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文章基于认知心理学原理,结合人体工程学、交通安全和交通心理学知识,提出了高速公路交通标志最小明视距离算法,为高速公路交通标志最小明视距离的计算提供了量化手段。  相似文献   

为提高城市道路交通安全性,确保车辆通畅、安全运行,对城市道路交通安全预测与评价方法进行研究。首先,分析影响道路交通安全的相关因素;其次,解读研究过程中所涉及的理论,通过构建安全预测模型、实施指标评价方法,提高城市道路交通安全预测与评价结果的准确性;最后,分析车辆行驶轨迹获取方式,以及车速离散度、紧急加速或减速行为对交通安全造成的实际影响。研究取得预期成果,可实现对交通安全的有效预测与评价,能为城市道路交通安全管控提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

传统的高速公路交通安全管理模式割裂了工程规划设计、施工建设和运营维护等阶段之间的联系,不能对全寿命周期的交通安全保障方案进行系统集成和整体优化。对工程全寿命周期理论进行梳理,总结其应用于高速公路交通安全管理的优势,在此基础上构建高速公路全寿命、集成化的交通安全管理模式系统框架,提出管理的体制和机制、三个阶段的管理目标和五个方面的管理内容,应用系统分析、全寿命周期、交通安全学等理论建立了高速公路交通安全工程设施的全寿命设计流程,研究结果为我国高速公路交通安全的全寿命周期集成化管理提供了理论框架和指导。  相似文献   

为了探讨高速公路改扩建工程交通安全管理的实施效果,文章选择某地区的高速公路改扩建项目为研究对象,深入分析高速公路改扩建工程的交通安全管理内容,从组织机构、交通安全管理人员及设施配置以及施工区域交通安全控制等方面,详细论述改扩建交通工程安全管理的实施效果,并通过交通安全保畅通方案的应用,提高高速公路改扩建交通工程的安全水平,促进项目的顺利实施。  相似文献   

中瑞拟成立国家级交通安全研究中心 日前,中国交通运输部与瑞典企业、能源与交通部签订双边合作备忘录,计划建立中国一瑞典交通安全研究中心。  相似文献   

青海省海西地区高速公路上交通标志、标线、隔离栅等交通安全设施设置的研究,对于青海模式的高速公路提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故,保护司乘人员生命财产安全有着深远的意义,并为今后类似项目交通安全设施的设置提供依据。  相似文献   

从隧道路段驾驶员的心理、生理和疲劳特性出发,提出了隧道路段交通设施的人性化设计理念和方法。首先详细分析了隧道事故中人的因素,然后从隧道交通工程设施、道路行车环境两个方面阐述了隧道交通安全人性化设计的方法,并进行了工程实践。  相似文献   

叙事治疗是心理治疗领域先进的理念方法之一,目前广泛应用于学校心理咨询中,城轨交通客运服务心理学是研究城市轨道交通客运工作人员与乘客心理规律的新兴学科,在课堂教学中需要借鉴多种方法提升学生的参与性与主动性。本文通过"城市轨道交通客运服务人员心理健康"内容的课堂教学设计,来探究叙事治疗技术在交通客运服务心理学课堂教学中的具体应用,旨在保证和强化课堂教学效果,为后续课堂教学实践提供更多支持。  相似文献   

安徽省阜阳市地方海事局结合全市水上交通安全情况和海事管理工作实际,近年在全市渡运安全监管、通航秩序巡逻维护、风景区游艇水上安全管理等动态水上交通安全监管工作中,实行“以人为本、预防为主”水上交通安全动态管理工作方针,树立“安全是幸福的源泉、安全是效益的保障”海事工作理念,采取“早摸底、早准备、早布置、早落实、早督促”的“五早”工作思路,提高水上交通安全控制能力,着力解决影响水上交通安全的突出问题,加大水上交通安全监管力度,建立健全水上交通安全长效监管机制。确保了全市水上交通安全无事故,为创建和谐阜阳营造了良好的水上交通安全环境。  相似文献   

非灯控交叉口是交通流中的节点,对非灯控交叉口的交通安全状况进行评价具有导向性意义。文章针对交叉口管控存在的问题,提出了交通安全状况评价原则和主要方法,阐述了非灯控交叉口交通安全的影响因素,并通过对沈阳市刘家窑十字交叉口进行交通安全状况评价,提出了具体的交叉口交通安全改善措施,以提高非灯控交叉口的交通安全性。  相似文献   

交通安全,涉及到人、车以及道路和环境等很多因素。近年来,因为各种原因使得有关单位以及人员将更多的将精力放在人、车、道路这几个因素上,对道路交通环境没有过多的考虑和研究。深入研究道路交通环境,有利于道路交通的安全,文章通过对其的研究和分析,得出有关道路交通环境对交通安全的影响和解决措施,对于防止道路交通安全事故具有重要意义。同时为人们的生命财产的安全提供保障、对构建社会主义和谐社会具有很大帮助。  相似文献   

