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为深入学习德国物流业发展先进经验,推动我国现代物流体系特别是国家物流枢纽网络建设,以及为物流业转型升级和创新发展提供重要借鉴,国家发展改革委经济贸易司于2018年9月9日—22日组团赴德国汉堡、纽伦堡执行"国家物流枢纽布局与多式联运体系建设"培训任务。通过对德国物流业总体情况、运行模式、发展趋势以及物流园区规划建设等方面的调研、实地考察及系统总结,认为德国物流基础设施网络和多式联运体系十分完备,物流运作效率和社会化水平较高,为制造、商贸等产业发展以及城市运转提供了有力保障。提出加大对国家物流枢纽网络建设的规划引导和支持力度、着力破除多式联运发展瓶颈、高度重视物流与相关产业联动发展、加快发展智能物流和绿色物流、加大物流专业人才培养力度等启示。  相似文献   

加快多式联运枢纽建设对于推动多式联运发展意义重大。本文首先提出了多式联运枢纽的内涵,界定了枢纽范围、明确了枢纽主要特征、根据主导交通方式和布局形态对枢纽进行分类。阐述了影响多式联运枢纽形成的主要因素,即外部条件、内生动力和政策环境。梳理了国内不同类型多式联运枢纽的建设实践、典型做法和取得成绩。总结提出了目前我国多式联运枢纽建设发展仍然存在的突出问题,包括区域资源配置不均、枢纽建设"集"而不"约"以及枢纽内外部网络衔接问题等。文章最后给出加快推进多式联运枢纽建设的工作建议。  相似文献   

朱晔  李云清 《综合运输》2023,(1):132-137
陆港型国家物流枢纽是国家物流枢纽的主要形式,是我国社会物流体系的核心基础设施。我国陆港型物流枢纽规划建设尚处于发展初级阶段,其内部设施布局还没有形成系统的规划设计方法。本文结合国内陆港型物流枢纽发展与建设现状,分析陆港型物流枢纽的核心功能及功能布局。在系统分析国内外先进公铁联运技术及运输组织模式的基础上,提出四种主要的陆港型物流枢纽公铁联运设施布局模式,并对四种设施布局模式进行适应性分析,为优化陆港型物流枢纽功能布局和设施布局提供新思路。  相似文献   

一是开展重要运输通道和具有多式联运功能的物流枢纽布局规划研究,加快多种运输方式之间无缝对接的综合运输枢纽建设,促进多式联运的衔接与一体化运输。二是研究扶持和促进多式联运发展的相关优惠政策,加强对发展多式联运公共政策的顶层设计,  相似文献   

8月2日,交通运输部召开了推进物流业健康发展电视电话会议。交通运输部部长杨传堂提出,交通运输部将全面推进物流业健康发展,着重在五个方面力争取得突破性进展:加快综合运输体系建设,特别是重要运输通道和物流枢纽建设;加快发展多式联运;加快推进全国和区域性交通运输物流公共信息平台建设;加快推进农村物流、城市配送和快递业发展;加快培育龙头骨干企业。  相似文献   

文章以物流业多式联运为背景,结合柳州官塘多式联运示范物流枢纽港的建设规模及工程特点,提出了多式联运枢纽港的总平方案,并详细阐述了总平方案的功能布局、设计原则和总平布置方案及其比选结论,为今后多式联运物流枢纽河港的总平方案设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>在国家加快推进综合交通运输体系建设的过程中,多式联运作为一种体现高效能的运输方式,符合绿色运输发展趋势,并对提高运输效率、减少货损货差、降低物流成本、促进节能减排具有重大的意义,因此,未来多式联运一定是国家综合运输体系建设的主导战略。2013年6月6日,《交通运输部关于交通运输推进物流业发展指导意见》中八次提到多式联运,将其作为交通运输促进物流业发展的重中之重;2014年10月《物流  相似文献   

<正>随着国家公路运输枢纽规划建设的推进和现代物流理念的发展,我国一些公路货运枢纽不仅在规划中冠以物流园区的名称,而且在功能上不断完善,货运枢纽的种类也开始突破传统的零担货运站、集装箱中转站等形式,向物流中心、配送中心、物流园区等业态延伸。  相似文献   

商品车多式联运具有降低物流成本、提高运输安全性、节能环保等良好的经济、社会和环境效益。本文分析了我国商品车运输现状及所存在的问题,结合当前国家正在大力推进多式联运发展的契机,提出了推进我国商品车多式联运的发展对策。  相似文献   

刘陟  施路  肖博严 《综合运输》2023,(3):175-181
双循环格局的战略变化赋予现代物流业新的使命,以铁路为核心的多式联运物流园区作为现代物流服务体系的重要基础设施,对城市经济社会的发展有至关重要的作用。首先从宏观背景的角度明确绵阳国际多式联运物流园区的发展定位,并结合城市产业发展需求预测项目货运量,确定其构建多式联运功能、产业物流功能和商贸物流功能三大功能板块为核心功能业态体系。结合规划范围内皂角铺铁路货场的布置方案、用地条件、周边限制因素,规划以综合物流产业为核心、以产城融合为理念,形成“一心、四轴、六片区“的功能布局结构。最后提出打破思维陷阱、回归行业本质、完善商业方案、优化资金计划四方面的运营计划建议。  相似文献   

