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文章针对当前路桥施工行业员工思想状况和企业思想政治工作现状,介绍新形势下路桥施工企业思想政治工作的特点,并对当前路桥施工企业员工队伍不稳定因素和企业思想政治工作存在的问题进行分析论述,提出了新形势下路桥施工企业思想政治工作的思路。  相似文献   

随着互联网、信息化的迅猛发展,员工思想、价值观、社会观念、利益格局等已经不同程度地发生了变化。如何适应大环境,驾驭复杂多变的新时代,努力提升企业核心竞争力,关键是人的因素。文章结合新形势下施工企业员工思想政治工作现状,分析存在的问题与原因,提出加强和改进员工思想政治工作的相关对策。  相似文献   

文章结合路桥企业工作实际,探讨新形势下思想政治工作有效发挥作用的途径,提出围绕企业中心任务、立足路桥行业特点和以人为本、提高员工整体素质的基本工作思路。  相似文献   

做好科技人员的思想政治工作,调动科技人员积极性,是科技人员管理工作的生命所在.对如何把握科技人员的心理特征,做好科技人员的思想政治工作进行了探讨.  相似文献   

正"做好职工思想政治工作,创新职工思想教育方式,使职工充分了解企业的发展方向、总体目标及达到目标的方法,凝聚共识,主动投身到企业创新的各项工作中,才能保证企业转型的成功。"经济新常态指的是中国经济增长速度向中高速换挡,经济结构向创新、节能、专业化转变的态势,对于道路客运企业而言,是挑战,更  相似文献   

在基层单位,后进同事是个别现象,但是影响大,耗费领导精力多,处理不好有可能酿成事故和案件。做好后进同事的思想转化工作,既是基层单位政治教育、经常性思想工作的焦点、热点和重点问题,也是难点问题,必须下大力气做好,这也是检验基层单位政治工作战斗性和有效性的重要标志。  相似文献   

<正>"思想政治工作关系到道路运输企业服务水平的质量,关系到道路运输企业的发展,关系到道路运输企业的形象,道路运输企业只有将思想政治工作真正融入到企业文化建设中去,才能更好地为企业的发展保驾护航,提高企业的核心竞争力。道路运输企业在经济一体化的竞争中,面临的不仅仅是市场的竞争,也包括企业文化的竞争。建设优秀企业文化,离不开思想政治工作这个有效载体,思想政治工作是道路运输企业的基本工作,也是道路运输企业的根本,直接关系到道路运输企业兴衰成败。内蒙古呼运(集团)有限责任公司(以下简  相似文献   

为适应新形势和新变化,让思想政治工作更加有效地融入和贯穿于企业生产经营管理,文章分析了新形势下路桥施工企业思想政治工作呈现的新特点及涌现的新问题,并提出了解决问题的方法与途径。  相似文献   

思想政治工作作为我们党的优良传统和政治优势,研究和解决的是人的思想、意志、情感等观念形态方面的矛盾和问题。企业的思想政治工作贯穿于生产经营的全过程,只要方法得当,对于化解各种矛盾,理顺职工情绪,保持社会稳定,维护企业生产秩序,促进企业经济发展都有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

文章介绍了当前公路养护队伍存在的主要问题,阐述了养护队伍价值观及管理方式的转变特征,并从以人为本的角度出发,提出了新形势下创新做好公路养护队伍思想政治工作的措施及建议。  相似文献   

文章针对我国公路造价管理中存在的管理人员思想意识不强、素质不高、造价审计职能弱化、变更管理不到位、缺乏完善的定额管理体系、信息化水平低下等问题,提出了相应的解决对策,为建设单位加强公路造价管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

文章根据公路隧道火灾的原因和特点,将公路隧道的防火救灾对策系统划分为指导思想、火灾安全等级、宣传教育、交通管理、通风控制、监控与消防系统、建筑材料与附属设施,以及灭火救援体系八个子系统,对应于每一个子系统,提出了详细的防火对策;针对不同的火灾安全等级,给出了我国长大公路隧道的防火设施配置表和危险物品运输时的交通控制表;完善了公路隧道灭火救灾的组织流程,并提出了公路隧道防火救灾预案的研究原则、研究内容以及具体的研究思路。  相似文献   


This narrative review synthesised the limited work that has been carried out into road safety education targeting parents. Parent education appeared to have a positive impact on child safety seat use and children’s bike helmet use, but results regarding the impact of parent education on pedestrian safety were mixed. The review highlighted important gaps in the literature. A key gap being identifying effective ways to engage parents of low socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds. Further, another gap is understanding effective ways to engage and support parents of children with additional needs to build their children’s road safety skills. There is some evidence that parent education has a positive impact on these “at-risk” groups, but little work on how to engage with these groups and the type of parent education required.  相似文献   

文章从德国柏林政府、企业、学校、行会在职业教育中的关系、地位、职责和作用入手,介绍了德国柏林职业教育运行的体制机制情况,并针对我国国情与职业教育现状,提出了加强和改进我国职业教育工作的措施建议。  相似文献   

