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船舶空调舱室热舒适性是影响船员工作效率和生活品质的重要因素。文章分析了影响空调舱室热舒适性的诸多因素,讨论了PMV (Predicted Mean Vote 预测平均满意值) 指标的作用及其运算方法。建立了舱室简化模型,并结合实际海况,计算了不同温度、相对湿度组合下的PMV,PPD(Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied, 预测不满意率)值及系统热负荷,分析了舱室内温度、相对湿度对其热舒适性及能耗的影响。在满足热舒适性指标的情况下,优化船舶空调设计参数以实现节能的目的。文章对船舶空调的设计及舱室温微气候参数的选择具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

船舶空调舱室热舒适性是影响船员工作效率和生活品质的重要因素。本文利用数值模拟的方法分析了不同送风温度,送风速度下船舶舱室内温度场与速度场的分布,选取了船舶舱室模型中具有代表性的四个截面,揭示不同位置的空气流速与温度差异;船舱下半部分温度变化较明显,约比送风温度高1~3℃。依据热舒适性方程,利用PMV热舒适性计算分析工具,研究了送风温度,送风速度以及空气的相对湿度对热舒适性指标PMV与PPD的影响。通过数值模拟与理论方法相结合,优化了三个参数的取值范围。进一步分析了送风温度,送风速度以及空气的相对湿度三者之间的相互作用。指出当送风速度,送风温度超出优化范围,可以分别适当的调节送风温度,空气的相对湿度来满足热舒适性要求。为船舶空调热舒适性的设计与优化提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

船舶舱室环境热舒适性控制新技术综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
船舶舱室环境热舒适性是影响船员身体健康和工作效率的重要影响因素,发展合适的舒适性控制新技术以创建良好的舱室环境热舒适性是船舶通风空调系统的主要任务.该文对船舶舱室环境热舒适性控制新技术进行总结和综述,对船舶舱室环境热舒适性控制新技术的发展具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

针对船舶舱室热环境的特殊性,建立了适用的CFD计算模型,并对其进行了实验验证。在该模型的数值模拟结果基础上,以PMV-PPD热舒适性评价指标和DNV COMF-C(3)规范为依据,对船舶舱室空调气流组织进行优化。优化结果表明,相比于优化前,优化后的餐厅和会议室的热舒适性得到改善,热环境满意人数分别增加了52.7%和28.9%。结合CFD模拟和热舒适性评价分析的优化方法,在节约时间和实验成本的同时,为船舶空调系统的设计和优化提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

介绍了环境舒适性指标分类,重点对热环境以及空气品质开展研究,调研分析了暖通行业和船舶行业舒适性设计标准和规范,开展了各类主要邮轮系类空调设计参数调研。结合适应中国游客的环境舒适性指标分析,给出我国邮轮舱室舒适性设计指标参数。  相似文献   

[目的]为比较不同送风方案对居住舱室空气环境的影响,[方法]采用计算流体力学技术对四人居住舱室内的空气环境舒适性进行数值研究。分析气流组织分布的评价指标,对夏季工况下舱室模型的风速、温度、相对湿度、PMV值和CO_2浓度进行模拟计算。通过对比不同送风方案的模拟结果,研究送风角度、送风温度和送风量对舱室内气流组织热舒适性及空气品质的影响。[结果]研究结果表明:送风角度分别取30o和45o时对模拟结果影响较小;降低送风温度并减小送风量虽然会导致舱室内空气湿度相对较小、CO_2浓度较高,但均可满足设计要求,且综合考虑气流组织的评价指标,研究的方案能提高舱室气流组织热舒适性。[结论]研究结果对居住舱室送风口布置具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

船舶舱室环境热舒适是影响船员身体健康和工作效率的重要因素,为了确保舒适健康的船舶舱室微气候环境,对改善船员居住环境条件和生活质量,提高工作效率具有重要意义。对船舶舱室环境下的动态热舒适性及动态热舒适指标进行了研究,并在此基础上,分别从温度和风速的动态化出发,对船舶舱室的动态热舒适进行了分析。  相似文献   

船舶舱室内热舒适性参数的选取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为保证船舶舱室乘员的身体健康,提高其工作效率,需建立船舶舱室乘员热舒适性的温湿度环境条件。在相关热舒适性标准分析研究的基础上,通过对实船热环境测试以及对船员热感觉的问卷调查,分析总结了不同活动状态下船员的热感觉投票值与微小环境温湿度的变化规律,给出了船舶舱室内各工作部位能满足船舶舱室乘员热舒适的温湿度参数控制范围,为船舶舱室的空调系统设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

室内空气品质的优劣直接影响人员的工作效率。文中以某船舶会议室作为研究对象,建立其非空态条件下采用置换通风方式的船舶舱室内气流组织数学模型,通过求解RNGκ-ε紊流方程,获得了采用置换通风方式的船舶会议室内空气品质分布规律。结果表明,结合舱室内热源的分布特征,利用热源产生的浮升力作用,合理布置送回风口的位置,船舶会议室人员活动区平均风速在0.15m/s以下、01~1.1m高度内垂直温差小于1℃,能量利用率大于1,获得良好的气流组织和热舒适性,有效地提高了船舶会议室的空气品质。  相似文献   

