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为确保内河电子航道图在传输过程中的安全性和完整性,针对内河管理的特点提出一套内河电子航道图数据保护方案。方案基于现代加密技术和数字签名技术,在数据提供商、设备制造商和数据用户三方相互鉴别、相互认证的条件下实施,通过用户权证和江图权证来鉴别用户身份和传递密钥,并设计了用户端数据处理流程。应用结果表明,该方案有效、安全。  相似文献   

文章通过对EPS数据和S-57标准数据的对比分析,提出了EPS数据到IENCs数据的转换模型和入库流程,探讨了数据分层设计、数据编码设计、数据映射关系建立、属性设计及赋值、数据综合取舍及修改等数据预处理方法,并在此基础上对数据转换和入库处理进行了研究,以实现EPS数据到内河电子航道图数据的完全转换。  相似文献   

我国从2008年开始注重内河水运应急事故的抢通工作,设立专项补助资金,相继发布了多项文件和规定,建立了较为完整的保障体系。然而,内河航道应急抢通保障体系仍然存在许多问题,因此有必要对全国内河航道应急抢通补助工作的详细情况展开深入调查研究。本文以问题为导向,阐述内河航道应急抢通体系调研工作的必要性、重点、难点及可行性,并提出了改进内河航道应急抢通体系的政策建议。  相似文献   

为提高内河航道通航安全性,对影响内河航道通航尺度条件、通航水流条件、通航气象条件、河床边界条件、航道布局条件的因素进行分析。在此基础上,提出针对性的管理手段,包括应用水文测量及预测技术保障通航水流条件、应用航道清淤技术保障河道边界条件、应用智能船舶技术保障航道布局条件等,以期提高内河航道的整体通航水平。  相似文献   

文章针对内河航道整治工程中的结构设计环节,结合广西某内河航道整治工程实例,分析了内河航道整治工程中的结构设计理念和方法,为结构设计方法的应用优化提拱参考。  相似文献   

根据山东省内河航道管理的现状、做法,指出了当前内河航道管理存在的问题;并提出了今后航道管理的建议的设想.  相似文献   

分析了升船机技术在平原地区航道中的适用性,结合山东省内河航道开发现状及特点,举例说明升船机技术在我省内河航道开发中的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文以赛江内河航道为研究对象,通过实地调研发现内河航道存在通航限制大、航道建设和养护滞后、船舶无序锚泊、通航小型船舶较多和上游采砂点不规范等问题,并从通航管理和安全管理两个方面提出了相应的风险防范对策及建议。  相似文献   

近日,据全国直属海事系统工作会议消息,中国海事海图和电子海图编绘的软硬件环境和数据管理已经达到国际先进水平。据交通运输部海事局常务副局长陈爱平介绍,为增强科技对海事工作的支持,2009年全国海事系统已经全面完成技术升级改造,正式使用HPD(海图数据库管理软件)生产港口航道图和电子海图。沿海港口航道图测量面积近20000km2,航道图和电子海图合格率达100%。  相似文献   

内河航道在施工建设和运营管理期间会产生大量的能源消耗,抓好航道的节能减排对发展绿色交通具有重要作用。本文总结概况了目前我国内河航道节能减排现状及采用的关键技术,相关技术的推广将引导交通运输行业优化用能结构、促进产业协调发展。  相似文献   

文章针对广西内河助航标现状,提出加大技术创新,对航标进行技改的思路。并对应用现有技术建设广西内河航标自动遥测系统进行探讨,为提高航标维护管理质量提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市逐步建成了沿江化工产业带,内河航道运输成为重庆市危化品运输的重要方式之一。为提升重庆市内河航运危化品安全,本文分析了重庆市内河航运危化品的种类,阐述了重庆市内河航运危化品典型事故案例,指出了重庆市内河航运危化品运输存在的问题,研究了相应的处置技术,从政府和企业角度提出了重庆市内河航运危化品应急处置的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Inland waterways are vulnerable to climate change as river navigation depends on water levels. Droughts can severely disrupt inland navigation services by reducing water levels either to completely non-navigable ones or to levels that oblige operators to reduce vessel load. We analyse the impacts of droughts induced by climate change using projections of river discharge data provided by eleven different climate model runs. We consider location specific characteristics by focusing the analysis on four specific locations of the Rhine and the Danube where a substantial part of the total freight activity in the European Union (EU) takes place. For the majority of the cases and scenarios considered, a decrease of the number of low water level days is projected, leading to fewer drought related disruptions in the operation of the inland waterway transport system. Although the uncertainties from the climate projections should not be neglected, the navigation sector could benefit from global warming which means that European inland waterways might be one of the few sectors where climate change can have negligible, or even positive, impact. The average economic benefit, for the cases considered, from the decrease of low water levels by the end of the century is projected to be almost €8million annually.  相似文献   