On the basis of the Norwegian national personal travel survey (NPTS) 1997/98 and a connected mail back survey of the use of information – and communication technology at home, the relation between mobility and use of stationary communication has been studied. On the basis of these results we cannot see any direct substitutionary effects of the use of stationary technology at people's home on the use of mobile technology. Access to and use of information technology seems not to have a significant impact on travel activities in everyday life. Stationary communication seems to be a supplement to activities based on mobile technology. For people who work more than “normal” weekly working hours, stationary technology seems to give them greater flexibility in regard to where to work, but it does not necessarily reduce their travel activity. There is a tendency that people who own home computers make less work trips, but this does not affect the total number of daily trips. The spatial flexibility give a temporal flexibility, which means that work trips and other trips can be more dispersed over the day than is the situation today. The positive consequence can be a reduction in the rush-hour traffic; the negative is that it is more difficult to offer a high frequent public transport service when travel needs are more spread in time. Ownership and use of both mobile and stationary technologies are unequally distributed. Men, people with high education and income are the most frequent owners and users.  相似文献   

This paper, indeed the complete Issue, is a personal indulgence, but one I think I am allowed as my last contribution to Transportation, after 40 Volumes, first as Editor then Editor in Chief; covering the whole of the life of the Journal to date. I open with a history of the Journal, first is its ownership, followed by a record of those who have wielded a blue pencil over its first 40 Volumes and then recognise some of the many others who have contributed to our work, our success, over the Volumes. I next reflect on my experience as Editor in the hope of being able to pass on some of what I have learned to my successors and to others editing like journals, before explaining the rationale for the other papers I have selected for inclusion. Finally, and here is the real indulgence, I express some personal views on transport education, research, policy and planning.  相似文献   

Plaut  Pnina O. 《Transportation》2004,31(2):229-255
The paper focuses on the socioeconomic characteristics of workers at home and those who walk to work and these are compared with commuters (those who travel to work by motorized transportation). Understanding of such characteristics of these people is useful for purposes of designing policies that encourage these forms of "travel" to work, if it is believed desirable for planning or environmental purposes. For example, subsidizing public transportation may also have an impact on the proclivity to work at home or walk to work. Using a large census data set for Israel, separate subsamples are analyzed for heads of household and for their spouses. Metropolitan areas as well as peripheral urbanized areas are analyzed separately. Logit analysis is used to identify those variables that affect the likelihood of different groups of people to walk to work or to work at home.It is shown that walkers to work tend to be lower-income, less-educated people with lower asset ownership rates. Females are overrepresented amongst them, while "high-status" professionals are underrepresented. Workers at home appear to be a more complex group. They tend to have higher levels of education and wealth than commuters, but earn less on average. They include proportionately more females. The likelihood of working at home increases with home size and with ownership of some durable goods. The workers at home may in fact be comprised of two or more differing groups with contrasting characteristics, one higher-income and higher-educated, the other with lower socio-economic indicators. Because they may be a heterogeneous group, development of planning policies to encourage non-vehicle commuting may require different policy tools for the different subgroups.  相似文献   

M. R. Wigan 《Transportation》1987,14(4):395-417
Transport, communications and urban form cover an overlapping area of rising academic and practical concern. This paper traces several of the many themes brought together under different professional banners, and shows how a confluence of interest is emerging.The themes are the developments in urban planning analysis, transport and time use studies, telecommunications and industrial location, all of which contribute to the area of locational effects of improved telecommunications technology, and are affected by alterations in the nature of work and the uses made of time by individuals. The convergence of geographical, planning, transportation and communication developments now requires explicit investigation, as the timings of technological and theoretical developments appear to coincide with the emergence of a significant need to do so. Some of the gaps between present knowledge and expertise that need to be filled are specified.These include the investigation of the testing and use of current land use integrated analyses for road and development assessment, investigation of the nature and characteristics of work and education which are most affected by telecommunications and computer support, development of longitudinal monitoring methods for overall urban development leading indicators, exploitation of newly-available cross-sectional household and city data sets in conjunction with historical data for longitudinal investigations and forward projections, accounting for altered family structure and activity patterns and the anticipation and assessment of probable further technological change, which can and will undermine many current long term commitments.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the trade-off between working at home and out-of-home, ICT and commuting time. To this end, we develop a microeconomic demand system, which explicitly incorporates both time and income constraints. Commuting time is considered as the price to be paid for working out-of-home and a decrease in earnings as the price for working at home. For the latter, we find that working at home leads to a (marginally significant) reduction of the wage rate of about 19%, but this gap largely disappears when ICT is used for at home work. To examine the relation between out-of-home and at home work empirically, we estimate a translog indirect utility function, from which we are able to estimate substitution and price elasticities between working at home and out-of-home for The Netherlands. The results show that changes in ICT and commuting time display rather weak substitution effects on working out-of-home and at home, respectively. Moreover, individual characteristics – especially age and education – seem to be more important for the choice between working at home and out-of-home than ICT availability or commuting time.  相似文献   

文章基于高速公路养护站点的职能与类型,分析了高速公路养护站点布局的影响因素,提出了高速公路养护站点布局规划的指导思想、规划原则和约束条件,为形成科学合理的高速公路网养护站点规划布局提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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