据统计对象与内容,并对能耗数据采集的方法进行了研究,建立了省级交通运输能耗统计监测系统,并以辽宁省交通运输为依托,对全省交通运输行业能耗统计监测系统进行了验证与应用,同时也为交通运输行业的节能减排提供了决策支撑和数据支持。  相似文献   

我国交通运输业能源消耗量与污染物排放量日益增多,交通部门的节能减排措施研究迫在眉睫。本论文基于LEAP模型构建了某城市客运交通能耗与污染物排放模型,并预测了基准情景、政策情景、技术情景及综合情景下该城市客运交通2014-2030年之间的能耗及污染物排放情况。研究表明,三种发展情景下该城市能源需求量及污染物排放较基准情景均有减少,其中综合情景效果最佳,综合情景在2030年的能源消耗与CO2排放可分别减少56.98%和54.55%,CO、HC、NOx与PM2.5可分别减排67.39%、67.27%、51.43%与75.38%。因此应大力发展公共交通,尤其是轨道交通,同时限制私家车的无节制发展,并推广节能环保技术以改善终端利用层次能源结构。  相似文献   

为了解国内外节能技术应用的现状,更好地采用节能技术以不断降低管道能耗,对比了近年来国内外油气长输管道在输送工艺、运行设备及新能源3个方面的各种节能技术。结果表明:油品输送减阻剂技术、含蜡原油降凝剂技术、天然气管道减阻剂技术、输油泵变频调速技术、超声波防/除垢技术以及太阳能阀室供电等技术在油气长输管道上的应用有着明显的节能效果。因此,开发并利用新的节能技术,特别是新能源技术,将是油气长输管道节能降耗发展的方向。  相似文献   

On-road vehicles have been considered as one of the major contributors to energy consumption and air pollutant emissions. In order to quantify the corresponding environmental impacts, great efforts have been dedicated to the microscopic and macroscopic modeling for vehicle energy consumption and emissions. However, the mesoscopic modeling research that is focused on estimating trip-based energy consumption and is critical to some ITS applications (e.g., environmentally-friendly navigation), is relatively deficient. This study aims to investigate the effects of different data segregation methods on the mesoscopic modeling for vehicle energy consumption. A variety of novel methods, including the so-called conditional operating mode based method, have been proposed and evaluated using field data. Based on real-world data, statistical analyses have demonstrated the superior performance of enhanced models (i.e., conditional operating mode/VSP based models) in estimating vehicle energy consumption on a trip basis, compared to the other four models (velocity binning, time snipping, distance snipping and VSP based models) tested in this study.  相似文献   

This study investigates the energy consumption impact of route selection on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using empirical second-by-second Global Positioning System (GPS) commute data and traffic micro-simulation data. Drivers typically choose routes that reduce travel time and therefore travel cost. However, BEVs’ limited driving range makes energy efficient route selection of particular concern to BEV drivers. In addition, BEVs’ regenerative braking systems allow for the recovery of energy while braking, which is affected by route choices. State-of-the-art BEV energy consumption models consider a simplified constant regenerative braking energy efficiency or average speed dependent regenerative braking factors. To overcome these limitations, this study adopted a microscopic BEV energy consumption model, which captures the effect of transient behavior on BEV energy consumption and recovery while braking in a congested network. The study found that BEVs and conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) had different fuel/energy-optimized traffic assignments, suggesting that different routings be recommended for electric vehicles. For the specific case study, simulation results indicate that a faster route could actually increase BEV energy consumption, and that significant energy savings were observed when BEVs utilized a longer travel time route because energy is regenerated. Finally, the study found that regenerated energy was greatly affected by facility types and congestion levels and also BEVs’ energy efficiency could be significantly influenced by regenerated energy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first analyze the historical trends in road transportation energy consumption and GDP in developed economies to find out the development characteristics of road energy consumption. The two indexes present obvious ‘S’ type patterns. Then, in order to explore the current status and future trend of road energy transportation in China, we employ path analysis to analyze the impact mechanism of the factors related to road transportation energy consumption. Next, we adopt the BMA model to select the core factors related to road transportation energy consumption in China, and on the basis of the model selection as well as univariate (ETS & ARIMA models) and multivariate (multiple regression) models, the road transportation energy consumption is analyzed and forecast. The results showed that the road transportation energy consumption rises by 0.33 percent for every percent increase in GDP and by 1.26 percentage points for every percent increase in urbanization. The road transportation energy consumption in China is expected to reach around 226181.1 ktoe by the end of 2015, and about 347,363 ktoe by 2020.  相似文献   

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