船舶居住舱室智能布局优化设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶居住舱室布局优化是一个多目标优化问题,由于居住舱室布局方案评价指标的多态性及模糊性,不利于船舶居住舱室布局方案的自动评价及优选。论文基于改进遗传算法建立船舶舱室布局优化数学模型,综合考虑舱室的采光性、舒适性等因素采用能量法实现舱室内待布置物的自动布局,并得到多个可行方案;最后,利用本文提出的船舶居住舱室有效活动空间利用率的概念,通过计算各个可行方案的舱室有效活动空间利用率,选出最优方案。仿真实验证明:该方法可行、有效,优化结果令人满意。  相似文献   

邵建练  何慧彬  贾蓉萍 《船舶》2019,30(4):55-62
阐述了DP-3海洋工程船舶动力辅助系统优化设计典型方案。通过归纳各主要船级社规范要求,在满足规范基本要求的基础上,通过举例说明各辅助系统设计优化建议,对类似船舶动力辅助系统设计提供建议及参考,以提高系统设计的安全性及可靠性。  相似文献   

冯海暴 《船舶力学》2019,23(7):763-772
为解决沉管拖航和静态系泊施工中水流阻力系数取值的技术难题,结合实际的施工工况和作业环境,通过调研国内外大型沉管浮运阻力系数的取值,采用数值计算和物理模型试验的方法对沉管模型分别在静止和浮运状态时的阻力系数进行分析,并进一步探究了浮运阻力系数的影响因子,得出了适用于沉管静态锚泊和浮运时的水流阻力,通过实测验证了数据的正确性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一起利用配电盘带电体超声波检测,结合非接触定位技术,快速排查并修复35kV电缆终端缺陷的案例。通过停电检验和内部刨解查证,对终端缺陷原因进行详细分析,确定该终端缺陷是由于电缆终端制作工艺和电缆安装存在问题所致,同时对缺陷处修理方法进行详解。本文最后对防范35kV电缆终端发生故障提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘春江  胡浩  崔濛 《船舶》2019,30(4):68-74
科学考察船的空调通风系统噪声不仅会影响到科学家进行海上实验,而且对船员的工作、生活也有很大的影响,故空调通风系统减振降噪是科学考察船的重要工作之一。该文结合“东方红3”号实船,介绍了该类船的空调通风系统减振降噪的特殊性,同时提出通风系统减振降噪设计的方法和措施,为科学考察船以及类似船舶空调通风系统减振降噪技术研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

A major objective of the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (Palmer LTER) project is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the various components of the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Phytoplankton production plays a key role in this so-called high nutrient, low chlorophyll environment, and factors that regulate production include those that control cell growth (light, temperature, and nutrients) and those that control cell accumulation rate and hence population growth (water column stability, grazing, and sinking). Sea ice mediates several of these factors and frequently conditions the water column for a spring bloom which is characterized by a pulse of production restricted in both time and space. This study models the spatial and temporal variability of primary production within the Palmer LTER area west of the Antarctic Peninsula and discusses this production in the context of historical data for the Southern Ocean. Primary production for the Southern Ocean and the Palmer LTER area have been computed using both light-pigment production models [Smith, R.C., Bidigare, R.R., Prézelin, B.B., Baker, K.S., Brooks, J.M., 1987. Optical characterization of primary productivity across a coastal front. Mar. Biol. (96), 575–591; Bidigare, R.R., Smith, R.C., Baker, K.S., Marra, J., 1987. Oceanic primary production estimates from measurements of spectral irradiance and pigment concentrations. Global Biogeochem. Cycles (1), 171–186; Morel, A., Berthon, J.F., 1989. Surface pigments, algal biomass profiles and potential production of the euphotic layer—relationships reinvestigated in view of remote-sensing applications. Limnol. Oceanogr. (34), 1545–1562] and an ice edge production model [Nelson, D.M., Smith, W.O., 1986. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics of the western Ross Sea ice edge: II. Mesoscale cycling of nitrogen and silicon. Deep-Sea Res. (33), 1389–1412; Wilson, D.L., Smith, W.O., Nelson, D.M., 1986. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics of the Western Ross Sea ice edge: I. primary productivity and species-specific production. Deep-Sea Res., 33, 1375–1387; Smith, W.O., Nelson, D.M., 1986. Importance of ice edge phytoplankton production in the Southern Ocean. BioScience (36), 251–257]. Chlorophyll concentrations, total photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) and sea ice concentrations were derived from satellite data. These same parameters, in addition to hydrodynamic conditions, have also been determined from shipboard and Palmer Station observations during the LTER program. Model results are compared, sensitivity studies evaluated, and productivity of the Palmer LTER region is discussed in terms of its space time distribution, seasonal and interannual variability, and overall contribution to the marine ecology of the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

