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"热狗"、"冷马"、‘淦鸡仔"、"笑直"、"新纪元"……这些称号常常让非香港人士一头雾水,不过港人们却津津乐道.这些形象而且亲切的称呼正是九龙巴士一些车型的昵称,从中足以感受到港人对为自己服务近八十载的九龙巴士的深厚情感.  相似文献   

"热狗"、"冷马"、"金鸡仔"、"笑直"、"新纪元"……这些称号常常让非香港人士一头雾水,不过港人们却津津乐道。这些形象而且亲切的称呼正是九龙巴士一些车型的昵称,从中足以感受到港人对为自己服务近八十载的九龙巴士的深厚情感。九龙巴士(1933)有限公司是一家历史悠久的公司。它成立于1933年,是全球最大的公共运输机构之一。  相似文献   

瑞典斯堪尼亚集团是世界领先的重型卡车和大型巴士以及工业发动机制造商之一。以制造高效、节能、环保的商用汽车而著称,在业界享有较高的威望。也是在领域内最赢利的公司之一。2007年6月27日斯堪尼亚新款三轴双层巴士现在正在香港的市中心进行必要测试。斯堪尼亚和香港九龙巴士  相似文献   

陈祖泽 27年的政府从业经验和13年的企业运作实践,让陈祖泽麾下的香港九龙巴士有限公司(以下简称"九巴")名气日旺.但2005年对于他来讲,可谓是个无奈之年,经营公交不仅要考虑盈利又要担负社会责任.陈祖泽不断地在尴尬形势中求解……  相似文献   

城市道路拥堵是一个让人心烦的事情,治理拥堵更是一件麻烦事.近日,记者采访了清华大学交通研究所史其信教授,听他诉说了一段我国"拥堵"的历史和"治堵"的故事.  相似文献   

由复转军人组成的"首汽军团"已越过琼州海峡,成功登陆海南岛,如今正向纵深推进。5月,记者在海口偶遇北京首汽集团旅游车公司党委书记、总经理兼首汽集团海南分公司总经理朱树增,他告诉记者,进军海南是其上级公司首旅集团的重大战略部署之一,他们不会只满足于100辆旅游客车经营权,其目标是全面进入海南国际旅游岛的旅  相似文献   

规则大于潜规则—凤凰卫视的时事评论员曹景行曾说起一件事,2000年年初,一他开货柜车的老兵在香港超速行驶,香港警察给驻军寄去一张罚单,上级立即收回他的"往来香港特别通行证",停止驾车半年。因为香港人遵守规则是出了名的。驻港部队的军车也毫不例外,这些开着"ZG"牌照的军车司机在他们  相似文献   

11月24日,笔者和朋友一起一行四人从深圳罗湖口岸去了香港。早上9点多,刚过关,就在朋友的提醒下,匆匆忙忙花85港币买了张旅客过境旅游票,然后就坐上了从罗湖到九龙塘的东铁线。因为是初来乍到,为了少走弯路,就听从同伴们的安排从离深圳最远的地方开始逛。游客过境旅游票上了地铁,拿起手里的这个装卡袋,上面赫然写着$85。虽然是港币,但是高达85的价格跟北京2块钱人民币坐完全程的价格相比,还是"天价"。早就听闻香港交通费用昂贵,这次终  相似文献   

Link 200联营体TBM隧道经理David Hake叙述了在掘进香港九龙南线工程两座上下重叠的泥水TBM隧道中所遇到的挑战.  相似文献   

<正>"互联网融入传统道路客运,就是来抢夺客运市场吗?飞牛巴士告诉我们:非也!且看他们"如何利用互联网助力传统行业转型升级!"作为一位道路客运业的坚守者和创业者,蓝疆的初衷是借助互联网、信息技术助力传统客运转型升级,进一步解决出行者的乘车难题。那么,应该从什么角度借助互联网呢?蓝疆进行过许多尝试和探索,最终他将目光锁定在"最后一公里"上。2015年,四川易达飞牛交通科技有限公司在成都成立,并于12月初正式推出了  相似文献   