Future climate change is expected to affect inland waterway transport in most main natural waterways in Europe. For the river Rhine it is expected that, in summer, more and longer periods with low water levels will occur. In periods of low water levels inland waterway vessels have to reduce their load factors and, as a result, transport prices per tonne will increase. One possible consequence of these higher transport prices is a deterioration of the competitive position of inland waterway transport compared with rail and road transport, and thus a change in modal split. We study this issue using a GIS-based software model called NODUS which provides a tool for the detailed analysis of freight transportation over extensive multimodal networks. We assess the effect of low water levels on the costs of transport operations for inland waterway transport in North West Europe under several climate scenarios. It turns out, that the effect on the modal split is limited. Under the most extreme climate scenario, inland waterway transport would lose about 5.4% of the quantity that is currently being transported annually in the part of the European inland waterway transport market considered. The very dry year of 2003 can be seen as an analogue for this scenario.  相似文献   

Inland waterway transport in the Federal Republic of Germany, interconnecting 54 out of the 80 big cities, is mainly structured into small-scale enterprises. Organisation of transport, however, is mainly accommodated by a few large shipping firms. The increasing interest in inland waterway transport is due to increasing infrastructural bottlenecks in rail and road transport caused by integration, whereas waterways still have high capacity reserves. Furthermore, they are environmentally beneficial. Future problems, on the one hand, will arise from fundamental market and relating changes inland waterway transport has to adapt to within the scope of transport chain optimisation. On the other hand, the abolishment of fare regulation and the commercialisation of the railway companies will change the internal and external competitive conditions. An additional problem arises from future competition of inland vessels from Eastern European countries.  相似文献   

Most scientific attention in port studies centers on deep-sea ports, in particular container ports. In our paper, in contrast, we focus our attention on the characteristics of inland waterway ports in a European context. This is an overlooked part in the scientific literature on inland port development, which is up to now mainly concerned with US-based understandings of inland ports. We try to broaden the application of the inland port concept by explaining the development of inland ports in terms of inland waterway bounded cargo throughput. Based on a large-scale quantitative dataset of inland port development in Dutch municipalities we perform various statistical analyses to arrive at a more detailed understanding of the question: What are the characteristics of European inland waterway ports and what transport and economic factors influence cargo throughput on the municipal level? The results in particular highlight the importance of the presence of a container terminal, the diversity in types of goods which are being handled by the inland port and the accessibility of the inland port relative to the regional motorway network as important factors in explaining the size and growth of inland ports. Interestingly, the popular claim in policy of ‘investments in inland port development leading to employment growth’ cannot be confirmed.  相似文献   

十五滩是西南水运出海中线通道(红水河广西段)中的著名滩险,集急、浅、险、弯于一体,整治难度较大。文章利用实测水文观测资料进行水流条件及碍航特性分析,在此基础上,结合工程实际提出该滩的整治原则,并利用物理模型试验的成果进行航道整治工程设计,设计技术标准不只局限于航道等级对航道尺度的要求,还根据降低流速和减缓比降的需要,将滩口或相应部位作加宽、加深处理,以便改善流态,满足航行要求。工程实施后,扩大了航道尺度,解决了“险”、“窄”、“弯”等问题。  相似文献   

西江水运主通道通航枢纽建设关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要介绍西部项目西江水运主通道通航枢纽建设研究的背景、内容、成果及关键技术,为其他航运枢纽建设提供了设计、决策的依据,其研究成果具有广阔的应用和参考价值。  相似文献   

文章依托旺村电站至桂江河口河段航道工程,介绍了设计最低通航水位的确定方法和思路,并基于西江(干流)水位顶托对旺村电站至桂江河口(支流河口段)水位的影响分析,确定了相关设计最低通航水位指标值,提出了该河段设计最低通航水位分析的要点及注意事项。  相似文献   

自“八五”期间全面开征水运规费以来,广西全区各项水运规费征收管理工作取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但是,随着水运市场经济和港航体制改革的不断深入发展,广西水运规费征收管理当中的各种矛盾和问题也日益凸现,对此,文章提出了一些解决的办法和措施,以供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

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