Typical engineering research on traffic safety focuses on identifying either dangerous locations or contributing factors through a post-crash analysis using aggregated traffic flow data and crash records. A recent development of transportation engineering technologies provides ample opportunities to enhance freeway traffic safety using individual vehicular information. However, little research has been conducted regarding methodologies to utilize and link such technologies to traffic safety analysis. Moreover, traffic safety research has not benefited from the use of hurdle-type models that might treat excessive zeros more properly than zero-inflated models.This study developed a new surrogate measure, unsafe following condition (UFC), to estimate traffic crash likelihood by using individual vehicular information and applied it to basic sections of interstate highways in Virginia. Individual vehicular data and crash data were used in the development of statistical crash prediction models including hurdle models. The results showed that an aggregated UFC measure was effective in predicting traffic crash occurrence, and the hurdle Poisson model outperformed other count data models in a certain case.  相似文献   

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) can play an important role in reducing risks and increasing traffic safety. Discussion as to whether a technological approach or a behavioral approach is the right way to achieve a safer traffic environment forms a point of departure for this paper. On the one hand, there are the technicians who emphasize technology as the way towards safer traffic. Behaviorists, on the other hand, view the drivers’ behavior as fundamental and argue that education and incentive-oriented policies are essential in order to influence the driver and therefore increase traffic safety. Independent of the approach advocated a successful outcome of either a technological improvement, or an information campaign, has to be based on a high level of acceptance among potential users. In order to increase traffic safety, it is therefore essential to recognize driver motivation and attitudes. In this paper we focus on drivers’ attitudes towards risk, traffic safety and safety measures. A study of drivers’ attitudes and acceptance of an electronic device for speed checking (which the drivers tested for nine months) indicated a high acceptance level. The drivers perceived that they had both become more aware of traffic regulations and behaved in accordance with safety regulations.  相似文献   

Under the Connected Vehicle environment where vehicles and road-side infrastructure can communicate wirelessly, the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can be adopted as an actuator for achieving traffic safety and mobility optimization at highway facilities. In this regard, the traffic management centers need to identify the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set that leads to the optimization of the traffic safety and mobility performance, and broadcast the optimal parameter set wirelessly to individual ADAS-equipped vehicles. Once the ADAS-equipped drivers implement the optimal parameter set, they become active agents that work cooperatively to prevent traffic conflicts, and suppress the development of traffic oscillations into heavy traffic jams. Measuring systematic effectiveness of this traffic management requires am analytic capability to capture the quantified impact of the ADAS on individual drivers’ behaviors and the aggregated traffic safety and mobility improvement due to such an impact. To this end, this research proposes a synthetic methodology that incorporates the ADAS-affected driving behavior modeling and state-of-the-art microscopic traffic flow modeling into a virtually simulated environment. Building on such an environment, the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set is identified through a multi-objective optimization approach that uses the Genetic Algorithm. The developed methodology is tested at a freeway facility under low, medium and high ADAS market penetration rate scenarios. The case study reveals that fine-tuning the ADAS algorithm parameter can significantly improve the throughput and reduce the traffic delay and conflicts at the study site in the medium and high penetration scenarios. In these scenarios, the ADAS algorithm parameter optimization is necessary. Otherwise the ADAS will intensify the behavior heterogeneity among drivers, resulting in little traffic safety improvement and negative mobility impact. In the high penetration rate scenario, the identified optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set can be used to support different control objectives (e.g., safety improvement has priority vs. mobility improvement has priority).  相似文献   

智能交通系统是一个高科技集成系统,它综合运用各种高新技术于整个交通管理系统之中,可以系统、全面、高效地提高交通运输的安全性.文章阐述了智能交通系统在交通安全中的作用及在福州市的应用情况,指出了福州市发展智能交通的方向,以提高福州市的交通安全管理水平.  相似文献   

为从宏观上了解交通事故的研究态势,利用文献计量法对WOS数据库收录的474篇文献进行数据可视化分析。研究发现,发文量历经了零阶段、稳定阶段和上升阶段;中国研究机构数量和发文量都位于世界第一;研究领域形成了由122位作者组成的核心作者群体;研究方向经历了以交通参与者、道路交通事故、交通事故安全为研究目的的变化;关键词分析得出该领域未来的研究热点将集中在交通事故安全、交通事故严重程度及交通事故影响三方面。  相似文献   

This contribution presents the results of a microscopic traffic simulation study of the potential effects of an overtaking assistant for two-lane rural roads. The overtaking assistant is developed to support drivers in judging whether or not an overtaking opportunity can be accepted based on the distance to the next oncoming vehicle. Drivers have been found to consider this to be a difficult part of an overtaking manoeuvre. The assistant’s effects on traffic efficiency, driver comfort and road safety have been investigated using traffic simulation. The results indicate that this type of overtaking assistant can provide safety benefits in terms of increased average time-to-collision to the next oncoming vehicle during overtaking manoeuvres. This safety benefit can be achieved without negative consequences for traffic efficiency and driver comfort. A driver assistance system that supports the distance judging part of overtaking manoeuvres can therefore contribute to improved traffic conditions on the two-lane rural roads of the future.  相似文献   

公路隧道交通安全措施探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保障公路隧道的交通安全不仅事关隧道内司乘人员的生命安全,对隧道本身的结构安全同样有很大的影响。从公路隧道的总体设计、交通工程设施、防火、隧道内装、洞口增减光设施、火灾的预防与救援、隧道的运营管理、宣传教育和交通法规等多方面对影响公路隧道交通安全的因素和相关措施进行了探讨,旨在为公路隧道交通安全措施的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

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