A vehicle assignment problem (VAP) in a road, long‐haul, passenger transportation company with heterogeneous fleet of buses is considered in the paper. The mathematical model of the VAP is formulated in terms of multiobjective, combinatorial optimization. It has a strategic, long‐term character and takes into account four criteria that represent interests of both passengers and the company's management. The decision consists in the definition of weekly operating frequency (number of rides per week) of buses on international routes between Polish and Western European cities. The VAP is solved in a step‐wise procedure. In the first step a sample of efficient (Pareto‐optimal) solutions is generated using an original metaheuristic method called Pareto Memetic Algorithm (PMA). In the second step this sample is reviewed and evaluated by the Decision Maker (DM). In this phase an interactive, multiple criteria analysis method with graphical facilities, called Light Beam Search (LBS), is applied. The method helps the DM to define his/her preferences, direct the search process and select the most satisfactory solution.  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating the customer expectations in a public sector passenger transport company, a crucial sector in developing countries like India. A questionnaire containing 18 quality characteristics was administered to various customers of three bus depots of one division of a state road transport undertaking in South India. Attribute‐based perceptual mapping using discriminant analysis was done to position the three depots and to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The findings would help prioritize different parameters and also provide guidelines for managers to focus on and to improve. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A bus route is inherently unstable: when the system is uncontrolled, buses fail to maintain their time‐headways and tend to bunch. Several mathematical bus motion models were proposed to reproduce the bus behavior and assess management strategies. However, no work has established how the choice of a model impacts the irregularity of modeled bus systems, that is, the non‐respect of scheduled headways. Because of this gap, a large body of existing works assumes that the ability of these models to reproduce instability comes only from stochasticity, although the link between stochastic inputs and the level of irregularity remains unknown. Moreover, some recognized phenomena such as a change of travel conditions during a day or delays at signalized intersections are ignored. To address these shortcomings, this paper provides an overview of existing dynamic bus‐focused models and proposes a simple way to classify them. Commonly used deterministic and stochastic models are compared, which allows quantifying the relative influence of stochasticity of each model component on outputs. Moreover, we show that a change in the system equilibrium in a full deterministic system can lead to irregularity. Finally, this paper proposes a refinement of travel time models to account for non‐dynamic signals. In presence of traffic signals, we show that a bus system can be self‐regulated. Especially, these insights could help to calibrate bus model inputs to better reproduce real data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国外城市公共旅客运输竞争机制的启示 在发达国家,城市公共旅客运输业的竞争一般分为两类:一类是运输企业通过参与投标竞争,取得在一定期限内和一定区域内独享的经营权利,即为取得独享的市场权利的竞争,简称"竞争市场";另一类是运输企业在遵守一些有关交易及经营行为规则的前提下,在同一市场中相互竞争,简称"市场竞争".在"市场竞争"中,经营者始终面对竞争对手的压力,从而有助于降低成本和提高服务质量;不过在有些情况下,在一定的经营期限内,由唯一的经营者提供指定的服务是一种比较好的选择,如出于技术原因、规模经济考虑,或为避免多个经营者竞争而损害"公共利益"的行为.特许经营便是"竞争市场"的一种主要方式.  相似文献   

公交车的舒适不是特别高的标准:以现在而言,就是能够多少有一点供人轻松站立的空间,别让人一路挤得前胸贴后背,对于中青年来说,有没有座位都不要紧.你看,这不能算是一个人从私家车里钻出来上了公交车之后提出的特殊要求吧?它就是每一个乘公交车的人最起码的愿望.但是这个标准,目前在上下班期间还达不到.  相似文献   

The location of bus garages is a complex issue that has received recent attention in the literature. Given a bus system, the number of bus garages and their locations depend on garage cost, deadheading cost and environmental impacts. An approximate analytical model is used to determine the number of bus garages that minimizes the above costs. The concept of a slowly varying density of bus-route origins (hence deadheads) per unit area is used to model deadheading costs. The increased deadheading caused by breakdowns and accidents is also considered. The garage cost is modeled as a function of the number of buses stored. A closed-form solution is obtained for the optimal density of garages, when the garage cost function is linear. The actual locations of garages and the allocations of buses to the garages are found using a discrete space location-allocation model formulated so as to consider the environmental impact associated with buses deadheading through populated neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The disadvantages of conventional transportation study models, in particular their large data requirements and their weaknesses in dealing with changes in trip generation rates have led to a need for a simple model that can quickly and at low cost examine alternative public transport strategies.This paper investigates simple economic models of bus demand, examines alternative variables that can be used and discusses some alternative model forms. It demonstrates the results of a model using data from twelve urban bus operators in Britain and compares the results with those from other types of study. The model utilises fare and service quality elasticities to explain the decline in passengers on urban bus services, and derives an average elasticity with respect to fare changes of –0.31 and with respect to service quality changes of +0.62. It is estimated that fare rises accounted for 13% of the 43% decline in passengers over the last fifteen years, vehicle mileage reductions for 14.3% and that only 15.7% was due to such factors as rising car ownership which are often given as the cause of declining bus patronage.The results, by showing that passengers are far more sensitive to changes in service than they are to fare rises, are a useful guide to the broader public transport policy issues, and the paper concludes that the model does provide a useful method of forecasting public transport demand at a strategic level. Further work is needed, however, to establish more accurate forecasts for different types of passenger and studies are now being undertaken to establish these and to construct an operational forecasting model that can be applied with only limited data requirements  相似文献   

The walking trip from an origin or destination to a bus stop or transit station can be a barrier to riding transit for older adults (over age 60) who may walk more slowly than others or experience declining physical mobility. This article examines the relationship between transit ridership and proximity to fixed-route transit stations using survey data for older adults in Buffalo and Erie County, New York. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics—including age, sex, race, income, possessing a driver’s license, frequency of leaving home, and personal mobility limitations—are tested but do not display, in bi-variate analysis, statistically significant differences for transit riders versus non-transit riders. However, features of the built environment—including distance (actual and perceived) between home and transit stop, transit service level, population density, number of street intersections, metropolitan location, and neighborhood crime (property and violent) rate—display statistically significant differences for transit riders versus non-transit riders. Both objective and perceived walking distances to access fixed-route transit show statistically significant differences between transit riders and non-transit riders. Average walking distance from home to transit for non-transit riders—who mostly live in suburbs—is three times greater than average walking distance between home and the nearest transit stop for transit riders—who mostly live in the central city. When asked how near a bus stop is to their homes, transit riders slightly overestimate the actual distance, while non-transit riders underestimate the distance.  相似文献   

随着安凯客车市场占有率的不断提高,安凯股份公司技术服务体系建设也日趋成熟,快速反应、及时服务、处理有效的工作作风,逐渐赢得广大用户的赞誉。近几年来,安凯公司适应市场需求,加强产品研发,实现了产品系列化、价格系列化。客车产品从9米到18米,产品价格从30万元到300万元,遍及全国的多种车型应用于客运、旅游和公交各个领域的不同用户,并得到了市场的认可。  相似文献   

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