在6.1万吨散货船航行试验振动测量过程中,发现主机转速为91 r/min时居住区纵向振动较为严重。文章根据船体结构有限元模态分析理论,结合局部结构振动特性以及主要激励源判断,查找出居住区结构振动异常的原因,并通过采取调整压载水的对策很好地处理了该处振动问题,最终进行了有限元计算和实船测试的双重验证,计算和测试结果均满足技术规格书要求的ISO 6954振动标准,为此类船型设计和运营提供一定的技术参考。  相似文献   

陈茂勇  黄祖钦 《船舶》2019,30(4):36-42
AutoCAD在船体结构详细设计中广泛应用,然而在传统的二维设计模式下,绘图效率相对较低。利用二次开发技术能有效提高AutoCAD的自动化程度,并简化部分繁琐的绘图过程。该文根据船体结构图的特点,结合绘图标准对AutoCAD进行二次开发,实现了一系列专业化的绘图辅助功能,从多方面提高了船体结构图绘图效率。  相似文献   

陈雷  胡小林  于再红  邹雄 《船舶》2019,30(4):7-14
随着压载水管理公约的生效,大型半潜船压载水处理的需求日渐紧迫。文章介绍了大型半潜船压载水系统的特点以及大型半潜船压载水处理面临的困难与解决方法,通过对大型半潜船压载水处理系统的典型案例比较,分析并得出循环法和重力法是解决大型半潜船压载水处理问题合理可行方案的结论,为大型半潜船压载水处理系统解决方案提供借鉴。  相似文献   

郭烨  曾国咏 《船舶》2019,30(4):75-80
基于一型自航起重船,回顾总结了4 000 t起重船电力系统设计的要点:首先根据推进系统的配置及布置情况,为满足DP-2船的设计规范要求,确定采用独立的推进电网设计方案;接着着重介绍电力系统中各关键设备的配置及其特有性能,包括公共直流母线系统、电动机发电机组在本项目上的应用情况;然后结合4 000 t起重船配电网络的构架对各工况下的供电模式进行说明,并对功率管理系统的应用及主要功能进行阐述。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional (1D) coupled physical–microbiological model has been applied to a site in the central North Sea. The impact of the choice of the turbulence closure scheme on the modelling the primary production has been investigated.The model was run with four different parameterisations of vertical mixing of heat, momentum and dissolved and suspended matters, using M2 tidal forcing and the hourly mean meteorological forcing of 1989 to reproduce the annual thermal structure and primary production. The four mixing parameterisations are: Level 2 turbulence closure scheme [Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1974. A hierarchy of turbulence closure models for planetary boundary layers. J. Atmos. Sci. 31, 1791–1806; Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1982. Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical Fluid problems. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 20 (4) 851–875] using an explicit numerical scheme [Sharples, J., Tett, P., 1994. Modelling the effect of physical variability on the midwater chlorophyll maximum. J. Mar. Res. 52, 219–238]; a version of the Level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme [Galperin, B., Kantha, L.H., Hassid, S., Rosati, A., 1988. A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows. J. Atmos. Sci. 45, 55–62; Ruddick, K.G., Deleersnijder, E., Luyten, P.J., Ozer, J., 1995. Haline stratification in the rhine/meuse freshwater plume: a 3D model sensitivity analysis. Cont. Shelf Res. 15 (13) 1597–1630] simplified to use an algebraic mixing length by Sharples and Simpson [Sharples, J., Simpson, J.H., 1995. Semidiurnal and longer period stability cycles in the Liverpool Bay region of freshwater influence. Cont. Shelf Res. 15, 295–313], also solved explicitly; the same simplified L2.5 scheme with an implicit numerical solution and modified vertical discretisation scheme [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206]; and another version of the same scheme (but using a different algebraic mixing length) as described by Xing and Davies [Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996a. Application of turbulence energy models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in the shelf edge regions. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 26, 417–447; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996b. Application of a range of turbulence models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in shelf edge regions. Cont. Shelf. Res. 16, 517–547; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1998. Application of a range of turbulence energy models to the computation of the internal tide. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 26, 1055–1084]. Various model outputs at the sea surface and in depth profiles have been compared with data collected in 1989 as part of the North Sea Project [Huthnance, J.M., 1990. Progress on North Sea Project. NERC News, vol. 12, pp. 25–29, UK]. It is shown that the biological results are extremely sensitive to the small changes in the physical conditions, which arise due to the different turbulence schemes tested. The timing of the spring bloom and the maintenance of the midwater chlorophyll maximum all differ greatly between model runs, and the gross primary production varies by a factor of two from the highest to lowest results. The simplified Level 2.5 scheme, implemented using the numerical methods of Annan [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206], produces results, which give the best agreement with the available data.  相似文献   

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