本文根据实地调研成果,介绍了成都、重庆和郑州在建立健全物流管理体制机制、强化物流枢纽及通道功能、创新物流运输组织模式、物流标准化信息化、物流市场主体及产业培育等方面的先进经验,从加强政府顶层设计、完善物流枢纽和节点体系、促进物流枢纽互联互通、研究物流运输组织服务的新模式、打造“交通+物流+产业”的产业集群、提升物流标准化发展水平、出台促进物流降本增效的政策措施等七个方面总结了强化物流创新要素集聚,促进广州现代物流中心建设的经验和启示。  相似文献   

Freight transport demand is a demand derived from all the activities needed to move goods between locations of production to locations of consumption, including trade, logistics and transportation. A good representation of logistics in freight transport demand models allows us to predict the effects of changes in logistics systems on future transport flows. As such it provides better estimations of the costs of interaction and allows to predict changes in spatial patterns of freight transport flows more accurately. In recent years, the attention for freight modelling has been growing and new research work has appeared aimed at incorporating logistics in freight models. In this paper we review the state of the art in the representation of logistics considerations in freight transport demand models. Our focus is on the service and cost drivers of changes in logistics networks and how these affect freight transport. Our review proceeds along a conceptual framework for modelling that goes beyond the conventional 4-step modelling approach. We identify promising areas for freight modelling that have an integrative function within this framework, such as spatial computable general equilibrium models, supply chain choice models and hypernetwork models.  相似文献   

"物流化"是当今道路运输企业发展的必然趋势。文章在对道路运输企业物流化进行阶段划分的基础上,通过研究道路运输企业物流化的战略目标定位问题,提出了加快道路运输企业物流化步伐的策略。  相似文献   

随着湘桂高铁、贵广高铁、南广高铁、云桂高铁的建成,广西逐步进入高铁时代。广西高铁的发展给广西北部湾港口群带来了新的生机,高铁与港口货物联运是未来广西北部湾港口物流发展的新趋势。文章分析了广西港口与高铁联运的有利条件以及高铁运输对港口物流的促进作用,从技术标准缺乏、货物分运混乱、物流成本偏高等方面阐述了港口与高铁联运存在的现实问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

The past decade has seen many new freight transport models for use in transport planning by public authorities. Some of these models have developed new concepts, such as logistics modules, inclusion of transshipments, storage and sourcing and the determination of shipment size. This paper provides a review of the European literature on freight transport models that operate at the national or international level and have been developed since 2004. The introduction of elements of logistics thinking is identified as a common theme in recently developed models, and further worked out. Furthermore, ideas on what might be the next key developments in freight transport modelling are presented.  相似文献   

食品安全是全球的公共卫生问题,是关乎国计民生、影响经济和社会发展的重大事件,冷链则为其提供了行之有效的帮助。虽然国家政策的扶持力度不断加大,我国冷链物流迎来了快速发展的机遇,但由于起步较晚、环境复杂,行业内部仍面临多重短板亟待补齐,其中之一就是交接环节的"断链"问题。《食品冷链物流交接规范》国家标准的制定,旨在提升我国冷链物流服务水平,通过规范企业操作、界定交接责任,达到规范冷链市场、保证食品安全以及促进行业健康发展的目的。  相似文献   

Jason Monios 《运输评论》2013,33(6):767-791

Governance theory examines different ways of managing resources and relationships in order to achieve a desired outcome. This paper applies governance theory to intermodal terminals and logistics platforms, extending previous work on ownership to include different operational models. An inductive methodology is used to derive a typology of governance relationships from an analysis of the transport and logistics literature. The classification developed in this paper explores different kinds of integration that can help support growth of intermodal transport services. The understanding of transport governance is extended via three key relationships: first, between the logistics platform and the site tenants (therefore, encouraging consolidation and efficiencies that can boost rail services at the site); second, between the terminal operator and rail service provision (which can aid service planning and train loading factors); and third, between the inland site (either terminal, logistics platform or both) and port(s), (thus enabling better planning and efficiency of port rail shuttles).  相似文献   


It has been acknowledged that logistics is a driving force that shapes the integration of the transport chain. This paper argues that while the liner shipping industry exhibits increased horizontal integration, its vertical integration remains limited. A clear distinction is drawn between freight logistics, container logistics and vessel logistics. Freight logistics is defined as part of the supply chain process, the focus of which is the goods being transported. The purpose of container logistics is to optimize the movements of the containers themselves, an operation that is directly related to vessel logistics which is concerned with maximizing vessel utilization. The paper demonstrates that shipping lines have to find the correct balance between these three types of logistics. Their interest in vertical integration is primarily because the management of container logistics provides direct support to vessel logistics. Their involvement in freight logistics remains unclear and uncertain.  相似文献   


Under the ongoing influence of globalisation, supply chains have changed significantly. New logistics and manufacturing systems have emerged, causing longer transport distances and increasing transport emissions. The existing research into the sustainability impacts of freight transport has largely viewed it as being a macro-level economic and political phenomenon and has ignored the interdependencies amongst micro-level economic actors, including firms and businesses in the private sector. In this paper, we presume that the lack of conceptualisation of freight transport in relation to wider institutional contexts and firm behaviour results in the lack of a holistic approach to understanding freight governance in the face of globalisation. We argue for the use of institutional economic geography lenses to elucidate the distribution networks of emerging logistics and manufacturing practices and its implications for freight transport. We illustrate our argument through a broad look at the European logistics and manufacturing practices and global production.  相似文献   

我国经济的迅速发展以及国家对高速公路建设力度的加大,给高速公路物流的发展带来很大契机。文章基于广西高速公路物流发展现状,分析发展高速公路物流的紧迫性及重要意义,并以广西高速物流股份有限公司为例,提出了发展广西高速公路物流系统的建议。  相似文献   

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